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Blog Entries posted by Whiplaaash

  1. Whiplaaash
    Okay, so I have $30. I could buy a bunch of pieces from that one guy and build a few sets, and need no worries about WIPs for some time, or I could buy a good condition Nui-Jaga set.
    HALP D:
  2. Whiplaaash
    I finally had the party, so I ended up with $30 and at least $45 in book gift cards. So I can finally buy everything that I've been wanting including the new Papercutz Novel..
    I'm deciding whether or not to buy the order with the $30, or save up for Trinuma. Or maybe Brickmaster...idk. Halp pleaseh?
    I'm gonna have a lot of reading to do..
  3. Whiplaaash
    I'm out of my debt, so I set my eyes on some desperately wanted parts. Here's what they are.
    Black Ball Joints x 50
    Lime Green Lewa Mata Axe Arm x 1
    Blue Pakari Mask x 1
    Dark Blue Tohunga Foot x 2
    Dark Flesh Colored Ball Socket x 5
    Green Bohrok Rubber Band x 20 (lost most of mine)
    Lime Green Rau x 1
    Medium Blue Ball Socket x 1
    Metallic Gold Miru x 1
    Metallic Gold Pakari x 1
    Pearl Gray Kakama x 1
    Pearl Gray Miru x 1
    Purple Ball Socket x 35
    Yellow Ball Socket x 25
    That's all I really needed. The total, excluding shipping was 22.36. Plus shipping would be $30.00 max. Is this a reasonable deal, or am I getting slightly ripped? Let me here it from you guys.
  4. Whiplaaash
    Idiotic Friends are..idiotic.
    My Mom's Friend e-mailed today (also the mom of one of my swimming buds) and gave us the grim news that our old birds that we gave them are dead. The two birds actually weren't very old and were in fine condition. We got rid of them because my Dad considered them to be way too irritating after a year or two of waking up to countless chirping and squawking. So we gave them to her.
    So apparently she put them in their garage so they could live there. As if they weren't isolated enough. Then they accidentally put one of their tools which still had smoke still coming from it in their garage and closed the doors as usual. That equaled dead birds.
    I'm feeling some weird feeling of grief and blame right now because I for one also got kind of sick of them every morning when I woke up and got on the computer. But they were cool.
    There was a male and a female. We knew the male for at least 5 years, and the female for 2. And now they're gone. Just like that. You want to know why? Because idiotic friends..
    Are idiotic.
  5. Whiplaaash
    We're all even now. I start my homeschooling today. Urgh, it encompasses half of the day, but it's better than regular school. Plus I can get on the computer during any breaks, if I need to. So yeah, I'll be a tinch less active, but I bet it won't matter because most of you are in school too.
    Also, Javi gave me a Blog Approval in the form of a lovely knife. Check out my missing finger because I wasn't careful handling it.
    Mazeka review will probably be up tomorrow, although there's always a chance it will be today.
    And Caesar Salad still makes me want to vomit all over the place. >.<
    EDIT @ 12:31: It hasn't been so bad today. I thought it would be living heck with all the stuff I've got going, but it actually turned out to be quick. I've still got stuff to do, though.
  6. Whiplaaash
    So I was scrounging around in my dad's truck for his gloves this morning that he told me to get. Then I finally looked under my seat, and behold, a big box with yellow text and a special edition 'badge' on it. He told me that it was originally for my party, but he didn't really want to wait another week to give it to me so he just gave it to me now.
    After about 45 minutes of building, the finished product looked splendid. Mazeka looked a little odd with the blue rods on his hands and feet, and the turret looked kind of cluttered with all the different colored pieces, but other than those things it was perfect. The 'turret' mounted on top was cool and swiveled around anywhere that I wanted it too. I also found out that the legs acted like one of those claws in those scamming toy-machines, and could grab onto things, including Vultraz's skyfighter.
    So you guys want me to write a review? I have time to kill. A lot, actually. Since I'm homeschooled, I don't start school back up until like the 8th or something. Woohoo. Also, yes, I thank my parents for everything they buy me. Don't go off thinking I'm some greedy punk.
  7. Whiplaaash
    This has been the worst week ever. EVER. One of the main reasons why is because my sister who got sick from one of her friends gave it to me, so then I was laying on the couch with two layers of huge blankets over me, sipping chicken broth. Then I went into a fever, and because I couldn't possibly move, I was forced to watch the terrible Nim's Island. Before I started feeling like dung, I also fell down the stairs and twisted my ankle and foot to the point where if I step on it wrong, it makes me want to scream because it hurts so bad. So my Mom had to call everybody who was coming to the party and told them that we're rescheduling. The day was incredibly drawn out and boring, although because of that I got to read all the way to Part Two in Queen of Sorcery. If you don't know what that is, go look it up.
