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Vezon The Piraka

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Status Updates posted by Vezon The Piraka

  1. They're called THE Iron Maidens...

    And I already knew about them... =P

  2. Congrats on becoming a POBZPC! =D

  3. By the way, check out my new musically related statement. =D

  4. Spontanious - Maybe it's because you don't pay attention to extreme metal bands.

    Toa Rasor - Sure did. Definitely an improvement since the Loads and St. Anger.

    ~SK~ - Duh. :P

  5. I don't listen to emo. XD

  6. *sigh*

    Quit reviving topics!

  7. You have good tastes in music.

    Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir FTW!

  8. Guys, don't bother asking him that. Apparently somebody reported him and he was given the title...

    Nothing else needs to be known.

  9. A day after I got "Seize the Day", I downloaded "Unholy Confessions" and "Darkness Surrounding". Metalcore...

  10. I just tried "Seize the Day".

    Not bad... might try more.

  11. You mean two months...

    Probably busy.

  12. Inactive. =\

    Hopefully he'll return like Master of the Rahkshi did.

  13. That might happen too.

    Also another thing, I noticed that a lot of Al's topic aren't very appropriate for younger viewers. Back in early BZP, it seems as if mature content was allowed. Jinzo, Astro Al... hm?

  14. Did you actually witness Dimebag Darrel's death when he was live as Damageplan?

  15. Yuck. Wrack struck you with the cuteness overload, right?

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