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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Swert

  1. Swert
    So, exciting times coming up here in the studio this coming beginning of the year.
    We're in the process of making up to 6 different events at the same time happen, including three shows in the summer, a -huge- model for Emerald City ComicCon, an event in February at CenturyLink Field (Probably the WaMu Center... but if it's the real field, I'll be a happy Swerty : D) and another couple of things I forget off the top of my head.
    Basically I'm busy. With any luck I'll be able to post teasers of my work, but for now I'm keeping mum. Let's just say Emerald City ComicCon will be amazing with the model we're looking at making, if only because I look forward to inviting one of the main guests to see it completed. With any luck, there will be little resistance on his part. It would be futile.
  2. Swert
    I already have the Mangai Volcano built. One or two little things to modify it, and it's perfectly ready to go.
    I also had a "business" meeting with Dan about it. Stay tuned for updates on that front, and for you Pacific Northwestern members to gain a chance to participate (if you can)!
    Likewise, I'm going to be plugging this on a certain media site (of the social kind) via the company's page. That way I'm promised to get builders and/or people involved.
    And finally, most importantly, I also managed to convince Dan to bust out the Bionicle play pack (used in our education camps and birthday parties) so we can have people build Bionicle stuff while we build the island. Hence, it's a large event.
    I will be taking photos, of course.
    Stay tuned! : D
  3. Swert
    No seriously, what have I done? Well, I saw a photo of Turakii on Facebook earlier, and someone said it looked like she belonged on a movie poster.
    So I put her on one. Along with Toa Lhikan Hordika. And myself as Loki.
    Note, I didn't want it to be a perfect photoshop job. I just wanted it done for humor purposes. And yes, the tie is REQUIRED.
  4. Swert
    Basically, I underestimated how many BZP members going to BrickFair would be interested in joining in on MakutaFest.
    Therefore we might push the time back to 7 PM EDT/4 PM PDT. (We're -still- discussing this internally, BZP reporting jumped the gun on us.)
    And yes, I realize the closing ceremonies is at 6 PM EDT. But if we push it too far back, nobody else could attend.
    Sorry folks, I'm really trying my best.
  5. Swert
    Sooo... ain't gonna lie, if you planned to enter the photo contest right now, your odds of winning General Grievous are looking pretty good right now. Like, very good.
    This is a reminder that The Caption and Meme contests will be ending tomorrow night, December 2nd, at 11:59 PM PST. To enter, you simply have to email us an original meme based on Star Wars, or caption the photo below, to biosector01@outlook.com with the name of the contest you're entering in the subject line.

    We'll also have news on the Luke Giveaway on our Facebook page very soon!
  6. Swert
    Took me 10 minutes to come up with that title. Now -that's- sad.
    So a few small updates on my end, the Mirus are stored safely in my safekeeping. I also have not YET seen TDKR. I'm waiting for the end of the week. Work is steady but it'll be busy all next week.
    Basically, I have -nothing- to blog about, cause it's boring here. I should do something amazing and blog about that.
    ... Or sit down and do the Office 2013 review I threatened said I'd do.
  7. Swert
    Man, I am really looking forward to the theme launch. I'm a huge fan of the novels, and I think it'll be amazing to collect the minifigs.
    First one to a complete set of Fellowship (assuming they don't just release them all in one set) wins nothing at all but are still cool by me!
  8. Swert
    Cause there's a Swert coming your way soon!
    (May 10th to the 13th, not set in stone yet, but it's planned.)
    Probably avoiding anything major, but you never know.
  9. Swert
    This is basically a log of what transpired last weekend for me. Both the good... the bad... and the epic.
    On Friday evening, I flew out from Seattle at 11:15 PM PDT. At this point, I was awake since noon. I did not sleep on the flight, and I did not sleep again until 3 AM Sunday morning. I then arrived in Cincinnati around 6 AM EDT. From there, I waited 3 hours til 9:45 AM, where I departed towards Detroit Metro Airport.
    Once I touched down and collected my bag, I walked out and met up with Toa Lhikan Hordika (henceforth referred to as "TLH") and Lady Kopaka (henceforth referred to as "LK"). I then got a call out to Avohkah Tamer (henceforth referred to as "AT") and got his ETA for when we can check in at the hotel. From there, we went to TLH's parents' house. For the record, TLH was marrying Turakii (henceforth referred to as "Turakii"... redundant, I know.)
    Once there, we ended up with a huge downpour and thunderstorms. I got a photo taken with my phone of the aftermath between myself and TLH:

    We're just a bit damp... just remember that the shirt I'm wearing is LIGHT blue, and that gives you context on HOW damp.