    Then I woke up this morning feeling FINE. FINE I TELL YOU. So was my sister. I can have the party, but my Mom keeps persisting and saying I probably still have a bug. (Which my fever killed, at the expense of a long, drawn out night) I could totally have the party now - I'm eating, my stomach doesn't hurt, in fact, I just ate four scrambled eggs and two pieces of toast, at this early in the morning. The only downside is my foot, but I'd be fine limping along.
    So now we have to reschedule for next week. That also means that it would be one day before my parent's anniversary. Urgh, and that would probably push it further. In fact, I don't even think I'll have a party this year, judging on how things are going up and down.
    I am so angry right now I think my head's going to pop off. Also, just for the little cherry on top, one of my friends was totally unaware about the reschedule and e-mailed me this morning, and said he got Mazeka. Which I don't have yet.
  8. Whiplaaash
    I hate updating my Blog with new fonts and such. HATE IT. In other news, my actual birthday PARTY with most of my buds is happening tomorrow, because it took so long to find a date where everybody could come. So I'll go set up some stuff, we'll go grocery shopping today, work on the backyard, etc.
    I'm also having half a mind about selling the rest of those piles I bought because they're being an extreme nuisance, taking up space in my closet. I also need to finish the Toa Mangai collection I'm doing, which is proving to be burdensome to my schedule, and ALSO finding a shelf for all my MOCs. They can't be kept on my bookshelf because that's too crowded, etc, etc. My 07 Playsets need to be redone AGAIN, because I tore the flying white mantis apart, tore the stinger whale in two (>.<) and everything else is missing pieces. Then there's the whole collection of WIPs in my closet including a torn apart Hahli Mahri because I don't have all of her pieces, an amateur looking Helryx with a mace, a custom made mask I'm no telling you guys about, some Bionicles I owe my friend for letting me borrow, and half of Krekka. Did I mention I'm struggling with the Toa Mangai, too? The Toa of Earth's sword is too weird looking, and I don't have an extra blue torso for that water Toa that was the test subject for the Nihu Motara Energy Siphon.
    My room is also a mess, which is a terrible sign for somebody as clean as me. I also have to redo my bed completely because I was like having nightmares of something last night, and the sheets are everywhere and my pillows are switched..
  9. Whiplaaash
    Two new books that I really want came out on September 2. But I'm still in debt to the Jetrax. I also need a new headset for my Coby, because I tore mine in two out of sheer frustration a few weeks ago, and am now stuck with some big dumb Nintendo DS ones that other people can hear ten feet away from me.
    Also, Destiny War chappy 3 is up.
  10. Whiplaaash
    The trip was good, yada yada yada. I got to ride the four wheeler everywhere, the reunion was good, everything was fine. Just one thing really TICKED ME OFF. The Boxor.
    I want to tear my face off right now. If you didn't know, I had asked my Grandma if she could bid on it for me since I didn't have an eBay account. So of course, since she didn't know, she ordered me the alternate model. You're thinking - 'Oh yeah, but still, you built it because he included the pieces for the real model.' Guess again. The guy shipped her ONLY the alternate model, and even that was missing pieces. I am extremely dissapointed and infuriated because my Grandma was jipped, and I was jipped. She ended up paying for it herself because she wanted to, so there went $20 down the toilet.
    My one chance to get a Boxor, and he ships me the alternate model that looks like he made it out of parts of his bin. I don't have the heart to tell my Grandma I'm extremely dissapointed, because it would seem like I'm too picky and didn't appreciate her hard work. My parents aren't wanting me to get money back though, so it sucks for me.
    So here's to that seller, who is either a major idi()t, or just some worthless bum who jipped us. I really want to smash my head through the wall right now..
  11. Whiplaaash
    I've got to go in like...45 minutes for my Grandma and Grandpa's. Better make this quick,I've yet to pack. We're hosting my Great Grandma's party out in the country (won't tell you where, lol) so we've got to be there early. As for the exciting part, I'll get to bomb around on my Grandpa's 4x4, possibly drive his truck out in the fields, and even more exciting - work on a project that I started thinking of yesterday. I'll come back Sunday and tell you if it succeeded or if it failed. It will most likely succeed, but you never know...
    Then of course I have my cousins and that irritating punk who I mentioned before. I'll see how it goes and take extreme action to humiliate him if necessary.
    So to even it all up, I'll be gone until Sunday late night. Oh yeah, my Grandma also ordered me a Boxor off of eBay! WOOHOO! Gotta love those Boxors.
