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Blog Entries posted by Whiplaaash

  1. Whiplaaash
    Also, can you guys give me any opinion on whether or not it should be bipedal? I think it will be more stable as a quadruped..
    And do any of my old buds still check this out? Like Ferhago, or Bunda, or Pintsize? ._.
  2. Whiplaaash
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «My two widgets on the sets. My opinions on them are most likely generated by the suckish quality pictures I saw, so bear with me.

    Mata Nui - Wow. Lego did make him extremely impressive. His new mask is very cool, and I really like his ankle cuffs. His shoulder armor and weapons are pretty cool too, but I pray to Mata Nui (oh, wait..) that they aren't recolored Hanhah Crab pieces. Overall, I really like Mata Nui, and he's on my top priority list at the moment.

    Stronius -OMGOMGOMG spikey. I love Stronius. His spiky features, actually. The helmet is definitely awesome, as is the spikey club. Another redeeming factor about him is his color scheme - it's not all messed up like some of the others. I'm getting Stronius along with Mata Nui first.

    Ackar - Ackar is a decent set. He's the exact same thing as every heroic fire set ever released. A muscular build, with a fire sword and an elemental mask. He would be a notch above all the other sets because his sword is cooler than the others, but those gray hands ruined it. Decency is what this guy's made out of.

    Kiina - ..not my favorite set. The designers got a bit too carried away. The chest..thing is too strange for my tastes, the visible Hordika necks aren't pretty, and the Life counter appears to level with his/her head. Very bad..

    Vastus - The same as Kiina. So much potential went to waste..the tube was completely unnecessary, and I thought that long plus rods were gone. I was mistaken.. And his mask appears to be rubber. o.O

    Gelu - Ninja. I'm pretty fond of him, although the Metus shields are a bit too much. Nothing else is to really be said except for that he's NINJA.

    This is getting too long so I'm going to express my thoughts for the vehicles in a few sentences. Skopio and Kaxium - Yes. Baranus, Thornatus, and Cendox no. Too much silver, too many recolors, and I honestly do not like the vehicles that much.