    From there, we went to go meet back up with AT, and enjoy a wonderful day of just getting to know the real us for awhile. This lasted with a group party until like 1 AM. AT and I then went to our hotel room and crashed for 2 hours until sleep.
    The next day is where the big stuff happened, really. First off, I woke up and got ready for the wedding. I elected to ride with a fellow wedding attendee (he was at the same hotel as us) so AT could go do other stuff, and we got elected to go pick up a giant gorilla stuffed animal (there's a backstory to it, we shall not be repeating here) for photos for the wedding reception.
    This is where things took a negative tumble for a bit.
    On the way to the church, we were pulling in on a left turn, and we got smashed in the side by a driver coming from the opposite direction. The short story is we believe he was speeding, and we KNOW he didn't attempt to stop, and I am perfectly fine injury-wise. I have some skin abrasion on my arm, but otherwise I'm just fine.

    The gorilla in the truck, pre-accident. No photo exists of the aftermath, I was too traumatized by it (as you could well imagine).

    Coming from this low, we could only go up from there.
    Anyway, wedding happened, then reception, finally got to the end of the evening where AT and I sat and watched YouTube by hooking my laptop up to the HDMI of the hotel TV and tethering to his phone's 4G connection (who needs hotel TV? YOUTUBES!)
    The next day, we all arrived at TLH's parents' house to pick up LK and go to the airport. TLH, Turakii, LK and I were flying out that day to respective places, they went to Washington DC, I went to the real Washington. Keeping in mind at this point I was terrified of EVERY SINGLE DRIVER IN MICHIGAN NOT NAMED TLH OR RELATED, this trip to the airport was less than thrilling.
    After lunch at the airport, I walked all the way down to the gate I was departing from, after a heartfelt moment of hugs and goodbyes for us. I then snapped a photo of the happy couple before I left.

    Why must she photobomb me when departing? Now I'll never remember her for not being non-photobombing.