  12. Whiplaaash
    WOOHOO! Yesterday, I got a bunch of prototype candy. LOL, bet you didn't expect that. My parents have friends who have a sister who works at Hersheys, or somewhere, and always brings over candy, prototypes most of the time. She also brought over a 20 pound Hershey's Bar last Christmas. It was huge... My favorites were banana creme filled Reese's Cups, which never made it past the testing stage. They tasted good, but apparently they were unfavorable to the test group.
    Last night she brought over some rainbow Twizzlers, Starburst Chews, and other things. But my favorites were the Icebreakers. Take a look for yourselves -

    Yup, two new flavors. Strawberry and Spearmint. *drool* Strawberry is my favorite though, and they're sour. If you can't tell by the packaging, they come in small little packs.

    Just so you know I'm not lying, here are the icebreakers themselves. So good. *drool again*
    Now I just need to hope that the government doesn't find out about me posting these. ._.
  13. Whiplaaash
    I've been SO busy lately. On Saturday I had a City Meet and went up against my entire city (for those of you who don't know what sport it is, it's swimming). I got a Heat Winner in my Free Relay, 4th in my Medley Relay, and 3rd in my 50 Butterfly. Woohoo. And I apparently didn't qualify for my IM or something like that. Then, last night I had a pizza party and got to say bye to all my friends. Until next year...
    So I'm updating right now since the business is over and life is back to normal, just a bit more boring. I also got Jetrax yesterday. Also, pay no attention to the changing fonts in this entry, I'm starting to hate my current Blue and Century Gothic one. If all goes well I'll end up having an MNOG banner and avatar with a matching font.
    I am also so close to nabbing my 2008 collection. I'm missing Trinuma, Niazesk, Mazeka, that weird deformed Matoran that goes with Spiriah, and the yellow Jetrax which I probably won't get since I don't feel like enduring building another Jetrax, and Lego's just trying to milk my wallet. Also, reviews are a no-go until I feel like it and get extremely settled down. Also, bunches of Brickshelf updates are in the process right now.
    I also got a freaking cool bike yesterday with gears and everything. I've always lived in places with terrible areas to bike in, like the steep hill I live on right now. So I learned to ride my bike a few weeks ago. Sue me. >.< So most of this is new to me. I'm having a real difficulty getting uphill even with my gears and I'm trying to stand up and pedal. LOL, doesn't work. Soon my Dad will start telling me to do tricks and begin bombing it down my hill and making the huge hill which is my neighborhood's foundation.
    I'm also going out to my Grandma and Grandpa's next week for my Great Grandma's birthday. It's supposed to be this huge picnic or something. Of course, my entire extended family will be there, and naturally, there will be good kids and there will be bad kids. The bad kids happen to be teenage punks and their stupid little siblings who like picking on my cousins, and me. The last few years were mayhem which included sudden snowball attacks on my brand new clothes (GRRR), soaking me and others in countless water balloons then running to the other side of the road so we couldn't exact revenge on them, and a certain little irritating kid who put snow in my pants. Most of those actions actually made me go to my peak and flip off the kid who constantly bugs me (his name's Austin, and he's about 13). Really. I did. We kind of got on one another's cheerful sides last year, though, so we resolved it in a strange little way. However, if he continues his behavior this year, I'll come home with a story to blog about.
    Alright, you're probably bored to death now. I'll be sure to post more entries. Au revoir!
  14. Whiplaaash
    So over the past few days I've bought a very cool pile for $20 with lots of good pieces, my order STILL hasn't got here (I intend to complain) and I'm starting to think about writing an epic depicting the days of the Toa Mangai in all of their hidden glory, starting from when Lhikan first met up with the others, to the final moments of the legendary hero. I've had quite a lot of ideas to write more epics (first two failed hard >.<) and I think this one is pure win.
    Two wicked looking Tuyet and Nidhiki MOCs are right next to me, and I can totally build the other four ice Toa and the others. I'll just be missing Lhikan though. Urgh. I'll post them soon, along with more massive updates.
    Anybody else here seen Charlie the Unicorn?
  15. Whiplaaash
    I have almost decimated the entire pile I bought. I just need to build a few more sets I already have and do something with them, then I'll dump the rest in with my other pile. Once that's done, I'll be able to post pictures of everything. Updates on Brickshelf, MOCs, everything. Also..
    We're all gonna die.
    Warning, the video might freak out some little children. It just has chupacabra stuff in it. Just hit the play button and it'll roll.
  16. Whiplaaash
    I scored big time on the bucket of Bionicles. I payed $20 for it. Here's what I got.
    ::Takanuva and Ussanui::
    ::Matoro:: (2003)
    ::Hafu:: (2003)
    And a bunch of other pieces I can use for MOCing. So yeah, I won the lottery.

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