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Everything posted by Omashard

  1. Omashard

    Serious Dinner

    UH Your Joker face will kill mine ;-; Well, unless Maggie serrrriously pulls through and gets some awesome makeup work together :>
  2. For crying out loud, you're farther then I am! I won't let myself go too far in the game at once. I want it to last =3 XD I'm playing on Easy for the time being, so I can get One Gun easily. I'ma do a Hard run w/ the Scorpion suit once I'm done with this one :> Scorpion s- WAIT DON'T TELL ME Much lulz. 's not a spoiler, sonneh. ;D You got it free if you pre-ordered the game, but could buy it on the PSN or Marketplace for 2.50 after it came out.
  3. I found that article a few days ago :3 It renews my faith in MapleStory <3
  4. For crying out loud, you're farther then I am! I won't let myself go too far in the game at once. I want it to last =3 XD I'm playing on Easy for the time being, so I can get One Gun easily. I'ma do a Hard run w/ the Scorpion suit once I'm done with this one :>
  5. So Ka, what chappy you on? I bought it on Sunday :3 And I'm on ch 8
  6. Omashard

    Political Poll

    I'm hugely into politics. Too bad I have to wait another 4 years to vote ;-; And btw: McCain/Palin '08 ftw ;D Joe Biden's cool too, lol.
  7. My science teacher burnt an aluminum soda can on a bunsen burner just the other day. It was awesome. Until he yelled something about the smell of burning metal and clapped my friend on the back xD
  8. I have one. It is not as fun as it looks. Amen to that. << >>
  9. Do iiiit~ You won't regret buying that game. I know ;-; My friends have already told me so ;-; /wrists
  10. Man, only 25 more dollars to go until I can buy it ;-; But I'm making 5 dollars an hour babysitting the sibs tomorrow night, so I'm gonna buy itttt <3 And lol @ Necrobabies w/ tentacles. Oh, and by the wayyy- get AIM <<
  11. Omashard


    I only have one word to add: BWAHAHAHAHA. That is all. :3
  12. This is quite entertaining to watch O.o;;

  13. Omashard


    Getting the 9 second glide is eaaasy, at least for me xP Just go to the Mr. Freeze level in the first hero chapter and get the Glide Suit. Go the platform thing where there's a gust of wind coming up and jump on the wind. Glide on it for nine seconds- achievement unlocked <3
  14. Lol, the art book is awwwwesome. I'll trade you my copy of the art book and 36 dolla for a copy of the game ;-;
  15. Lol, rip off the top of a biscuit, then shove it inside another biscuit <3 It's what I do when the school has biscuits at lunch lol
  16. Omashard

    Squeee~ <3

    YOU BOUGHT IT?!?!?!?!? I HAAAAAATE YOU. Everyone has it but me ;-; /wrists
  17. But don't get the Alkaline Trio's new stuff. Crimson is <3 Agony and Irony is too generic :<
  18. Omashard


    WII SUX. END OF STORY, SON. *death glare*
  19. Tell him Shard wishes him a fast recovery ;D
  20. I ate the fortune without reading it one time. I hope it actually was a good one :<
  21. I was just listening to that when I pulled into your blagh. Foo Fighters <3
  22. Omashard

    I Just Realized

    Lol, me and my buddy bought the volume 3 DVD of TTGL. Never going back to dub Simon voice again *twitches*
  23. Wait... Dead Space on PC or 360? If 360- Dead Space. If PC- Crysis: Warhead. But happy birthday :3 And lol, have fun w/ Heroscape
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