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Everything posted by Omashard

  1. Better than Ezra: Before the Robots Your list is in dire need of BtE.
  2. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Eh, I dig Strakk and Vorox. Malum's ok. Rest are bleh.
  3. If that was my face on the Hulk, I'd be happysauce. And shop Xar's head onto... Iron Man or something.
  4. What do you mean? The level 3 suit is the one you see him in all the time on ads and whatnot. So I guess I just consider that his iconic suit. Iconic =/= sexy :3 Level five looks like a freaking killing machine. 3 looks like a real engineer's suit. :>
  5. Level 5 Suit = <3 Level 3 is bleh, at least bleh-looking.
  6. Lolwut. That song was like, the only one I ever sang on Karaoke Revolution on da Game Cube. Lolyey.
  7. Omashard


    Meh, geography's my thing. Oh, and the capital of Belarus is Minsk.
  8. Lolwut, I'm getting One Gun on Easy, dood.
  9. Get well soon, man. Pneumonia's rough. My little brother had it a few winters back, had to constantly be around a humidifier and his asthma went overboard. :\
  11. Ahaha, so this is Kachz's lady.

    I'm Shard lolol

  12. Two things: Nice job of getting your chick on BZP Annnd That girl's hawt. Pink hair + leather dress thing = epic win
  13. So wait, did the parentals ever see the hole? O_O;;
  14. Omashard

    If Only...

    Obvious shop is obvious.
  15. I like the idea... It just seems the story would only be a one-dimensional thing, I guess. What would he do if he got out? Because I really couldn't see him doing much after he gets out, unless you dragged the story on or got a kick butt twist.
  16. You spelled "annals" wrong. You spelled it anals. Might wanna change that
  17. Dood, you must realize I have serious feet related problems and need to wear specialized shoes, amirite? And yeah, I am aware my costume sucks- but I didn't spend like 50$ on something I'd wear only one night. XP Whoa man, I was joking. :> And I didn't know about the whole feet thing- I just <3 the shooz I got for my costume xD But really- I only spent like, 20-25 dollars on the whole costume. Thrift storing for costumes is epic ;D The hair stuff was almost as expensive <<
  18. My costume > yours Your face-painting < mine My shooz > yours I call a tie. I'll get my pics up soon xP
  19. The one thing that would make this entry better is a smattering of Nightmare Before Halloween montages. But alas, cruel world, nothing is perfect! :<
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