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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. IC (Raltz Nightwing, Taris Imperial Outpost): "Thank you, Lieutenant Arkada." Raltz turned to the technicians, handing one his E-11. "Put the mobile unit in the enlisted barracks," he told them before pulling out a small comm unit, keyed into the Inquisitor's frequency. "Inquisitors, I thought I should let you know my squad and I have landed on the surface of Taris, at a small Imperial outpost of some sort. If you run into any trouble, we are available for rapid deployment should you need us."
  2. IC (Raltz Nightwing, Imperial Outpost): Two columns of stormtroopers marched out of the troop transport, followed by Raltz. His eyes narrowed as he surveyed the area. He had seen worse, admittedly, but not much. He spotted an officer standing at attention. Good, this outpost could ensure the bare minimum of efficiency, at least. "I want that mobile unit in the armory!" he barked at the technicians pushing the mobile armory unit before he approached the officer, a lieutenant by her pips. Raltz clicked his heels and drew up into a smart salute. "Sergeant Raltz Nightwing, designation DT-204, Inquisitorius. We're here to augment the Imperial forces on this planet to ensure that the Inquisitor's mission goes as smoothly as possible."
  3. Well, Raltz did just land with his squad at the Imperial base...
  4. If possible, Rebels could get you in the mood. Also, we do have some bones for Old Republic fans, as everyone is currently on Taris.
  5. IC (Raltz Nightwing, Taris): The landing ship shook as it started to enter the atmosphere. The lander had no viewports, obviously, but Raltz didn't need one. He had seen the squalor from orbit. He had never much cared for ecumenopoli, much preferring the agrarian world similar to the one he grew up on. Imperial Center was the only city-world that held his interest, and even then he knew the entire planet couldn't be shining buildings and statues. There had been grime just beneath the surface, a filth that would be much more up-front here on Taris. The inquisitors had shown historical interest in this world, but Raltz had only concerned himself with the recent history. A fairly quiet world, considering some of the worlds Raltz had been deployed to in the past. Beyond a hijacking of a moff's ship, not much notable rebel activity. Plenty of crime, though. A slight smile creeped onto the hard-edged face of the veteran stormtrooper as a brief thought flashed into his mind, that of misguided youth seeing he and his stormtroopers in all their glory, and going to enlist. Raltz's imaginary enlistment scenario was dismissed by the muffled voice of the transport's pilot calmly deflecting the confused transmissions of flight control. They weren't expected, as if anyone ever did expect them. Looking around, Raltz did a quick last-minute check of the transport craft's cargo: eight Inquisitorius elite stormtroopers clad in scarred yet polished black armor. They had varying weapons, Raltz allowed them their personal preference. Two technicians in Imperial Army uniforms, with a mobile armory unit, containing extra specialist weaponry in addition to his personal arms and armor. Last was himself. He was out of uniform, technically; his formal uniform coat and hat, worn over his stormtrooper bodyglove, armed for now with a standard E-11 blaster. As the transport maneuvered in for a landing, Raltz straightened into his harness. He wondered who had been sent to greet them.
  6. IC (Raltz Nightwing, ISD Insight): Several decades of service has its perks, Raltz thought to himself as he sat in his private quarters. A rare privilege for a stormtrooper aboard a Star Destroyer, especially an enlisted man, even a sergeant. He poured his drink of choice, aged golden Corellian ale, into the small glass, before closing the crystal bottle. It had been a get-well gift from his previous stormtrooper squad's survivors after the accident which gave him the cybernetics. Few years ago now, but it seemed even longer. Raltz reached for the glass, then stopped. Wrong hand. He reached out with his organic hand instead, holding it up to toast. Freewater. Am'marie. Church. Khilad. Half killed by his hand. The other half by his order. All in service to... what? Raltz downed the glass. This wasn't what he had fought and killed for. To lose ground to some rebellion. We have the ships, why don't we just glass Chandrilla from orbit? Hmm... maybe the drink was taking effect too fast. He'd have to get his chemical diffuser implant checked out. Getting up to leave, Raltz adjusted his uniform, a simple black shirt worn over his bodyglove. He would wear stormtrooper armor, if he had been issued it. Regardless, the Inquistitors were going on a mission to the planet's surface. He needed to be ready. Locking his quarters, Raltz walked to the armory where his armor was kept. Just in case he needed to be deployed. OOC: Raltz available for interaction... I guess. Don't think anybody else is on the Insight currently...
  7. Oh, by 'Imperial' I meant Sith Empire. Yeah, they attacked the planet again in TOR.
  8. It survived. It's around in TOR, just... worse. Imperial efforts don't exactly help the poor planet.
  9. With some scattered examples, as the highest points, of 'stuff conceptualized in the Renaissance but not actually made'. Like the Iron Mahi. There's also stuff like the Exo-Matoran, which is rather a revamp of the Boxer from canon.
  10. Even though canon Toa of magnetism are black and gunmetal, I have Casanuva as primarily blue, because... Well, Gahlok-Kal was blue. Though in this iteration it's more that his mask is blue, kind of like how Nuparu's mask was orange. His body is mostly black and gunmetal, but he wears blue armor that matches his mask.
  11. IC (Vanndred, The Stray Tach): Well, that was kind of her. That put a brick back in the foundation of his next medical treatment. Vanndred slid back into his booth, picking up one of the nerf kebabs. He scanned the bar again, this time not letting his head movement betray him. As he did so, he tore the first two pieces of meat off the stick, his tongue flicking them to the back of his mouth one by one. Chewing was overrated, as were cheeks to do so with. Mmmmm. Tasty.
