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Vezon The Piraka

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Everything posted by Vezon The Piraka

  1. Hm... he came on today, yet he barely updates his comic topic. :|

  2. Well, first off - most of their stuff is modern hard rock. Their keyboard use is also more prominent than some power metal bands.

  3. Is that Gorgoroth in your av? It's awesome.

  4. I've been listening to metal since... late 2007. Glad you're not one of those metal hating weaklings or LP fanboys (sorry if I sound mean). I once ticked off the LP fans with a "Linkin Park is Total Fail" banner.

  5. If you want true metal, I suggest something besides Disturbed, I don't know - but to me, they sound somewhat mainstream. Try some extreme metal bands like Mayhem.

  6. No idea. I respect his metalhead attitude and look though. =)

  7. 666 evil? That's me...

  8. He says he'll still be on YIM and Facebook.

  9. I have a feeling this might nuhrii50000 using a proxy IP.

  10. Cats rock. I have a pet cat... she's so furry and cute. =3

  11. Lol, I finished school 14 days ago.

  12. I'm fine. Gonna look for a new school.

  13. Haven't talked to you in some time.

  14. Not as dangerous as putting a jawbreaker in the microwave, taking it out, biting it and... BOOM!

    MythBusters FTW.

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