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Vezon The Piraka

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Everything posted by Vezon The Piraka

  1. No. I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.

  2. ...these manually approved?

  3. Hello Cei. Any plans of a new NWI series? I just hope it doesn't turn out short-lived like all of your series after Larahk's Laboratory. MehK was pretty good, BTW.

  4. fail Sparta hasn't been interesting in a long time... EPIC FAIL
  5. One. Measly. Hour. ONE MEASLY HOUR WITH NO POSTS. Why is that so bad to you? A lot of comic makers don't get replies for weeks. Do they complain? No.
  6. Interested in your opinion. Rayg 2.5 all the way for me.
  7. Yeah, pizza is good, no pepperoni pizza in the city I live though. DX Pepperoni here usually refers to a chili pepper. As for Halo, I have a copy of Combat Evolved for PC but I don't play it. Halo never was my thing, plus the experience isn't the same if you don't have a 360.
  8. They've been making that Samurai Jack movie for years now, it's bound to be finished soon... unless it turns out "vaporware" (film-wise).
  9. In production, I'll be moving on to other comic projects after that.
  10. Vote away. T-E is best, IMO. PDaCB is just amazing... "No one expects the Ta-Koro Inquisition!" XD... or Awkward Moments in the Cave.
  11. I have. One of the best comedies ever. You can find clips on "that video site".
  12. Marty Razor Kirra's terrific update to Razor, a kit I generally loathe. Unfortunately it was a huge flop and he didn't finish the Kanohi.
  13. Yep... Ugh, BZP is being so slow. But ah well, I plan on spiffing up this junkyard of Metallica and Megadeth.
  14. Congrats on POBZPCship. :)

  15. Koth: King of Ruin Jedi Master Satua (just for old-times sake) Twilit Emperor Kothra
  16. "Adults Only" ...From what you have so far, it's obvious you have to stick with the rules. Great job on making a more mature blog though. And I appreciate cynicism, it blends well with heavy metal. In particular, these peeps. Ironic.

  18. Last visit July 1st? Come on dude, restart Fun with the Barraki...

  19. Hey Gecko. Haven't seen you in a long time.

  20. Better than LP, for sure.

  21. Failure Mike... hm...

  22. For the record, I was the one who came up with the name "Ventorus", but it seems like Meso and KTM forgot to mention <.< Not like that I care, I'm neutral.
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