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Posts posted by Wiriamu

  1. I really enjoyed the latest chapter. Some of the fight scenes were excellent, and I liked Krika having a change of heart. I'm a bit surprised that you just got rid of all the characters you brought back to life like that, since it seemed like you were aiming to use Bingzak and some others to lay the foundation of G2. Hmm. Well, we'll see, won't we?

    I'm glad you enjoyed it. I could see where you might have thought that-Bingzak taking the form of G2 Makuta just after he donned the Mask of Ultimate Power but with the Mask of Control was more a happy accident than anything, but I do have some G2-related plans that will hopefully be a pleasant surprise.

  2. Find a Suva and become the founding member of the Toa Terra. 


    If Bara Magna and related characters existed in Bionicle Gen 2 you would...

    Hope they got better treatment this time around.


    If you had a million dollars

    If you had a million dollars...


    Alas, I will not be in attendance. And I so wanted to talk about how they haven't produced Director Krennic, Cassian, Imperial Tank Driver, or Bodhi Rook.


    There are always going to be Star Wars characters that aren't produced as buildable figures—even as minifigures there are plenty of omissions, and that's considering the much larger number of System sets as well as the fact that many of those System sets feature multiple figures. And as cool as some of the figures you mentioned could be to get, I can't realistically see them being prioritized over the Rogue One figures we did get (particularly since Krennic only really ever actually engages in combat briefly, and Bodhi and the Imperial Tank Driver primarily piloted vehicles as opposed to actually getting involved in the sort of combat conducive to action figure play).


    Yeah...but I can dream.

  4. Chapter 19

    Despite the initial savagery of his attack, Morbuzakh began to give ground before Gorast, whose claws enabled her to deflect Morbuzakh's axe blows while she forced him to dodge bolts from her Ghost Blaster. The battle was among the fiercest that had ever taken place between beings from the Matoran Universe, with the Red Star revived Order agent's vengeful fury pitted against the temporally reborn Makuta's deranged love of battle. While Gorast had initially been unpleasantly surprised by her attacker, she was now reveling in a fight such as she had not enjoyed in long ages. Even the battle against the Toa in Karda Nui had not been this thrilling, for in that fight she had been under orders that the Toa were to survive-Morbuzakh had no such protection.

    "You provide fine sport! Oh, how I wish I had been there to crush your kind when the Visorak horde invaded. Alas, by that point those fools Sidorak and Roodaka had taken charge, and I was unable to take part. How does it feel, knowing that the Makuta shall wipe out your race at last?"

    "I would tell you...but something tells me they're not going to let it happen." Before Gorast could question who he was talking about, he swung his axe with immense power-not at her, but at the ground. The blow unleashed a shockwave that threw her back; before she could close with Morbuzakh again, the identity of his allies became clear. Akida of the Toa Cordak and Motara of the Toa Mangai led a newly assembled team, and opened the assault by unleashing twin blasts of Ice and Water. Gorast was not so easily caught off guard, however, responding with a blast of Plasma that evaporated both attacks before hurling towards the two Toa.

    Grefar, formerly Gatherer, rushed in front of his comrades, absorbing the attack with ease using his new Toa power. Unfortunately, the Plasma was followed by Gorast herself, counting on the attack being deflected to come after her foe. However, her charge was diverted as she suddenly went flying to the side, courtesy of Zanier's power over Iron. Not to be outdone, Gorast hurled a wave of Magnetism at him, only for it to be caught on the Elemental Axe Zanier had obtained from the defeated Charger. Before she could make another attack, Grefar's Mind Scramble Rhotuka slammed into her, leaving her unable to defend against Zanier using her own energies to pin her feet to the ground.

    Livid, Gorast employed her Kanohi Felnas against Zanier by seizing hold of him, overloading his Iron powers and causing him to send his teammates flying. However, Toa Droton hurled his Dual Tomahawks, which took out the Makuta's wings, causing her to drop the Toa of Iron. Her roar of pain soon redoubled as Oris, who had hidden underground as a precaution, erupted from beneath the surface and struck with his Metal Macana, the weapon shearing through one of Gorast's arms. A blast of Water then struck her, throwing her back courtesy of the Tsunami Sanjiegun.

