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Vezon The Piraka

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Status Updates posted by Vezon The Piraka

  1. Yeah, he seems much older than that... I'd say 16.

  2. Nothing much... currently.

  3. From the album Black Ice... I should indeed. <. lately i been more into metallica.>

  4. Rock and Roll Train? Oh right, that's the new AC/DC song. [now that I Googled it]. I should really keep track of things like that more often. :P I'll go download it later...

  5. That could have been the reason? If he made fun of them, maybe...

  6. Hello. Nice taste in music. ;)

    Death Magnetic was a pretty good album. Way better than St. Anger.

  7. I thought you were a new admin account for a second there. :P

  8. UltraViolet - Thanks.

    Apollo - You're welcome. :)

    Sorry for my long inactivity on BZP... or the internet as a whole, had computer problems. Fixed now.

  9. Croatia? You should talk to ~Rakoua~, he's from Croatia too.

  10. Staff long ago, staff again.

    Hope you enjoy your position!

  11. Wow, I never knew it was possible to change your name to blank. :P

  12. Yay, you're back... in brown.

  13. Whew, yesterday was a BIG day, I got three new BIONICLE sets: Antroz, Chirox and Gorast. My first in nearly two years. And WAY more good stuff happened.. ^^

    That's why I wasn't on BZP... or on the internet as a whole. But I'll have more time today.

  14. You like WoW too much. :P

  15. Why are you befriending so many people.

    And your name is WIN.

  16. Yep... she's probably busy with college, university or whatever... XD

  17. Hi. You have good taste, extreme metal rules!

  18. Purple is awesome... but no more purple for LEGO. =(

  19. It's actually weird... a great MOCist getting banned from the BBC. :P

    Meh, I'll drop the topic. 35 years old, nice.

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