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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. IC: Casanuva remained silent as Soraph talked. Her second request caught him off-guard, though. He could practically feel Aelied's gaze boring into the back of his head. Did you discuss this with her? No. This is new. What does Aelied think? Well, this all seems to depend on the Commodore's answer, doesn't it? I would have liked to have been informed of this development. I would talk with this Soraph woman, but otherwise, I see no issue at hand unless she compromises our mission here. Very well, master. When Soraph finished talking, Casanuva stepped forward. "Uh, hi. I'm Casanuva, I'm the one that initially thought of bringing Vakua back here. Another advantage I can see of your expedition taking him in is that... Well, nobody is denying the powers possessed by your people are amazing. They are, however, somewhat... limited. At least in comparison to what is here on Mata Nui. If Vakua is with you, you have at your disposal a very skilled Toa of Sonics."
  2. This will be the day you're waiting for?
  3. IC: "Yeah, yeah, I..." Askha staggered back, putting pressure on her wound with both hands. She hit the wall of the building behind her. Several more stammered curses erupted from her mouth before she devolved into a racking cough. Looking into her hand, she saw blood. "Oh no..."
  4. "What a lovely... November... day..."

  5. IC: "Cut me a break," Askha growled, "it's not exactly something I make a habit of doing!" The Mashtet broke the blade lock, pushing away Higashi's blade. She slowly sheathed her saber, both as a measure to appear non-threatening and to mitigate the pain in her side. She then tossed aside the tomahawk. Breathing heavily, Askha winced, and grunted. "Ugh... combat high's coming down... Owowowowowow..."
  6. IC: Askha parried the thrust, knocking the blow aside. Biting back a stream of curses, she locked blades with Higashi. "You have rocks in your head or something?" she shouted. "I'm trying to surrender here, and you try to cut off my arm!"
  7. IC: The Plangori dashed past Askha before the Mashtet could do anything. Well, she could either dive into the sewer herself, dragging the fight into a claustrophobic mess, likely infecting her wound... or she could try something else. Askha took as deep a breath as she dared as she pushed herself back onto two feet, and turned around. Her foot caught the tomahawk, and flipped it with Mindarm up into her waiting hand. One side still had her blood on it. Speaking of which, the cracked armor that had been driven into her side was starting to feel wet; she held her side. Looking up at the two Menti left, Askha's eyes darted between them. "Well, looks like you've got me dead to rights, haven't you?" IC: When Raiyo heard the splashing from behind them, she couldn't help but look. The Dashi stifled a gasp as she saw it wasn't Askha, but the Menti with the soulsword and shield... and Raiyo could see Askha's falcata in the Plangori's grasp. Her hand covered Relisai's mouth as she tried to pull the disabled Toroshu around a corner, leading into a slightly bigger channel.
  8. They can, actually, it's just... a thing. One has to clear it with the mods.
  9. I could have sworn there was a WIP map of the island somewhere...
  10. IC: "I'm here!" Raiyo reached out for Relisai, and started quickly leading her away from the drain. She tried not to think about the mercenary. "We should... head this way. Eventually it will lead out to the city."
  11. Don't know if you saw, but some characters want to talk to Ayiwah over in Ga-Wahi.

  12. IC: The maid dropped to the ground; Askha couldn't tell it was on purpose of if she had just stumbled. Either way, she slid into the crawlspace of the stormdrain. One down, two to go. Two targets everyone was aiming at... Askha moved the Toroshu in front of her. "Follow Raiyo's voice! I'll keep-" The Mashtet's voice cut off. There sound of tearing fabric and shattering crystal could be heard as the tomahawk tangled itself in Askha's robes and impacted her armor. The axe's blade bounced off, but not before cracking the armor plate, driving it into her side. The breath was knocked out of her, and Askha dropped to her knee. As she struggled to gulp down breaths, her furious gaze fell upon the Hogo. She let go of the Vilda, and reached out at her falcata laying on the ground several bios away. Shakily, it skidded along the ground as it moved toward her grasp.
