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Posts posted by Wiriamu

  1. EDIT:


    So...the Bat Ponies actually have appeared in one more episode than I previously believed, namely the same one featuring the alternate timeline in which Rainbow Dash has bat wings. These ones display different coloring than those featured in Luna Eclipsed but do come with the tufted ears and Bat Wings of the variant, and two of them-judging by their similar size and body type to Rainbow Dash-are female, marking the first known appearance of female members of this variant race.

  2. Since retconning things isn't likely, my dream storyline where, instead of switching to Bara Magna, the post-2008 storyline focuses on some random Toa team stranded on the southern isles with no clue as to why their universe has gone tits up trying, desperately, to get back to Metru Nui, will never happen. Being in some remote location, they wouldn't know all the details about Makuta's victory, or that Metru Nui is no longer safe, and they would only piece things together along the way. They would try and help the resistance wherever they went with the overarching goal of reaching MN driving the plot. Once there, they realize what's going on and free the Toa Nuva (who were captured in this version). 


    As for a potential storyline not needing any retcons, a similar situation would show a team of Toa stranded within the body (corpse?) of the GSR. They never evacuated with the others for whatever reason, and are now trapped in the decrepit and ruined MU. They wouldn't be the only ones trapped, with some now-feral Rahi and other unsavory fellows. The overall tale would be them trying to find out where everyone disappeared to. 



    Wow, these are some pretty awesome ideas.

    • Upvote 2
  3. It may be girly in my opinion, but I would be interested to watch it! Seems cute and funny, too. :D

    Plus, it would be cool to see what Unikitty does when her friends from The Lego Movie aren't around. We could learn more about life in Cloud Cookoo Land (the place that she lives in), too. :)

    I am a bit surprising that she will be voiced by a different voice actress in the show rather than the one from the movie, but that's how it goes with movie-connecting TV shows usually.

    Yeah, not every actor/actress will do television, or could be busy with something else. Weirdly T.J. Miller won't be part of the Big Hero 6 cartoon cast, even though he's always seemed to have time for the How to Train Your Dragon series.


    While Unikitty is hilariously awesome...I don't know if it's the kind of awesome that carries it's own series...


    In the over twenty years of it's run, Power Rangers has never had an actual Orange Ranger. The closest they've come was in a fairly ridiculous episode of SPD that featured a dream sequence with recycled costume elements and then a crummy reproduction thereof in the "real world" of the show.

    What about a Violet Ranger?


    EDIT: I looked into it more and I found at least one Violet Ranger. I don't watch Power Rangers, so I guess that's why I didn't know there was one.

    Yeah, they've had two Violet/Purple Rangers, four if you count the male Dino Charge Purple Ranger and Koragg the Knight Wolf of Mystic Force. Incidentally, the toy version of Mystic Force's Phoenix Unizord has an alternate mode-not seen in the series or its Japanese parent-depicting the Brightstar Unicorn as combined with Koragg.

  5. Find it interesting that he could become the Toa of Light...or be annoyed at the added Ta-Matoran surplus.


    If the other four Hagah, Pre-Pit Karzahni, and humanoid Miserix had gotten sets.

  6. Some voice actors like Frank Welker have such an extensive filmography that they have separate Wikipedia pages for it.


    The Bat Ponies I mentioned in my previous post have actually made appearances-little more than cameos sadly-in the My Little Pony comics as well. One of these is an interaction between one names Ralph and a standard Pegasus guard named Sam, which is a tribute to the Sam Sheepdog and Ralph Wolf Looney Tunes shorts.


    In the over twenty years of it's run, Power Rangers has never had an actual Orange Ranger. The closest they've come was in a fairly ridiculous episode of SPD that featured a dream sequence with recycled costume elements and then a crummy reproduction thereof in the "real world" of the show.

  7. Entirely up to you. If you feel it's worth it to have all three models in your collection, then go for it. I liked the Botar model, and if I had the space/money, I'd gladly add him to my lineup. 

    If you feel a need to build all of the (depicted) Order of Mata Nui members, then I'd say Botar's a nice addition to that.

    This pretty much sums up the reasoning; additionally, it would save you the trouble of having to take two sets apart to build this guy and then taking him apart when/if you wanted them back.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Not a lot going on in here, is there?


    The Fluttershy episode seemed okay-cool to see her development into a more confident character.



    Kinda bummed about the news that Rainbow Blaze isn't Dash's dad, but Bow Hot Hoof seems okay. I'm guessing Blaze is either Rainbow's uncle-probably on her dad's side-or possibly an older brother...maybe a cousin? Either way, I would guess that he lives-or did live-with Bow and Windy Whistles, and probably inspired/nurtured Rainbow Dash's dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt. It'd be cool if we could get some clarification in an episode or comic, but I don't know if he's a big enough character for them to worry about it. Now I kinda want to see Scootaloo's parents-I mean, for crying out loud, we've seen Diamond Tiara's parents but not hers.


  9. Get some more mask variety: not so many Metru Hunas or Rurus, mix up the Voya Nui Resistance Team masks, and an actual Olisi as opposed to a pair of green Pridak feet.


    If you had been in charge of Bionicle G2...

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