    "Keep it up team! We've got her on the ropes!" This came from Akida, who used her weapon to unleash another projectile at the injured Makuta. Motara once again joined her, swinging his Drift Scimitar to freeze the Water into a massive ball of Ice that slammed into Gorast.

    "Yeah, she's leaking antidermis from three places-just have to get her to where we can all attack at once," the Toa Mangai of Ice replied. Unfortunately, his attack had proven less effective than hoped, and Gorast unleashed a bolt from her Ghost Launcher that struck him dead on, leaving him frozen. The Makuta would have laughed at the irony, but to her astonishment the energies surrounding Motara dissipated almost immediately. Spotting her discomfiture, Motara smirked and tapped his Kanohi Kuuls, the Mask of Conjuring, which he had programmed with the ability to disrupt the energies of her Ghost Blaster prior to charging to Morbuzakh's aid.

    With a snort, Gorast turned to aim her weapon at one of the other Toa, only for it to be blasted from her hand. Turning, she saw that an army of Nektann drones which had trailed the League of Six Kingdoms were locked in battle with Maxilos and Exo-Toa mechanoids, with all three being preyed upon by Vahki Hunters. One of the multi-legged attack robots had broken away from the struggle, called by the power of Oris' Kanohi Nuukor of Biomechanics, and its force blaster had been turned on her. Having learned of the machine's capabilities from Antroz after he had been apprised of their development, Gorast contemptuously hurled bolts of Chain Lightning and Electricity that fried its systems.

    "You know, a Toa just can't have nice things with Makuta around," Oris muttered.

    "Vice versa also applies," Grefar replied, charging towards Gorast with Bladed Shield swinging. Gorast responded with a blast of Shadow, but Grefar's Kanohi Pakari allowed him to bat the strike aside with his weapon before dealing Gorast herself a powerful blow. Despite now having four wounds that leaked antidermis, the Makuta continued to fight with the same manic strength. Fortunately, the Toa had so invoked her fury that she had quite forgotten about Morbuzakh, who gave her a painful reminder of his presence in the form of a blow from his axe that knocked her sprawling.

    Having observed what had befallen her fellow Makuta-with the exception of Krika-Gorast unleashed her Shadow energy in all directions to counter the powers of the six Toa she had been fighting. For a long moment the powers of Water, Ice, Fire, Earth, Plasma, and Iron struggled against the female Makuta's darkness, and it seemed that Gorast might actually overwhelm her foes. But then Morbuzakh added his own power to the mix, creating a ring of energy that linked the streams of power from each Toa and melded their powers. That ring then closed in on Gorast, consuming her Shadow as it did so, and with a final scream of fury she was encased in protodermis. Each Toa felt a moment's pain as Gorast lashed out with her mental powers, the one avenue still open to her, but the crystal left them weak enough that she could cause no serious harm.

    Zanier looked at the four-armed giant and, after catching his breath from the effort, remarked, "You're pretty handy to have around, you know that?"

    "Please tell me you didn't mean that as a joke," Droton groaned.

    Just when Makuta Kojol believed he was about to catch Artakha, Toa Iruini materialized right between where the two titans had stopped following their most recent teleport, surprising both of them. The intrusion stopped Kojol from engaging his powers again immediately, and his delay was rewarded by Toa Helryx's mace smashing his Griffin Gauntlet. Enraged, the Makuta swung at her only for the blow to be caught on her shield, and Iruini then unleashed the power of his Cyclone Spear, stirring up a wind that lifted even Kojol's heavy frame and sent it flying through the air. Kojol recovered quickly however, and was just about to sprout wings to allow him to remain aloft when a massive boulder slammed into him.