  13. IC: As she looked around, the pieces clicked together in her head. Askha swallowed. Now. She gave a small telekinetic nudge to the maid, prodding her to run at the storm drain. There was the matter of the Hogo standing in the way; Askha had that covered, hopefully. The Mashtet released pressure on Yuuki, and ceased reaching out with Mindarm to wield her falcata, twirling it with a flourish before letting it clatter to the ground. Grabbing a hold of the Vilda Toroshu, she herself rushed toward the storm drain. Glancing aside, she focused on a piece of debris from the wrecked building, and chucked it as hard as she could at the Hogo guarding it All or nothing.
  14. (... Is what I would say if I was playing when Makuta was a force on the island)
  15. Please contact Onu-Koro customer service for delivery concerns.
  16. The Ko-Koro expedition is pretty much over! Just have to wrap some stuff up behind the scenes. Like I said in the post, I'll get back to you with what exactly has changed for your character; y'all have undertaken a mission for the Legacy, after all! At the very least some street cred is in order. As for the Ga-Koro side, I'm still waiting on Tyler to get back to me to wrap things up. But fret not, it's coming! I think.
  17. OOC: Luyn, Ira, Zarkov, Fyura, Insidian, Krakant, and Maeloc from Ga-Wahi IC: As the expedition began approaching Ko-Koro, Maeloc was going over what he would be doing. While the expedition was a failure, it wasn't a total success either. And if the observations he had made on the trip back meant anything, this new amulet was next to useless for his intended purpose. On the other hand, he could reliably report the usefulness of the members of the expedition; Zarkov, Insidian, and Krakant were reliable, Luyn exceptionally so. The Brotherhood member Ira even followed orders well. Fyura was a bit hard to control, but she did make an effective battlefield presence, if only to distract others. Maeloc shivered. He could even tell Eisen he had an update for that mask he was looking for; it would take the sting off asking for a replacement spade head for his staff. "Alright, you all are dismissed," he shouted to his assembled crew, several handing back the artifacts. "Stick around Ko-Koro, of course. Who knows, job opportunities may open up for you." He turned away from the members of the expedition and faced the Ko-Koro guards. "Ho there! I'm back. Any news for me?" OOC: As of now, the 'expedition' part of the Ko-Koro amulet expedition is over! Sorry for the wait (I know, calling that a wait is like saying the Titanic sprung a leak), but you all are free at last! Ira might have some interesting things to go over with the gate guards, but for the most part, you're done! I'll get back to you all with what has changed for your character after I've had a talk with Ghosthands.
  18. IC: Maeloc furrowed his mask in thought, wondering what the future would bring of this woman. Pushing those thought aside, he focused on the present as he hobbled away. "Come on. We have important business back home." Casting one last scowl at Ga-Koro, the Legacy archivist left, expedition in tow. Fyura didn't like this sneaking around business; she was never one for subtle work. But still, offering solid 'advice' was never a bad thing. The skakdi clicked her teeth as the group left through the gate, under the watchful eyes of the Marines on guard. OOC: Luyn, Ira, Zarkov, Fyura, Insidian, Krakant, and Maeloc to Ko-Wahi! IC: Casanuva grinned. "Well, you say favors, I say cultural exchange... with some favors attached." Casanuva was keenly aware of Aelied watching him, observing. As if this was some form of test. Another one.
  19. I should be able to start reviving stuff and making strides either tonight after my legal exam.
  20. I always assumed that the 'natural Toa' come into existence as matoran, then fully transformed during early 'adolescence'.
  21. IC: Maeloc rubbed his chin and exchanged a confused glance with Fyura. "I don't really know. Fyura, you got it from Zaktan, right?" The fe-skakdi shrugged. "Vell ya, but I zhink Hakann might be geeving et avay now." A bemused expression made its way onto Maeloc's face. "Really, I'm just sating your curiousity, the Piraka are giving the stuff away. It's not my concern how you get there. Now, unless you have any further questions, we should be going."
  22. I think Fyura's a nice spin on Parakuka-users, in that she can actually counteract some of the downsides by preying on others.
  23. IC: Askha narrowed her eyes and squinted. She wasn't using her sword like an arrow, no. That would be stupid. When her falcata's blade impacted against Yukie's shield, she didn't let go, she tightened her grip and pushed. If the Plangori let up or let the falcata slide off, the forward-curving broad crystal blade would move forward... where Yukie had the misfortune of standing. Easy way or the hard way... the Mashtet thought as she tried to shift her attention towards the Hogo.
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