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Vezon The Piraka

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Everything posted by Vezon The Piraka

  1. lol

    I dunno if this is fail or win

  2. That'll be hard on About a Suetoran...

  3. He's actually a really popular comic maker... he co-authored for Dark709's Comics (pains me to say that as an example).

  4. And I should care, why?

  5. Why'd you steal D-Shadow's name?

  6. Forgot the period though.

  7. Hmmm, very odd you chose The Crow. It is a good film but then again... it led to Brandon Lee's death.

  8. The Pagemaster is a cult classic...

    However, I can't say I liked it too much.

  9. Pulp Fiction, great choice.

  10. My how fitting your rank image is.

  11. The Mask is awesome.

  12. lolthx for using my banner

  13. Just a thought: quit using overused internet memes such as Shoop da Whoop, Chuck Norris Facts, 300 and Chocolate Rain.

  14. They sell Nutella a lot here in Bulgaria...

    well maybe not that much lately.

  15. I honestly don't know who and why.

  16. Nvm you cleared it up with your reply.

  17. Who the heck is decreasing your rating and why?

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