    Onewa grinned as his projectile carried the Makuta to the ground, but his smile soon faded as Kojol rose and lifted the boulder, clearly intending to return it to the Toa Hordika of Stone. He didn't get the chance, as Faber hefted his Tuning Pitchfork and the boulder exploded into thousands of fragments, many of which embedded themselves in joints of Kojol's armor. Thinking quickly, Onewa fired and charged one of his Rhotuka Spinners before releasing it at Kojol, with the infusion of energy causing the rock shards to grow and encase parts of the former Makuta of Artakha in rock that even his natural strength had difficulty breaking. Before he could even make the attempt, he was struck from one side by a stream of white hot Fire and from the other by a blast of electrified Ice. The first attack came from Toa Dume, grimly wielding his Volcano Glaive, while the other came from the Energized Ice Sword of Toa Matoro.

    All Makuta had natural resistance to Fire and Ice, as well as their own Electricity powers, but the barrage of all three elements at once was grueling for Kojol. However, before he could even think of trying to escape, he saw something that chilled his black spirit even more than Matoro's attack: the four Crystal Serpents gathered some distance away, soaking in the light of Spherus Magna's sun. The beasts had come in answer to the summons of their creator, Artakha, just as they had once sought to repel Kojol's invasion force from Artakha. But now he was facing all four, not just one, and he had no minions to absorb their fury for him.

    Four streams of Light issued from the beasts and merged into one before striking Kojol with an intensity that forced even Toa Dume back with its sheer heat. For the Makuta, such an attack was sheer agony, as even his protosteel armor proved to be little protection from the power that sought to burn away his antidermis. Desperate for escape, Kojol telekinetically hurled himself away from the convergence point, and felt a wave of relief as he moved away from the grueling attack even though his armor was a veritable mass of molten slag. The feeling was short-lived, as his determination to escape carried him into the maelstrom of energies surrounding Voporak and Mata Nui. With that he was gone just as suddenly as he had first appeared, drawn back into the past from which Voporak had called him-something not lost on Artakha and his allies.

    Nearby, Bohrok-Kal Kaita Ja had trapped Makuta Vamprah in the same magnetized, airless sphere of Sound that had previously felled Wairuha Nuva, However, even the mighty Kaita was vulnerable to the power of the Kanohi Avsa, which the focused hunter Makuta employed to drain away his adversary's power even as Kaita Ja attempted to defeat him. Eventually the drain became too much, and Ja fell to one knee as the sphere dissipated, leaving Vamprah free. The Makuta, brimming with the stolen power of his opponent, quickly flew towards his enemy-only to suddenly slam into the ground as the force of Gravity increased on him tenfold.

    Ja's rescue was not effected by Bohrok-Kal Kaita Za, who was engaged with Makuta Tridax, but rather by Toa Valmai of the Toa Makoki* using his Kanohi Garai. Without pause he then unleashed a second power he shared with Kaita Za, using his Melter Morning Star to hurl a beam of Plasma at Vamprah as the bat-like Makuta struggled to rise from the ground. The intense heat, painful-potentially lethal-for even a Makuta, was soon replaced by biting cold courtesy of Toa Mangai of Ice Hura's Chill Claymore. His armor cracking due to the drastic temperature change, Vamprah nevertheless managed to unleash a Power Scream that Hura was only able to dodge thanks to his Kanohi Calix.

    Valmai's teammates Papu and Pala quickly charged in, Magnetic Mace and Jungle Hook Swords swinging at Vamprah, who dodged the former only to have the latter slip over his wings, preventing him from spreading them enough to fly. This allowed Papu to land a heavy blow on the Makuta with his mace, only to get a taste of his own Elemental Power as Vamprah repelled him with a wave of Magnetism, though Papu was soon able to cancel the attack out and halt his flight. However, Vamprah was able to throw Pala off of his back, and rose into the air intent on striking at his enemies only to be struck by a blinding ball of Light courtesy of Korusca, who had added impetus to her projectile by slamming it towards Vamprah with her hammer.

