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Everything posted by Omashard

  1. Omashard

    Guthrie Govan

    i think they're real... george lopez had a bunch of jokes about an erotic bakery and the like.
  2. i like the shadow the hedgehog reference in your title. [i think it's a shadow the hedgehog reference lol] also, major +1 to birthday girl.
  3. what if we're interested but not active in an rpg? also, if i do join i promise to capitalize for a change <3
  4. nintendo fanboy please needs more warden, batman and chris shepard.
  5. happy new years to you too 8D

  6. And I don't know about you guys, but behind that door would only be one girl. Not just because I'm a hopeless romantic (), but also because if one girl is tough enough to deal with for a lifetime (notice the 52% divorce rate in the USA), how hard will a handful or more be for an eternity? Think about it. this man knows the secrets of the universe. +1
  7. too human <3 ...why in the world would you get owl city though ;-;
  8. gpus are everything in gaming these days.
  9. Omashard

    December 24th

    Depends. Is it chained and locked away in the coldest, darkest, most abysmal depths of your hard drive? uh no, i really want to watch it. :<
  10. Omashard

    December 24th

    is it bad that i have a copy of the star wars holiday special on my computer?
  11. i'm doctor rockzo, the rock and roll clown! i do [Kohaku sad no reference to illegals]! definitely my favorite character from the whole show, just behind murderface. "you're depreshed? YOU'RE depreshed? i'm the fat one and i talk like dish!"
  12. i had a blister on the roof of my mouth. i raged.
  13. microwaved toaster strudel + inside of mouth = worst burn ever.
  14. yesss.

    drummers are so love.

    i'd kill to date a drummer girl one day :B

  15. WHAT THE CRUD OF A BAND IS THAT O_o oh, them crazy scandinavians <3 lul, their music isn't actually all that great though. i prefer generic technical death metal.
  16. this is why i like black metal. after one of the members of Mayhem blew his brains out, the remaining guys made necklaces from fragments of his skull. varg vikernes, too. he burned down a church then killed his best friend with a lamp.
  17. ^ lol, that's what i did. also, dead space two will be so YESSS.
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