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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. Yeah, I'm just saying, I was planning a temple trawl in Le-Wahi. Didn't want to poach players, just getting that out there.
  2. ... Are you willing to wait? One of the followup quests to the Amulet Quest (also running any followups very differently, also still working on the current one I promise) will take place in Le-Wahi.
  3. IC: Casanuva (Muaka's Den) Kicking his way through what was left of the wall, Casanuva looked back at what motley band of misfits had gathered, following their misfit of a leader. Given time and resources, he wouldn't be able to pick better. He looked through the new hallway Thak had broken into. "We're headed in the right direction. Might take a bit a bit more than a few piledrivers to get us out entirely, but I might have a solution for that." As the Fa-Toa finished speaking, screaming erupted from down the hall as a prisoner was disintegrated by plasma fire. The guard responsible, a massive Su-Toa wearing orange and black armor wielding a pair of glowing batons. He was flanked by several others, obviously other cultists. "Lock this group down!" The lead guard shouted as his followers fanned out. He charged one of the batons with plasma, and fired it at Casanuva. The shot impacted an invisible magnetic sphere, the ionized gas interlacing like a spiderweb before dissipating. OOC: Sorry about the absence, guys!
  4. IC: Cyrix's mouth twitched. He wasn't doing anything useful. He slung his crossbow onto his back, and walked over to the roof hatch, tightening his scarf. Korero would likely be a while; he could afford a little recon duty. Activating his Volitak, the Le-Toa slipped up the ladder, opening the hatch. Snow poured past him, and he crawled onto the roof of the abandoned building, and ran to the corner, resting behind the short wall on the edge. Under the cover of his Volitak, he observed what he could of Ko-Koro.
  5. IC: Casanuva (Muaka's Den) Glancing about, the Fa-Toa nodded quickly. "All right." His eyes wandered and his fingers twitched, forming a plan of battle. "All right!" Casanuva shouted. "We need to gather as many of the others as possible, and find a way out! If we can't find one, we make one!" Casanuva's magnetoception alerted him there was someone approaching him from behind. His eyes darted to the side, and he gripped Ferrite in two hands, twisting it around and stabbing the sword backwards. There was a grunt of pain, and a Huna-using Toa uncloaked, clutching the sword impaling his chest. Casanuva pulled Ferrite out, and the guard fell to his knees, cursing him. The Toa, his colors indicating Ice, charged his hand with elemental energy; the Toa Kalta swiftly took his head off before he could unleash it. Hefting his bloody sword to his shoulder, Casanuva's eyes burned with purpose. "Let's go."
  6. IC: Casanuva (Muaka's Den) Casanuva grabbed the guard Thak punched by the shoulders, and drove him headfirst into the wall. "I just told you the long-term plan. Right now, my plan is to get out of this place, rescuing as many people as possible."
  7. IC: Casanuva (Muaka's Den) Well. That was new. There was commotion after the field shattered; guards, prisoners. As he stepped out from the remnants of his long-ruined door, he heard an all-too-familiar voice, a few cells over. "Who's next, ya bloody scrapbags?!" Well, that was a thing. Before he could think much further, however, one of the guards approached him. It was a lanky one, armored in spiny black armor, any skin exposed revealing elaborately scarred hide. In his time here, Casanuva had learned it was called a 'Skrall'. The guard pointed its sword the Toa Kalta. "You! Back in your cell, or I'm freeing you right now!" The Fa-Toa frowned, raising his arms. His palms facing backwards. His fingers twitched, and the discarded door to Thak's cell shifted. The Skrall guard snarled. "What are you-" Casanuva didn't let him finish. Pulling the cell door to his hands, Casanuva grimaced as he swung it overhead, his Pakari activating, flinging it at the guard. The mass of metal struck the guard backwards onto the ground. Not easily felled, the guard growled as he untangled his limbs from the bars... until Casanuva stepped forward and stomped on the door, crushing it down onto him. The Skrall quit squirming. The Fa-Toa turned to Thak, drawing Ferrite as he did so. "Listen. I know we might have clashed in the arena, but if we can get out of here, I have a map. I can lead us and the other prisoners to that crashed facility the guards were talking about. It's our best way out of this Karzahni... All of us. You in?"
  8. Yeah. Its why my posts have all but halted... though the Amulet quest wrap-up is in progress.
  9. Seems like too important a detail to relegate to a tiny line of IC text, but I fixed it.
  10. IC: Casanuva (Muaka's Den) The Fa-Toa growled. He still had his Pakari at least, and he could try to make himself a little more living space if he failed. His Kanohi glowing, Casanuva kicked at the wall to his cell. Not the one belonging to the irate Vortixx.
  11. IC: Casanuva (Muaka's Den) Casanuva reappeared in his cell, as he had before. He sighed, placing Ferrite back on his back. The stinging welts on his body had softened to dull aches. This might be good for him, but he wasn't any closer to escaping. If anything, he was farther! Grimacing, the Fa-Toa walked towards the remains of his cell door, but walked into another one of the **** fields.
