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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. I was gonna say, I remember going over the original post introducing them here when I was making Fyura, and I remembered how they were used as an example of player-created custom stuff.
  2. I'm particularly proud of Fyura's power set because it creates an unstable equilibrium for her: she can feed to drain energy, which staves off her parakuka. However, it also allows her to shift more often, which speeds up the parakuka' draining of her lifespan, which makes her want to drain more... Om nom nom.
  3. IC: "You've got that wrong. I was working to ensure my family stays out of the gutters. I was told to help someone escape, so I did. Not all of us have the luxury of having our leash held by the ruling clan of the empire." Most of the pain had left Askha's demeanor. "And yes, she is that crazy. She was a real sadistic piece of work before she defected, and I don't imagine her time with the Fursics did anything to improve her. Our clans didn't exactly have the greatest of relationships."
  4. IC: The Mashtet focused on Higashi, sizing her up. "You were there? Well, I won't call you out for screwing up your job if you don't call me out on screwing up mine. And as for your cousin, that might be another thing we have in common if Sydelia gets here. She's a nasty bit of work. Belongs with the Fursics, at least."
  5. IC: Sydelia frowned as she followed the general direction of the Hogo's Ideatalk out into the city. Well, it wasn't so different from the respect she normally got. :I'm adopted, so I highly doubt it. Did you wish to insult me more, or do you actually require a healer?: IC: "You must be fun at parties. Ever considered taking that act on the road?" Askha tried to cover the fear in her voice. Not at being promised execution, people promised they'd kill her at least twice a week. If Sydelia was on her way, she was screwed. A stay in the Imperial prisons awaiting the headsman looked comparatively nice. That traitorous ***** was psychotic.
  6. IC: Askha slowly began unbuckling her harness with the hand she wasn't using to staunch the bleeding. "Sure, sure. You're going to have to ask that Plangori for my falcata back, though." While she did so, Askha kept her eyes on Hanabe and Higashi, switching between the two. IC: Sydelia perked her head up when she picked up on the Ideatalk requesting a medic. She wasn't too far, in the royal gardens. She began repacking her satchel as she responded. She could use a break from the gossip of the day. :This is Fursic Sydelia, I'm a healer. Where are you?:
  7. IC: Askha spat to the side. "I'll have a clear head when I don't have a jagged piece of crystal tapdancing over my ribs."
  8. IC: "Well," Askha uttered through her clamped jaw, "you and I agree on something! You're Hogo, call one in!" Her hand went back to applying pressure to her side. Needed to get more blood. How thick-masked was this woman? Well, her soulsword was a fist, so Askha mentally slapped herself for not seeing this coming. "I can tell you anything I know, I just... this hurts..." Askha coughed again, making it sound as wet as possible.
  9. One could go for the Dark Sun approach, and have elemental powers irreparably damage the world.
  10. Is that what I've been coughing up for the last year and a half?
  11. IC: Another cough. "No I'm not carrying any #### bandages! Call a-" Askha gulped down another breath of air, "medic or something!"
  12. I don't drink, so that's categorically impossible... I think I was looking at another article then. I must have been, but I don't know what; besides the merfolk and its related pages, the only page I looked at was the Kalta's page, and I KNOW I'm the only curator of that page...
  13. I was probably only looking at 'recent' history, which had you as the sole editor. Either that or I really WAS sleep-deprived.
  14. Well, according to the article's history, someone named Ghosthands created it. So unless there's another one running about that I don't know of...
  15. Because swim is a skill that is usually ignored, you can't swim well in heavy armor without lots of ranks, drowning sucks, weapons do less damage and have less range, all the REALLY nasty creatures the GM wants to throw at you but never gets to live there (when else are they gonna get to attack the players with a sea serpent, or a Scylla, or a Charybdis, or an Undead sea serpent, or a kraken...), you know, stuff like that. Oh. You meant in THIS game. My guess is lack of accessibility. Also on another note, Ga-Koro expedition is for most intents and purposes done. At least, everyone is back on shore.
  16. I can see why. Just from my tabletop RPG experience, full-on aquatic stuff is usually scorned. People only care about when Deep Ones or Sahuagin are about to tip the boat... Anyway, always fun to see a... record of how different the BZPRPG seems to be before I joined.
  17. So I was on the wiki, and I came up with a name, which I wanted to see how it looked in print. And when I started typing, something popped up which I honestly was not expecting. WHAT IS THIS WHY DID GHOST WRITE AN ENTRY FOR MERFOLK
  18. IC: Maeloc moved with purpose for the Sanctum. He was tentative; the news was that lord Echelon had returned. He must have left while he was travelling; what had he returned from? No matter. Above his station. He had to present his findings, and Eisen was the one to see. He walked through the streets unfazed; unless they were especially suicidal, none would dare interfere with a Legacy member, even if he was a scholar. Well, one of the Piraka probably would, but Maeloc tried to avoid them when he could. The turaga had left the others outside the gate; Fyura had started enjoying her newfound status, and last he saw of her she was ducking into one of the many bars that were popping up. At least she was out of his tunnel. The guards let him by with a nod, and he proceeded to look for one of his superiors in Nightfall. Hopefully one of the less psychotic ones.
  19. OOC: Last time I need to bunny characters for this. IC: When the Marine's boat returned to the marinas of Ga-Koro, Aokora was relieved enough that any lack of fanfare didn't faze her overmuch. As her expedition unloaded from the boat, she waved off a medic. "I need to see the Akiri!" The Marines around her largely ignored her, save one. "I'm sure she's busy at the moment. You'll be able to see her when you're healed, now let's move you to-" "No!" the Archeologist stated firmly, her voice nearly cracking. "This is important!" The Marine looked her up and down. "Fine. Let's go." Aokora nodded and started to follow her, but stopped, turning to Zaara and Aine. "I'm going to need the amulets," she said softly. "The Akiri will know what to do with them." The two women nodded and surrendered the artifacts, which Aokora wrapped in a piece of cloth and clung tightly to her chest. "As for all of you... As of know, the expedition is done. I'm sorry it turned out the way it did, I could never have expected... them... to show up. You can meet me at my museum tomorrow if you wish to discuss anything further, but I need to go see the Akiri now." * * * The Archeologist felt very small stepping into the Akiri's office, no matter the decoration. Her arms felt numb clinging to the bundle. "That expedition you gave me a grant for has been... well, we've returned, and we found these." Aokora laid the cloth on the Akiri's desk, unwrapping the two amulets: made from organic protodermis, with bands of metallic tendon, centered around a gleaming heartstone. One was a deep indigo and aqua blue, the other was a regal blue and burnished gold. "My expedition found an ancient temple, ancient matoran. Long before the First Toa showed up, and it might be one of the oldest on the island-" Aokora ran out of breath. "You don't care about this. Sorry. Anyway, the entire temple was built around a shrine with three of these amulets. Traps, even some sort of guardian rahi; anyway, as we were investigating the final chamber, another team showed up. They were... fearsome. They were led by an Onu-Turaga named Maeloc. He knew me, said he read my work... and he identified himself as a member of the Legacy." The Archeologist tried to let that hang in the air. "He liked to talk. Maeloc said he already had the Ice amulet before he stole the other amulet, and was planning on corrupting their use into some sort of restraining device. And now that I've seen what they can do, I think I believe his words have some element of truth. When someone wears them, their elemental powers are suppressed, and after a time they can somewhat emulate the element aligned with the amulet. This one," she said as she pointed at the fully blue amulet, "we have identified as the amulet of water. The other we have not been able to figure out."
  20. Oh, most definitely. Good guy groups are moving in, however.
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