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Posts posted by Wiriamu

  1. So of course we haven't heard anything with regards to what-if anything-Lego's going to be doing for it's next CCBS/Buildable Figure theme. According to Brickset we're going to be getting some more Star Wars figures this year-presumably based on the upcoming The Last Jedi movie-but will that line become the soul source of CCBS for the foreseeable future, or might we be getting a new theme next year? Or perhaps not a "new" theme at all...


    My logic is this: Hero Factory, while apparently not as successful as Bionicle G1, did manage to hold on for four (and a half?) years before we got the short-lived Bionicle G2. Given that, I wouldn't be too surprised to see Lego go back to it, but the bigger question is in what form. I would think it's been a short enough time that a continuation isn't totally out of the question, but perhaps a reboot would be the more likely option. What do you guys think-would you rather see the original line continued with maybe some effort to make more of it than it was, or perhaps start things over entirely and see if Lego can't do a better job right from the get go?

    • Upvote 2
  2. What would it be?


    I can think of a number of things I would do differently with Power Rangers, notably in the area of wardrobe; for a series supposedly aimed at kids, it certainly has a number of issues in that regard, particularly when it comes to the outfits of female characters.


    Otherwise, I'd have liked to see more done with various teamup specials, including finding work arounds for the destructions/absences of various Zords in order to accommodate team Zord battles in the storyline. Were various corrections made, a Zeo-Turbo teamup would have been sweet, as would Wild Force with Ninja Storm and S.P.D. with Mystic Force. The Dino Thunder teamup episodes with Ninja Storm and S.P.D. would also have been greatly enhanced in my opinion with team Zord action. Also-and this is total dreaming on my part-it would have been cool to see some mix and match Zords in the Once a Ranger event, made up of the Zords of the Veteran Rangers. I mean, Adam could practically create his own Megazord from the Lion Thunderzord, Frog Ninjazord, and Black Shogunzord if they worked it right; the others might have been a little trickier.

  3. What would it be?


    I can think of a number of things I would do differently with Power Rangers, notably in the area of wardrobe; for a series supposedly aimed at kids, it certainly has a number of issues in that regard, particularly when it comes to the outfits of female characters.


    Otherwise, I'd have liked to see more done with various teamup specials, including finding work arounds for the destructions/absences of various Zords in order to accommodate team Zord battles in the storyline. Were various corrections made, a Zeo-Turbo teamup would have been sweet, as would Wild Force with Ninja Storm and S.P.D. with Mystic Force. The Dino Thunder teamup episodes with Ninja Storm and S.P.D. would also have been greatly enhanced in my opinion with team Zord action. Also-and this is total dreaming on my part-it would have been cool to see some mix and match Zords in the Once a Ranger event, made up of the Zords of the Veteran Rangers. I mean, Adam could practically create his own Megazord from the Lion Thunderzord, Frog Ninjazord, and Black Shogunzord if they worked it right; the others might have been a little trickier.

  4. The Power Rangers Mystic Force/Mahou Sentai Magiranger toylines feature several Zord/Mecha combinations not featured in either series, including:


    • Mystic Phoenix and Sprite's ability to function as a chestplate for the Solar Streak Megazord in addition to the Mystic Titan Megazord.
    • The existence of a Koragg/Knight Wolzard configuration for the Phoenix Unizord/SaintKaiser.
    • The ability for the chestplate of the Solar Streak Megazord to be transplanted into the torso of the Titan Megazord, though not the Centaurus Megazord or Unizord.
    • Koraag/Wolzard's ability to form a chesplate for both the Solar Streak Megazord and Titan Megazord.

    The American Jungle Fury toyline also came with an exclusive-albeit poorly designed-Megazord known as the Beast Master Megazord, which was intended as a combined mode for the series' three extra Zords: the Green Elephant, Black Bat, and Blue Shark.

  5. Did anyone happen to see last week's new episode? We finally got to see Rainbow Dash's parents for the very first time, and I have to say, they sure do show a lot of enthusiasm for their daughter (much to her embarrassment at times).

    I did indeed. It was awkward as all get out at times, but I must say I love her parents. I think this episode also goes loads towards explaining her...healthy...ego. Now my only question is, how does Rainbow Blaze fit in? I would guess that he's probably Bow's brother, or maybe even Rainbow Dash's older brother. If you don't know who I'm talking about:




    Also, am I the only one who would be unsurprised if Bow and Windy took Scootaloo's parents to court for neglect and tried to get custody of her?



    I'm sure I've seen that map before as well, but I had completely forgotten about it. You're right, it's quite good. Still, it doesn't solve several problems I highlighted in the first post, namely the size of Xia, Odina and Destral (I think they're too big compared to Metru Nui) and the position of Artakha, Odina, Daxia, Karzahni (which is situated in the middle of the main Metru Nui sea gate, which doesn't seem likely at all) and Tren Krom's island. It does do a better job than mine at positioning the continents, though at the cost of considerably shrinking them.


    I agree with you on the sizes, but I don't see how any of the positions are problematic (aside from Karda Nui being underneath the Southern Continent, obviously). With Karzahni, for example, why couldn't it be where it is depicted? That part of the robot is quite large, and the gates themselves may only be at each end of the large tunnel.