    On the flight back, I just cruised by and watched the tops of clouds and lands. It was a memorable flight, and I landed safely (much smoother than the one in Cincinnati, I might add) and took a bus back to Lakewood.
    All in all, a wonderful little trip, though I think I made them promise me I didn't have to do the car accident bit over again if I go back that way. It's a shame I couldn't go to BrickFair (I worked the very next day, and Dan's already making sure I won't forget it) but I'm sure everyone going will be happy there.
    Plus, I got to witness the beginning of a new chapter for two people. I'll take that over a convention every single time, no questions asked. I'm sure I am not the only one in this mindset.
  10. Swert
    ... Dude.
    Dibs on Deadpool.
    Anyway, I'm happy they finally announced another superhero game, and it's even more surprising given I would expect them to release it last year when Avengers hit. I suppose it makes sense to release it when Iron Man 3 hits.
    I look forward to it, Fall 2013 isn't coming fast enough.
  11. Swert
    Maybe next year, when I say "I'm tired from working six weeks on a project under a strict deadline" someone will listen when they remember back to when I used both Toa V and Derpy Hooves to basically do absolutely nothing all day with.
    That is all. Thank you and have a nice April 2nd.
  12. Swert
    It was about a year ago. Almost, not quite. I forget really.
    Anyway, Bonesiii and I were discussing stuff, as usual. Then Expanded Universe came up in discussion. A question was asked whether it would return. I was unsure. He was unsure. We then spent two months discussing WHY Expanded Universe failed to catch on. As you read in the news report announcing the guide, it was simple why it failed. There was no story to follow. So we spent months planning what will indeed be a VERY, VERY shocking story to read.
    Basically speaking, the original concept was simple. One planet, hooray. We made a planet! But then I switched it up by saying "What about one planet, stuck in seven different dimensions?" Okay, this is where the term Multiverse began coming into play. Over time, it evolved from one world in seven dimensions to seven worlds in one dimension. It made sense, because now there are physical changes to worlds that, with my first idea, would have not happened unless changed.
    So, we began phase two: The Plot. What, you may ask, would be a perfect plot? Well, the answer is simple, mystery. It worked well for 3 years in 2001-2003 in Bionicle, and has kept people coming back from 04 on. We planned out an entire origin for these worlds, most of which remains locked up in our heads, and have not once made it to any text program yet. Bones led that charge, with his physics and space-altering ways, while I worked out reasons for them to happen. It began to take form, and finally it made sense.
    Phase three, approval of contests from BZP. That was easy. Those will come out eventually.
    Phase four, characters to write about. Well, we spent a great deal of time on them, and I'm happy to report there are several that, if you don't feel too happy about writing your own character, you can use ours. (Within the rules, of course... for more on that, read the Guide, page 2.)
    And finally, Phase five, putting it ALL together. You can see we mashed it all into place with a mallet and a nuke or two, but it all managed to fit into 100 pages of glorified Guide reference. Bones again wrote most of it, asking me along the way for input, and I did my civic duty by doing graphics. He did his own duty by one-upping my graphics with his awesome PowerPoint skills. Needless to say any ego I had at that point was buried. It will not be missed.
    And so, the five-stage plan was complete. We had a setting, a plot, a set of contests, characters, and a set of guides we plan to release for awhile to come. What was missing?
    So we fixed that last week. Enjoy
  13. Swert
    Good album so far, sounds like it'll be an aquired taste going in to it. Couple of songs stand out as favorites already, like Rope and I Should Have Known.
  14. Swert
    Well, that was a rush.
    We just completed Skull Week on BS01's Facebook and Twitter accounts. ​We posted our first wave of reviews of the 2015 Summer Sets (Wave 2) by Dorek, with a slightly modified system. We gained some feedback over the last few months while reviewing the first wave of sets, and took them all to heart. Now I think we are truly ready for the future of BIONICLE. In addition to that, we also gave away a couple of summer sets. We hope to do so again in the future.
    In the other news of life, I'm patiently waiting for my shipment of Exploding Kittens (if you don't know what that is, I assure you it's NOT a bad thing... much.) to arrive. I bought the $35 bundle, which if you're in the know, you know what that means I intend to play as many rounds as possible until we all get sick of it. But, you never know when that might happen.
    Otherwise, it's too hot to do much else, so I'm going to go back to not doing much else.
  15. Swert
    So, I went to that new password form, figuring to fix my password. I go to fill it out.
    "Sorry, incorrect password."
    Huh, okay. Take two...
    "Sorry, incorrect password."
    Take three...
    "Sorry, incorrect password."
    Take Forty-Two...
    "Sorry, incorrect password."
    Take One hundred and nine...
    "Sorry, incorrect password."
    Finally, asked Black Six to help me out. He hooked me up with a password for temporary usage. By this point, I was convinced it was the new password unit anyway. Take nine thousand and one...
    "Welcome to BZP."
    Seriously. It was that easy. I wish to thank Six for hooking me up with a temp password, and for putting up with my foolish ways, and whatnot. But yeah, first hand experience folks, this system -WORKS.-
  16. Swert
    So yeah, not getting political at all here, just wanted to cash in on the blog titles while I can.
    Anyway, long week at work already, and I work 2 more days.
    ... Who's waiting for LEGO Lord of the Rings? (Comes out on Nov. 13th, it was pushed back) ... Why do I ask? Cause I'm waiting for AC3 on Tuesday 8D (I bought both anyway)
  17. Swert
    Looks like I'll be going again.
    And we have bigger plans for models this year 8D
    Also December will be pretty packed for me as far as work goes. I'm hoping to do a few things for BS01 and HS01 (like finish updating HS01's main page to BS01's standards, and bringing BS01's main page up to completion) but the time's limited.
    I didn't even get to finish Halo 4's Spartan Ops episode this week yet. x_x
  18. Swert
    So I get to work today, and my boss drops this bit of news on me: We need to clear out the space Xccj and I built the island of Mata Nui MOC in to make way for a birthday party in a few short weeks.
    That means the island had to move.
    Like now.
    So, it's now at my house, along with Green Lantern and Captain America (the megafigs we made). Any changes needed to be made must be made at my house now.
    In other words, I cannot fix the volcano nor the mountain.
    BUT! I can repair Po-Koro and add to Le-Wahi with some other colors, as suggested in the topic. So, it's not a lost cause. I just need to fix it in my own time.
    Please understand that I cannot repair anything else until I move it back to the studio. Sorry to those who insisted I repair/replace the parts.
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