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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. I've read that. If LEGO had the budget to make BIONICLE picture books of that quality... *dreams happily* EDIT: But they did manage to do 3-D graphics for those old LEGO picture books like "Trouble at the Bridge." Certainly BIONICLE might pose more difficulty, but I can't say it's not a possibility at this stage... But I'm not sure how picture books of that sort would fly with 7-10 year olds. If anything it might be worthwhile to go for something more like the Exo-Force books (though, not having any experience with what kind of books sell to what age range, I'm not sure whether I am making a correct assumption in that this would sell well). I remember they had those old Rock Raiders picture books that were awesome. Those could do wonders for BIONICLE... It would give a better idea of the locations, too.
  2. Downtown Disney in Anaheim. I'll see if I can borrow a camera tomorrow but it's too late right now.
  3. And they're awesome! But my camera doesn't work! But they're AWESOME!
  4. Win the children over with picture books. Ever read Nova's Ark? It's a good example to follow for illustrations.
  5. I'll be decorating our Christmas tree later today!
  6. Huttah! Although his stories kind of set precedent for noobish comedies, he was always able to keep them entertaining and use the noobish style to his advantage. He's also one of very few members here I feel actual nostalgia for, as he wrote the first story I ever read and enjoyed on BZPower. Welcome back!
  7. Wrinkledlion X

    New Serials

    Cool, Anti-Hero Team.
  8. What happened here?

  9. Sounds good. Do you personally like his art?
  10. That's what I thought too, I'm just bugged by everyone insisting that there are no similarities and that they're completely different...
  11. I didn't really like them much either, but I'm happy that they've maintained some of their characteristics, just for continuity.
  12. I was actually naming Matoran that have had prominent roles in all of your epics. Well, Jaller and Hahli are dead certs, right? I poked fun at that mistake as the main plot of my entry.
  13. One thing that's been bugging me lately is the way that everyone's complaining about the New Nuva masks. I personally think they all have many similarities in design with their older forms. They may be shaped differently or be a different size, but ,uch of it is still there. First, here's a diagram illustrating the Miru Nuva's designs made by Aanchir. (In fact, those lines going back from the new version's eyes could be interpreted as highly diminished fins.) Next is one that I made for the Kakama Nuva. This one uses multiple colors to differentiate on the smaller pictures. (Because many of the things that are highlighted are lines or ridges, I have an unmarked version underneath.) I don't think a chart for the Akaku is necessary.
  14. 6) Yes I pray to God that Chirox has a mask of pain... I pray... So much potential awesomeness! On a fairly unrelated note, my dad is picking up Downfall in a little over an hour from now. Hoorah!
  15. I called my local Borders and they're getting Downfall in stock tomorrow!
  16. I had a fun day yesterday. For boy scouts we went to Lucerne Valley (a dry lake bed) and launched rockets. Mine had a hollow nosecone that held a payload, and I put a minifigure in it. After a couple times of launching the parachute broke so I stopped. My friend Nathaniel taped up the nosecone of his rocket to keep it from blowing off in the air like they're supposed to. This way the parachute didn't deploy and it just went straight down after launching, stabbing into the ground. I put the minifigure into it, but it didn't have a payload container, so I stuffed it into the body of the rocket. The wadding (paper tissue that keeps the flame of the engine from the parachute) was the only thing protecting him from a jet of flame that shoots from the engine to push the nosecone off. We launched it up about 2000 feet and watched it plummet until half of it was underground from the impact. We pulled it out and a massive, burning gash was torn into its side. The wadding was completely disintegrated and we pulled the LEGO-Man out of the gash. He was completely intact, even after being blasted with jets of fire. He had a lot of soot on him, but he was perfectly fine. Truly a testament to the durability of LEGO... I'd like to see MegaBloks survive that one.
  17. Typos make debates difficult... Regardless, I think it's a disservice to them not to mention them to you after being dismissed as having "problems." I still disagree with your statement and am insulted by your original criticism. And you still claimed that coffee-drinkers have problems, which is an insult to most people I know. And I never "blew off at people."
  18. This one may be due to a typo or something. I may have interpreted it wrong.
  19. How did I lose? What did I lie about? List concrete falsities. (And I've shown it to friends as well, who agree with me. What our friends think is insignificant here.)
  20. I was trying to be nice and keep you anonymous... Anyways, you posted in your blog that any drug-users (including coffee drinkers) have "problems." I hear my loved ones criticized for this every day and so I replied in your blog that drug-users don't always and can be good people. I'm defending the memories of the people I love from this sort of criticism. I thought it didn't go through, so I posted it again later. After that one disappeared, again with no explanation, I got irritated and kept trying to at least get an answer for why my perfectly valid comment was gone. Then you PMed me and I replied that you insulted my relatives. You said you didn't understand how. After I told you that you had claimed they had problems, you randomly shifted to lecturing me about the amount of chemicals in cigarette smoke. We got into an argument about what constitutes an insult. You insisted that, as I had called you closeminded earlier, I had insulted you and that, because a few of my family members had used drugs, what you said wasn't an insult. At some point you gave a list of things you thought made the drug-use morally wrong and this time asked if it applied to my entire family! Then you started claiming that because I brought it up and defended them, I didn't truly care about them. That is something I find insulting. The idea that you would claim I don't love my family disgusts me. Why would I not be angry?
  21. Meh... I just hate people like that... They don't deserve the dignity of being blocked...
  22. Not a timeline, actually. I guess my explanation wasn't too good. More of a... Collage almost, but way cooler.
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