    It's basically because they're hidden islands. Thus they can't stand in the very center of a dome that must be sailed through to get to other islands, because if they did, then everyone sailing to those islands would know of their existence. And remember, the Brotherhood was actively seeking out both Artakha and Odina; Daxia is another story, but I still don't see how it could just be off the coast of the Southern Continent without anyone finding it. In other words, I think it is indispensable for Artakha, Odina and Daxia to have their own dome, which must be isolated from the rest of the universe, not open for passage.


    Karzahni also has remained isolated for hundreds of thousands of years. While in that case the landscape might be a factor (the realm is contained within a canyon, which might be hard to reach without following the route the future Toa Inika took), it seems odd that a land that has been virtually forgotten, except in legends, should be situated at the center of the main tunnel leading away from Metru Nui, which must inevitably be a major trade route, given the importance of the City of Legends.


    I've honestly half wondered if any attempts to locate Artakha were thwarted by security measures left behind by Kojol and created by Artakha since the invasion; it wouldn't be too surprising if similar defenses existed for Odina and Daxia. With regards to Karzahni, I think most of the legends surrounding it are probably Matoran based and probably either come from Metru Nui-who never had a need to send anyone there-or various regions that had no contact with it. The quest of the future Inika made it seem like the overland route was the only way of reaching it, but it's notable that other parties-such as Naho and later the Dark Hunters-were apparently able to bypass Karzahni with little to no difficulty.


    Hm, not a lot of action here lately, is there? Still, don't think it's been quite long enough that we'd need a brand new topic.


    So...there's a few season 7 items I wouldn't mind seeing sets of. Maybe a museum set with a big fig Vermillion for that Oni armored one Nya fought along with Krux in his Dr. Saunders disguise, and-if not a full on set-some battle packs of the old time Elemental Masters we saw in season 7.

    The most obvious unused season 7 subject for a set, as far as I'm concerned, would be the Vermillion airship used to get to the boiling sea. Maybe it could even include some Vermillion with those wing packs from the siege on the Temple of Airjitzu.

    Not sure what bigfig Vermillion you're referring to—the only ones I remember were the Buffmillion, which already come in brick-built form in the Dragon's Forge.


    The original elemental masters could be great to get, but then again we're still waiting on a bunch of the modern day ones, and I'd hope those would take priority. The recent battle pack with three of them was great and I'd love to see more along those lines.


    That is a definite point-that airship could use some love. I say bigfig because I would imagine it would be one-it only appeared briefly when Nya is rushing to help Kai fight Krux and Acronix at the museum, where there's a suit of armor in the entry hall that the Vermillion crawl into. Short-lived, but a cool-looking enemy nonetheless and probably a lot easier to put together than the various scrapmetal or office supply Vermillion that preceded the Buffmillion. I personally like the "ancient" masters better, but to each their own.

  8. Hm, not a lot of action here lately, is there? Still, don't think it's been quite long enough that we'd need a brand new topic.


    So...there's a few season 7 items I wouldn't mind seeing sets of. Maybe a museum set with a big fig Vermillion for that Oni armored one Nya fought along with Krux in his Dr. Saunders disguise, and-if not a full on set-some battle packs of the old time Elemental Masters we saw in season 7.


    I had those thoughts as well. Face value it's definitely a nod to those themes or something similar, but the idea of them being separate realms is certainly possible. In fact we did have a thread here where we discussed that very subject...don't know what happened to it though.


    I remember it. I was there. I was one of the few that advocated for Elves being a Realm.


    Makes sense to me-I mean, they made Chima a realm after giving it the axe, so I don't know why they'd have trouble giving an active theme a shot.


    So thanks to Comcast I've now seen the entire season; I won't spoil anything for those who haven't, but I will say it was quite the conclusion.


    I find myself disappointed by the underutilization of Skylor in the series, especially when they've made so much of that dirtbag Ronin. I mean, she's an Elemental Master and technically the show's first female ninja, given that she was in the role before Nya embraced her role as the master of water. Hopefully next season she'll come back in a big way to help out. Speaking of the future, Skales Jr.'s attitude in the recent season is interesting: makes you wonder if he's going through snake puberty or just tired of the Serpentine getting pushed around. Assuming that Ninjago isn't ending anytime soon, it makes me think he might be involved the next time a snake-based threat rolls around...and we all know it's going to happen.


    The season also has me wondering: anyone else wondering if they're ever going to touch on previous Master of Earth's relationship to Cole? I mean, the whole Ray and Maya thing makes it seem most likely that Lou held the role and passed the powers on to his son, but so far there's been no indication one way or another.

  10. @Wiriamu: Much appreciated! That was precisely the idea I had for Vakama's role in G2: very indirect, but as an explanation for why there are some similarities between G2 and G1. For example, I thought it was interesting that in G2 the Okotoans wear masks, but it doesn't seem to be a necessity for them, while it IS necessary for the Toa. If Vakama is the original teacher of mask-making, that would also explain why the G2 mask-shapes show some similarities to the originals. 


    Glad you liked the Voporak/Toa Nui clash. It was really fun to develop that battle, since previously in G1 Voporak has been portrayed as a really unapproachable foe. The idea that the Toa Nui would have access to a Toa Seal-like power that could sort of counteract/resist his entropic abilities just seemed to fit into place. =)


    And as for the ultimate fate of everyone in G1...I don't necessarily think that everyone was killed/absorbed. Spherus Magna still remains...who knows what might have transpired there afterward? In fact, my short story veteran might give a small hint at this... =p



    Well, I certainly hope Varian the mind Vampire isn't the only Toa left on your Spherus Magna in that case...it'd be nice if there was someone to help her out.

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