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Everything posted by Omashard

  1. Devil Survivor, awesome.

  2. ack, k-t!

    also superlateresponse, inorite C:

  3. THIS But my grandpa decided to take me to Bestbuy and get himself a nice big monitor just on a whim this summer, too. Lucky old man XD
  4. Yay, GITS. I need to watch that fully, though. The parts I missed are confusing me. :\
  5. AHYES

    I'ma goin' right now. XP

  6. Omashard

    New Rpg! ^^

    You capitalized double-barreled shotgun. XD Sounds supakewl, though.
  7. So true. It's an amazing album.
  8. Go for a ~$1000 computer. You'll be set for years. ;D
  9. Omashard


    Buy all the cool members premierships while you're at it. XD
  10. Mass Effect 2 is going to be epic. But should I get it on 360 for 1080p or computer for computer-ness?
  11. Omashard

    Finished Gunbuster

    When you watch the two together, it becomes almost as good as Gunbuster. Without the first one, though, it really is meh.
  12. Omashard

    Finished Gunbuster

    WATCH DIEBUSTER NOW Your mind will fry.
  13. Omashard


    Ew ew ew ew-ew. I couldn't stomach that.
  14. Omashard


    Fallout: New Vegas. Should be good? I'll probably get a copy.
  15. Omashard

    Are You Ready?

    Lol, yupp. That movie had the most bizarre dialogue, though. Some of it can still make me laugh. |D
  16. Omashard

    Are You Ready?

    Power Rangers Movie <333 I watched that multiple times a day when I was 6 or 7.
  17. At least you had a good time. I went on a date thinking she liked me, but it turned out to be a pity date. Aaand the best part- it's apparently my fault she didn't have the courtesy to tell me no in the first place. =___=
  18. Omashard


    I Am Weasel <33 TV these days is pretty sad in general, too.
  19. I'll gladly contribute, Mass Effect is one of my favorite games ever.
  20. Oi oi! Lulz, what's happeningg?

  21. Amen. I couldn't comprehend it then, but man does it hit me today.
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