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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    Since Vorahk1Panrahk2 asked:
    I've participated in falconry with my family since 2003 (we hunt with trained hawks), so I chose to renovate a Bird of Prey Rehab center that I've been volunteering at for years. It's on a 100-acre property devoted mainly to holding weddings with exotic animals—they have tigers and zebras and such—and most of it is done in beautiful Spanish architecture. Except for the Bird of Prey Center.
    That's done in "hideous junkyard shack" style architecture.
    It's been the secret shame of the place for years despite having some of the most impressive animals (bald eagles, great horned owls, peregrine falcons, etc.), so I decided to make it presentable.
    Here's a before and after shot:

    (We might as well have just moved the building to a different location based on the picture.)
    I oversaw the removal of many tons of building materials and garbage from the area, including 12x12" timbers, cinder blocks, stacks of plate glass, lamp posts, a shattered stone fountain, a 10'-diameter satellite dish, and loads more.

    I then installed concrete ramps leading in and out of the facility, as the inside floor is made of gravel, which must be replaced from time to time for cleaning purposes. (Most of the volunteers there are aging hippie-ladies, so lifting wheelbarrows of gravel over the threshold isn't an easy task.)

    Then we welded some stainless steel poles to braces so that we could mount them to the wall to set up a sunshade. We drilled holes with a masonry drill and affixed the poles with epoxy (that's high-end seismic retrofit stuff), so that they can withstand several thousand pounds of lift from the shade. Now, volunteers can set up perches and the birds have a weathering area.

    We then drilled in some eye-hooks and strung up an entry chain:

    I then worked with my grandfather (a master woodcarver) to put together an official-looking sign for the place:


    Overall, it took 11 days of actual labor on the project, and 368 man-hours from planning to completion.
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    Hey, remember that entry I made on the Hau Nuva Mistika a while back? Well, today is practically the day after February 25, so I'm gonna post that thing on the similarities between the Pakari and Pakari Nuva Mistika that I promised.
    (And it's color-coded this time.)

    First off, as I've said before, the overall shape of the masks is very similar: A sort of diamond in which the two upper tapering lines curve inward somewhat. The lower ones have a more gentle curve, and between each tapering area is a flat line.
    The only way the overall shape has actually changed is in the way it attaches to the face. On the flatter Mata-style heads, both the top and bottom pointed straight up and straight down. Like all masks since 2004, however, the modern Pakari has a back that stretches out farther in order to cover up the longer Metru head. The front also points farther forward, but this serves no purpose besides style.

    Both are covered with holes as well. Though the series of "vents" at the bottom sides of the classic Pakari are gone, there are several vents present on the foreheads of both. There are now only two, and they're vertical rather than horizontal, but they're there nonetheless.
    Also on the foreheads: On the new one there's a ridged line that separates the two vertical slits. This is present on the old Nuva form, too, though the ridges on the unadaptive one are much thicker, fewer, and less angular. (Plus the line's not between any slits.)
    On the flat sides to the middle there are two similarities: First, on the classic Pakari there is a small depression on each side that is shaped like a slightly rounded triangle, right next to the eyes. This is replicated in the new version, once again behind the eyes, but this time more angular and less rounded.
    The second is a pair of "ears" present on both the old Pakari Nuva and the new. The older ones were two small, thin flaps that stuck out. The new ones are just as thin, but stick out much farther and run along the sides more or less horizontally. They're also a lot more pointy.

    Also, though I can't tell very well based on the pictures available to me, the eyes on the new one and the 2002 version may be shaped somewhat similarly... But regardless, the main similarity is the overall shape and the vents. Most of the others are minor details, but I think the "ears" are a fairly good one.
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    These relaxed rules are WHACK, yo. Am I allowed to swear yet ??
    But seriously, it feels weird being able to type out words like "Facebook" and "YouTube" on here—I keep getting the impulse to stop myself. But now I get to share all the things I've been keeping from you for so long. These BZP regulations have driven a wedge between us for years.
    My art tumblr
    My Vimeo
    My YouTube is mostly redundant, but I'll include my most-viewed video, in celebration of today's landmark:

    In other news:
    I'm feeling nostalgic. After I heard they were deleting the archives, I went back and re-read a bunch of ancient posts. People debating whether or not the Rahkshi were dark Toa, people arguing about whether 2004 would take place in the future or the past—stuff like that. We need to get some BIONICLE action going around here again.
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    EDIT: Republished again. It just keeps happening... This time read it carefully. Read it slooowly...
    EDIT: Republished. I just saw something in S&T and it was really... Really upsetting...