    So yeah, I'm waiting for better pictures to have different opinions, because it's truly a shame for all those new vehicles to be shunned.
  3. Whiplaaash
    I just nabbed them last night. I have to say, they're pretty cool, but Fero's 'tail' is really weird. o.O
    More pictures are/have been added in My Collection. Check 'em out.
  4. Whiplaaash
    zomg zesk is liek so awsum
    I got him today (for $5.67) and I have to say he's my favorite Agori. It's a shame that his stinger can't sting very well though. =P
  5. Whiplaaash
    Well, happy New Years. I'm still pretty jittery and full of energy because I had four sodas last night.. Anyway, I'll miss you 2008, you were too short. Now it's time to start 2009..
    It was extra perfect last night because my shipment of Glatorian came. I got to start off the new year with some new sets..I didn't get much time to mess around with them though, since we were having a party. Pictures of all the Glatorian I got should be up pretty soon, go check down in My Collection.
    Happy New Years!
    Stupid project..I have to turn it in by the 5th..
  6. Whiplaaash
    I'm still waiting for my shipment of Glatorian and Agori to arrive..I doubt it will come today, though. After all, THREE UPS trucks came and two of them didn't give me anything. Then the third came up to our door, and I got all excited and everything, and it turned out it was a overdue present for my Dad.
    Somebody please get me hyped up for how awesome the sets are.
    Also, I prolonged my 100th Blog entry since I can't just waste it. =P
  7. Whiplaaash
    Christmas is <3.
    I got a black iPod Nano, a bunch of equipment for it, all the 2009 Bionicles 'cept for Fero and Tuma, a Barnes and noble gift card, SPORE, my own camera, The Dark Knight, Toa Ignika, some posters, a new backdrop, a guide to hackysacking and a new footbag, and some other stuff.
    The deal on the 2009 bionicles is, we're snowed in, so they never got here. As soon as the snow melts I'll get them.
    The nano is awesome..So..many..features..oO
  8. Whiplaaash
    I envy anybody that has any Glatorian. Skrall and Gresh in particular. But I have to wait until after Christmas get one..
    To any Glatorian owners - feel free to taunt me by posting which ones you own.
  9. Whiplaaash
    Yay. This is how my day will go today.
    I will leave for school around 9:30. I'll listen to my mP3 player for half an hour, then go into the study room and work for another hour while having to put up with this irritating kind who keeps bugging me and thinks I hate him (which is not true, he just irritates me). Then I will walk into my French class, and spend a boring, dull hour in a quiet dark room conjugating one new verb which could take ME less than 5 minutes. I will be inevitably paired with the only other guy in the class, and because of him I will get a bad score.
    After my French, I'll walk down to the cafeteria to pick up my lunch, and that irritating kid will race after me and bombard me with questions about why I hate him and that if I answer one question from him he'll stop bugging me. Then he won't tell me the question and continue ticking me off. Then I'll try finding another place to eat, but unfortunately there are none. So I have to sit with the nerds again and the irritating kid and his brother. *grumblegrumble*
    Then I'll have a meeting with my educational specialist for a half hour telling her all my school problems. Then I'll go into my Art class and actually enjoy myself by talking with this cute girl. Everybody else in the class though, is weird. Including a 15 year old guy who flirts with 10 year old girls, a hyper ADHD kid who never stops talking, some creepy girl who always looks at me and never wear shoes. Yeah, I'll just stick to sitting next to the cute girl.
    Afterward I'll go to my Animation class where we will do one of two things -
    1 - I will finish my animation with one of my buds and it will look awesome.
    2 - I will spend another hour in my seat, bored out of my mind while a substitute teacher tries explaining how to animate a stupid mutated human whilst accidentally screwing up himself, and making everybody else screw up.
    Then I'll go home and ride my bike for a while while trying to sort my head of all that happened in the day. Then I'll grab a snack and be forced to go to Jazzercise where I'll stay downstairs and sit with one of my friends for another hour. Then I'll go home, blog some more and do other interwebz stuff, then I'll go to bed.
    Yay, it will happen all again Wednesday. And I'll write about it again.
  10. Whiplaaash
    Sorry for not being active, I've been busy. Anyway, yesterday I was at a friend's house, and we did some major SPORE-ing. I got to Civilization, and I still want my own version of it. Ugh.
    I've updated my Christmas list. But my mom says there's no way I'll get an iPod of any sort (it's too expensive), SPORE (it's too expensive), a camera (it's too expensive), or any Glatorian (they won't come out before Christmas). It's because my mom bought that friggin dog that poops and pees everywhere and makes the house smell bad. Urgururgur.
  11. Whiplaaash
    Yup, I'm back home again. Yay.
    I also got this awesome box of Bionicles a few days ago for $40. And I got an Exo-Toa, Jovan, Protodax, Takutanuva, and a bunch of other out of it. Pretty good deal. I think I can still get a bunch more out of there, too. It is a happy era for my shelving.
    Yeah, I'm tired right now..No friends to chat to, and I really am just plain tired..
  12. Whiplaaash
    I'm going out for Thanksgiving today! We're also bringing along Jacque. So yeah, it'll be awesome. Pumpkin Pie, turkey, all that good stuff. Afterward we'll put up Christmas decorations when we get home. Yup.
    *packs stuff*
    Oh yeah, that means I'll be gone for two days.
  13. Whiplaaash
    Ferhago and I were chatting on Yahoo and we came up with a theory on what happens after 2008.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Ok, so everyone knows Makuta's the universe now. I bet what's gonna happen, is Orkham's gonna teleport under the coliseum with some powers he got from Jerbraz. He takes a disk launcher, and a reconstitution disk. He shoots Makuta's essence with it, causing it to reconstitute into a Makuta fish! But! You're saying somebody needs to inhabit the universe?
    Well, Orkham walks towards the Makuta fish with a knife, for a tasty meal. The Makuta fish leaps up, takes the knife, and cuts his head off with it, and then Orkham's spirit floats into Mata Nui's brain.
    Isn't it so obvious? They totally set all that up.
    I can't believe it hasn't been thought of before. We're brilliant!
  14. Whiplaaash
    My mom and sister are listening to Christmas music and she's started putting up mistletoe (which I immediately take down and hide somewhere).
    It makes me feel the need to think obsessively about how we'll decorate and about Glatorian. And about everything else I want..
    Not good.
  15. Whiplaaash
    Okay guys here's the deal.
    I was browsing this site and then I saw this big shiny thing that said 'Give us your address, social security number, telephone number and we'll send you a free PSP'! So I clicked on it and gave them all of my information.
    My PSP hasn't come yet, but there are strange men dressed in black with binoculars all over my yard. I hope it comes soon..What do you guys think?
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