  12. IC: Maeloc deactivated his mask; he had seen enough spying through the floor down onto this meeting. So, he thought, this is a hostage exchange. He was a bit light on his end, so he decided to take some of us hostage. Appropriately bold and foolish for a Toa Maru. As the turaga got up off the floor, a clinking noise drew his attention; one of the elemental amulets, the Ices one. Delicately picking it up, Maeloc cursed that skakdi that had held Eisen's attention. Still...
  13. Been coughing up my lung for the past few weeks. Not stuff that was IN my lung, parts of my actual lung. Pneumonia sucks.

  14. IC: Skorm looked at Silo with a hint of anger. "It wasn't mind control! Those decisions were mine and mine alone. The best I can describe it besides... a sensation of pure evil effusing every atom of your body is... I don't know, a sickness. For me the symptoms were lots of black fluid leaking from my face and turning into a psychopath."
  15. IC (Vanndred, The Stray Tach): The Chistori's head dipped a little as he picked up the plate of nerf kebabs. "I will." Vanndred took a few steps before turning his head back at Sue. <<If you ask me, she's gonna bring trouble,>> he said in Huttese. <<Trust me. It was hunters like me that were usually the trouble.>>
  16. Same. Though I will not be swayed of the opinion this will end in tears.
  17. IC: As he looked between Eisen and perhaps the last person on the island he expected to see, Maeloc quietly sighed. I'm never going to get that meeting with Eisen, am I? The Onu-Turaga started backing out of the room. "I was going to speak with you, Eisen, but I see you will be... disposed. I shall... retire, for the evening. Away from here." As the Archivist scurried out the the room, he snapped at one of the bristling guards, who followed him. "Eisen can handle this. I want the guards to search the Citadel, this may be a distraction." IC: Kalyss shivered in the cold. "I'll check out the one light." Her form shimmered as she activated her mask, and a trail of melted snow followed her blurred form as she dashed up to the solitary door with light. Her mask was still powering down when Kalyss started pounding on the door. "Hello? We need a guide to Ihu-Koro!"
  18. IC: Cyrix still stood his recon vigil on the snowy roof of the Ko-Koro building under guise of his Volitak. It wasn't a glorious job, but the glory was for the rest of the team. They got the glory, he got recon in the cold. Korero hadn't even come back yet. He focused his goggles on the distant figure in front of the Citadel unsheathing his weapons. Funny, he'd spotted enough crazy guys looking to enter. This guy looked like a different type of crazy. Cyrix wished the Toa Maru of Air was here, he would know what call to make. Aelied would tell him to watch and listen, and Cyrix would do that. Still... he wasn't... IC: Kalyss sparked a few bursts of plasma to heat herself up. "Is there anyone to ask...?" Her voice did not hold much optimism.
  19. IC (Vanndred, The Stray Tach): The former hunter took a step back and slouched a bit. "No problem from me, Miss." Vanndred let his hand hang at his side. "Just getting my lunch."
  20. IC (Vanndred, The Stray Tach): Noticing the way the woman was eyeing him leaning over the instrument case, Vanndred picked up his drink and stepped back from the counter. "Sorry, miss," he said before taking a sip of his drink. From this side, he saw that the woman was packing; Vanndred's eye-ridges went up, he nearly swallowed his drink's straw, and his free hand twitched a little bit towards his own blaster when he saw there was an annihilator super-heavy pistol at her side. If it was factory-fresh it had almost the same specs as his highly modified and tuned Hunter Elite. If she was packing firepower like that, she really was either a hunter looking to collect or somebody serious on the run. If her question to Sue meant anything, she was the former.
  21. OOC: I actually edited his order to be fruit juice; realized that as a reptile, he couldn't really drink milk... and I don't want to think about it too much. IC (Vanndred, The Stray Tach): Vanndred attempted to smile as he grabbed the drink along with a straw, pushing over a credit chit as he did so. "Thanks, Sue."
  22. IC: Skorm kept his eyes on the distant village as he kept foliage between him and it. "Well, I tried to kill him and the other Kalta. That's the story without context." One look told Skorm his companion wouldn't be satisfied without the context. "Well, I was tracking him down to start putting the team back together. Followed his trail out of Le-Koro, ran into a skakdi by the name of Zaktan. Doused me with some nasty stuff called Antidermis." Absentmindedly, Skorm put his hand to his mask, where one of the stains were. "Twisted my mind. By the time I came to, I just wanted to... rip. Tear. Kill. Starting with my team. Tracked him to Ga-Koro, where he had met up with Kalyss and Vakua. They, with a few others, fought me off. I killed a Marine on my way in, nearly killed another on my way out." Skorm scowled as he stood tall, adjusting his sword's strap on his shoulder, and putting down his hood. "Bit more to that story. Went down into Mangaia with a few others. Ran into rahkshi. The Abettor. He didn't take a liking to me, smashed me half to pieces. Met Zaktan again, he told me about Antidermis. From there I passed out for a while. Woke up after someone sympathetic dragged me to Po-Wahi. Met Stannis Maru, he healed me. Body and mind. Wanna make good on this second chance."
  23. IC (Vanndred, The Stray Tach): Vanndred looked down as his stomach rumbled. Might as well stop waiting. The former bounty hunter slipped out of his booth and maneuvered his way to the bar. The only free(ish) space was on the other side of the large woman, taken up by her instrument case. How inconsiderate. Vanndred leaned on the space around it. "Hey Sue, I'd like a nonalchoholic fruit juice and an order of nerf kebabs. I'm in the mood for something hot tonight." As he had walked up, Vanndred had pulled out one of his credit chits to cover the meal. The other hand stayed near his hip.
  24. I meant Skakdi-hating as a modifier for toa. Ah. Haven't noticed many of those, actually. Me and Silent King have a pair, travelling together. I myself refer to the pair currently as the Brooding Ba-Toa.
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