    You know what's been annoying me lately? All these members trying to win the Key to Nongu or something by coming up with unfounded speculation based on real science... For a fantasy story.
    The first few of these I saw were cool, like that one about the Light/Shadow Balance in Matoran... But these were pseudoscience. I like pseudoscience. They went with the fake BIONICLE physics and made sense in that context.
    Quoting a seventh grade science textbook doesn't work for theories on this site. It's baseless guessing about a complete fantasy-world that works nothing like our own. Seriously, guys, stop.
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    Something I've never understood: Why is it a rule that any topic asking a yes/no question has to be a poll? It seems to me that if a topic-starter wants to incite a discussion, a poll is the worst way to do it.
  6. Wrinkledlion X
    So, I was cleaning out some old boxes in my room when I found one of the original promotional comics that came with each Bohrok. It's a pretty cool comic, but whoever wrote it seems to have been phoning it in a bit.

    Simply exquisite dialogue.
    Speaking of Bohrok, though, I read Legends of Bara Magna, and the Baterra are absolutely fantastic-looking. They look very consistent, both from frame to frame and from artist to artist, as though they were based on an actual model. It makes me wonder if a prototype was built for a Baterra set... The strange thing is that they actually resemble Bohrok quite a bit, which I wouldn't have expected from the set designers. Somebody should contact the illustrators.
  7. Wrinkledlion X
    Comrade Anonymous' blog has introduced me to a fun new game.
    Click "Random article" on Wikipedia and click around until you reach a 20th century dictator.
    Here are some:

    Random: Nizymenia (A type of algae)
    Biological classification
    Charles Darwin (Subsection "Social Darwinism")
    Mao Zedong
    Random: Wildlife Express Train (A ride at Disney's Animal Kingdom)
    East Africa
    Idi Amin
    Random: "You"
    Germanic Languages
    Adolf Hitler
  8. Wrinkledlion X

    But seriously. Those characters are so ugly, I can't even look at them for more than a couple seconds at most. Ugh. Who designed them that way?!
  9. Wrinkledlion X
    I'm feeling really nostalgic for my old Chronicles of Krahiki fanfics all of a sudden. Does anyone remember reading them at all? I've just been looking through all the Review topics, and I had a lot of really glowing reviews, like this one from Snoopy82 (a great writer himself, as we all know):

    I mean, dang. That's high praise, right there. I didn't appreciate this when I had it, and now my writing skills have fallen into disuse... I really regret not finishing the sequel now, but the audience is gone. Maybe I ought to do an art topic to show all the ideas I never brought to fruition? If anyone who followed my stories is still on here and interested, it'd be worth it just for them. I'm wallowing in lameness and suckage right now.
  10. Wrinkledlion X
    So, sorry I haven't updated much lately, but I've been busy.
    I started school on Thursday, and it's gone well so far. I have better people in my classes this year, unlike last year when, by pure chance, I got absolute strangers in most of my classes. My teachers are pretty cool, too:
    Physics Honors - A really cool, funny guy who basically spends the whole period entertaining the students. Also, he likes a certain stick figure-based webcomic that has a jumble of four letters for its title and I'm sure that if you've ever read it you know what I'm talking about and if not just ignore this sentence. Point is, he's cool.
    AP European History - Another cool guy. He's also funny on occasion, but not as constantly as my Physics teacher. He makes up for it by telling really good stories for practically the whole period, though. Technically they're "lectures," but he teaches through narratives, so it's really fun and entertaining.
    Algebra 2 Honors - I haven't really spoken with her. On the first day she was pretty much silent and just had us do a bunch of math review problems. My sister tells me, however, that when she was in her class, she was a bit of a psychopath and had a feud with a neighboring math teacher that escalated into a screaming match and broken windows. After a while the two of them were moved to classrooms on the opposite side of the school. (...So this will either be a terrible class or a really entertaining one. Let's wait and see.)
    Animation 2 - I already know this teacher. He's cool.
    Spanish 2 - Seems like a good teacher. Pretty straightforward and no-nonsense. Her class is always totally silent, though. Completely.
    English 2 Honors - This is the only one I've taken a disliking to already. She's always, constantly smiling in a way that strikes me as really fake, and she's already assigned us a ton of work. On Friday I had to take a 100-question test on our Summer reading books, and now I have an in-class essay to do tomorrow. LAME.
    In other news, I've switched over to Google Chrome.
    At first I didn't see much different from Firefox besides a slightly cooler aesthetic, but now I'm discovering all the cool features it has. For example, hitting Shift+Esc brings up a special task manager that allows you to see how much individual websites you have open are taxing your CPU. And, of course, being Google-made, you can use Google search directly from the URL bar. Plus there are lots of skins that have cool designs and stuff besides just boring color changes. I'm using default right now, but they're still neat to have as options.
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