  12. OOC: Jeez, that break took a lot longer than I thought. IC: Casanuva (Sota Colosseum) Looking around him, Casanuva sighed. He should be better than this. Then again, he had brought a sword to a 'no-kill' fight, and he was certainly one of the more mundane prisoners. Quickly kneeling, the Fa-Toa picked up the ball of iron Thak had fired at him; another thing to magnetize would never hurt. OOC: Up for a fight in the Colosseum
  13. IC: Casanuva (Sota Colosseum) The iron ball caught Casanuva by surprise, sending him flying back, breaking his concentration. The Fa-Toa groaned. He rolled over, slamming the ground with his fist. Clambering to his feet, he surveyed the colosseum.
  14. So my question remains: would an Av-Toa's laser (a 'true' laser) still cut if it only remains in the visible spectrum?
  15. I'm perfectly fine with that decision, but I'm trying to figure out if an Av-Toa created laser can still even cut. I think it's infrared lasers that do that kind of work for the most part in real life.
  16. That has... interesting consequences when it comes to lasers. I'm fairly sure they still work when just using the visible spectrum.
  17. OOC: That... wasn't a killing blow. A Pakari-powered punch would be a killing blow; this was literally a finger flick. Casanuva knows how to do a non-lethal KO. And yes, I am aware that would probably cause serious lasting brain damage in real life, but any unconsciousness from head trauma in real life can cause serious damage; the idea of a 'knock-out bout' is blatantly fantastical. Also, I still don't understand how Thak is even seeing; heat vision uses infrared light. That's pretty obvious, given that's how real heat vision works, and Hollis is bending all light away from Thak's eyes... IC: Casanuva (Sota Games) Casanuva turned his hand, magnetizing Thak's head to his palm. He calmly replaced Ferrite to its position on his back. "Fine. You don't want the tap to the skull? The easy way? Then again, you struck me as a 'hard way' kinda guy," he said, winding up a punch with his free hand.
  18. IC: Raiyo giggled nervously. "Ahah....ha... No, I think you can handle it, I have to do... errands..." The Dashi was still in shock. She was supposed to go into a battle? But... she must do what was required of her. It didn't matter that she was just a housemaid... She was a Vilda, and it was her duty to her clan to save her Toroshu! Brave tears streaming down her face, Raiyo let out a pitiful squeal as her warcry as she started jogging toward the battle, rushing past Hanabe to Relisai, reaching out for her hand.
  19. IC: Casanuva (Sota Colisseum) The Fa-Toa frowned, walking towards the skakdi. "I don't have to explain anything to you." He reached out, his Pakari glowing, to deliver an empowered flick to the Thak's head.
  20. Actually, not even thermal vision would work, since it would be seeing infrared light. Hollis is bending ALL light.
  21. I'll edit my post to reflect that (heh) when Scorp edits his.
  22. IC: Casanuva (Sota Colisseum) Casanuva quickly bounded up. He held out his hand, calling Ferrite to him. The sword drew itself to its creator, the Fa-Toa gripping the blade in both hands. "My name is Casanuva. Last of the Toa Kalta. And you are interfering with my chance to get everyone out."
  23. IC: Casanuva quickly fell in behind Soraph, with Zueya catching up to walk beside him. The Vo-Toa gave Casanuva a wry grin. "You know, your 'acquainting' is certainly going a fair bit different than your usual. Unless you got slapped before we found you." The Fa-Toa rolled his eyes. "I was a matoran when that happened; can you drop it? Kalyss did." "Yeah, but she regularly punches people, plenty of time to have our little incident knocked out of her head." Vakua and Aelied trailed behind the party. Aelied seemed to be looking at the surrounding nature, but spoke under his breath to Vakua. "I want all information you have found out regarding these Dasaka. Via mental transmission, if you please." The De-Toa nodded in compliance. His step slowed and his hand went to his forehead, concentrating on filling in what he had learned previously. Several seconds later, Vakua finished, reeling as he felt lightheaded. Aelied continued on. The extent of their mental powers are... troubling. I want you to be on alert while we are here; if you sense mental intrusion, with myself in particular, I want you to begin a combat mindlink. Also, I want you to probe Casanuva for anything he might have picked up from Soraph's Willhammer interrogation. Vakua weakly nodded.
  24. OOC: Does Hollis remember that this happened, and Casanuva did this in response? Was hoping he'd be a little bit more grateful. IC: Casanuva (Sota Colosseum) Having done enough hand-to-hand with Kalyss, Casanuva knew a suplex when he felt one. One thing his opponent didn't count for, however, was his Pakari. Casanuva lifted his arm as Thak twisted his head towards the ground, stopping the suplex with one arm, capable of holding both of the combatants' weight. Releasing the magnetic hold over Thak's hands, both tumbled to the ground.
  25. IC: Casanuva (Sota Colosseum) The Fa-Toa knew what was coming when he realized he was slinging empty knuckles instead of a big copper skakdi. Casanuva took the punch, the impact denting his armor... but Thak's fist stuck to Casanuva's now-magnetized armor. "I think you and I have different definitions of 'unfair'," Casanuva hissed. He twisted Ferrite in his hands, and the remnants of the orb of bolts twisted on the ground. "You want to know what comes next, or do you want to tap out?"
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