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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Wrinkledlion X
    I don't know when I'll get around to working on these, but I thought up some basic concepts for epics or short stories that I'd like to write about sometime, once my epic series is over:
    1. The failed attempts at colonization of the Kumu islets.
    2. An experiment in which two Matoran practice to develop light or shadow powers, so as to determine the practical applications of that ability. The two would eventually become enemies and descend into a deep psychosis in which their entire world revolves around killing the other, thus proving that total light, as well as total shadow, is undesirable.
    3. A Matoran scientist discovers that Antidermis, being a form of energy, can be manipulated and controlled in much the same way as a Toa controls his element, as long as the proper technology is employed. As the Brotherhood learns of his ability to control Makuta, a Makuta is assigned to eliminate him and his invention, all the while keeping the Brotherhood's involvement and his own presence a secret.
    4. Perhaps a sequel to #3, most likely related: A Makuta somehow loses control of their own Antidermis and is thrown into a state of constant shapeshifting.
  2. Wrinkledlion X
    I read a one-sentence synopsis on a certain "internet-based database for movies" for the upcoming movie 2012 that I enjoyed:
    Okay, volcanoes, yeah, typhoons, sure... But glaciers? Are they melting? Are they slowly slowly approaching a city?
  3. Wrinkledlion X
    I just saw "Horton Hears a Who" tonight and was very surprised. I had expected it to be terrible, but it was actually very well-done and funny. It was very faithful to the book and was very respectful to Dr. Seuss' style. Immensely better than the live action ones from a few years ago.
    I had been dreading this for a while but I've now found that it stayed very close to the original book and luckily didn't have to add in a bunch of filler scenes. Unlike that horrid "Cat in the Hat" live-action movie, they picked a story that already had a complex enough plot to make up a full-length movie. (Honestly, why'd they ever try to do "Cat in the Hat?" They might as well have made "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish: The Movie.")
    Anyways, I'd recommend it. It also gave the Grinch and a Truffula Tree brief cameos.
  4. Wrinkledlion X
    I just realized how long it's been since I posted a new entry. I'm already back to school and the last one talked about how glad I was that school was over... Egads... Anyways, I'm back. Here are some things I advise you to check out.
    BIONICLE: Chronicles of Krahiki is my new story. I command you to check it out. Here's its review topic. Please oh please post in it! I beg of you! Here's a map I drew. The place depicted will be featured in Chronicles of Krahiki 4 and onward. Yeah... That's it for now. Sees yous laters. 
  5. Wrinkledlion X
    So, I saw two movies yesterday.
    First, my friends and I went to the Wolfman, and it was good. It was slightly predictable at times, but overall I enjoyed it a lot. (I'm a sucker for Victorian settings.) The special effects and make-up work were really nice, too. Some good jumpy moments... I've noticed that moments like these make up practically half the running time in modern horror films, but this one handled them pretty well.
    (Quick tangent: I remember in "The Hills Have Eyes" they used this really irresponsibly, and after a while I was just laughing at the movie. They'd have the characters at a gas station, ands all of a sudden, ominous music would start playing... Was there a mutant hiding somewhere, unbeknownst to the characters? Then they'd have a cat jump out or something, and I'd just be confused. If there wasn't any danger, why the scary music? At least make the characters think there's a monster before revealing it as a false scare! It was so pointless and cheap it was amazing.)
    Anyways, there was a scene in Wolfman where a character was researching werewolves in a bunch of dusty old books, and I recognized virtually every illustration from hokey cryptozoology books I've read. When will they make a good movie about La Bête?
    The other movie I saw was Pink Floyd's "The Wall," which was showing on some channel in the high millions at my cousin's house. We spent the whole movie doing one of three things:
    Struggling to follow the very abstract plot Holding a Beavis & Butthead-style commentary on the movie Or enjoying the trippy animated sequences I still don't get what happened in that movie.
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