    The power he had absorbed from Kaita Ja allowed Vamprah to shrug off Korusca's strike, and with a screech of fury he swooped towards her. Thus distracted, he failed to notice Toa Ketar, who raised a wall of Stone in his path. The Makuta quickly altered his density so as to pass through it harmlessly, and arrived on the other side only to find Korusca gone. Surprised, he was caught unaware as she slammed her shield into him, having used her power of Light to bend it around herself, creating an effect not unlike that of the Kanohi Huna. She then followed this up with a blow from her glowing hammer, knocking Vamprah into Ketar's wall, to which he was soon pinned as Korusca and her teammates unleashed their powers together.

    A short distance away, another of Voporak's minions was being affected by the Vahi and Ignika's powers as well, though not in a fashion that their wielder had intended. Voporak had seized his Makuta pawns from various parts of the Matoran Universe's history, with none-save Makuta Teridax-having the memories of how they had perished upon their arrival. Voporak had done this to insure that they would not hesitate, and also that they would not turn on each other if certain Makuta remembered the treachery of their brethren prior to their fall. However, Time and Life were inexorable forces, and little by little the memories of each Makuta were catching up to their displaced bodies and minds.

    It was thus that Bingzak, the former Makuta of Stelt, found himself recalling his demise at the hands of Miserix, and realized that he lived by the grace of his own creation wielding the very power Bingzak had intended to claim for himself. The thought was enough to fill him with fury, and despite his contempt for the gladiatorial competitions of his former domain he began throwing all the ferocity of Stelt's lower class races into his battle with Axonn. His massive hammer slammed into the red and silver armored giant, and even the might Axonn was winded by the strike. However, he quickly retaliated, swinging his Giant Axe at the gold and purple armored Makuta, only for it to catch on Bingzak's weapon as he reversed it and held the hooked end up to catch Axonn's strike.

    "You are in my way, fool-my business is with Voporak, not you."**

    "And what business could you possibly have with him, Makuta? Do you feel the need to thank him for drawing you back from oblivion? In that case I would not waste your time, as I fully intend to send you back. The universe-whether the one we once inhabited or the larger one we now know exists beyond it-was finally free of the stain of the Makuta, and I do not intend to let it seep back in."

    With a snort, Bingzak shoved backwards, sending Axonn staggering as he reversed the facing of his hammer yet again. To Axonn's astonishment, the hammerhead end began to rotate, and blasts of purple energy came flying from it to strike him with just as much force as physical blows from the weapon. "Had I the time or the means I would not bother with you warrior-you are the sort of bothersome insect my Rahkshi daughters dealt with in my days on Stelt. Still, in lieu of them I shall happily deal with you myself, before I settle accounts with Voporak and claim the Vahi and the power that is rightfully mine. And now that our old universe is dead, Teridax shall not have the power to oppose me-it shall be Bingzak who rules over all!"

    Axonn's eyes hardened, and with an effort he swung his hammer and unleashed a blast of energy that repulsed Bingzak's energy projectiles and struck the hammer from his hand. "I once thought as you did, Makuta-that the power I possessed or could seize entitled me to rule. But though I lost my way and did things that I have since struggled to make amends for in service of Mata Nui, I can see the evil within you. To leave you free to wreak havoc would be as great a crime as allowing Makuta Teridax to have done so, for like him you have not just given up the Light-you have given up your soul. I understand he once proclaimed that he could not be destroyed, for he was nothing, a void...but such things are what I exist to destroy."

    Bingzak's answer was a blast of Laser Vision, but Axonn took it and kept advancing like it was nothing. Just as he had when facing Brutaka prior to his old ally's banishment to the Pit, Axonn had become a juggernaut: mere force could not halt him, not unless it was enough to destroy him utterly. Blasts of Fragmentation and Disintegration flew at him and were batted aside, and Axonn responded with a blast of Electricity as strong as that he had previously used against the mutated Piraka. He then threw up a Stasis Field around the stunned Makuta, and with cold fury in his eyes approached Bingzak with his Axe raised to finish their battle.

    Suddenly the Makuta's Kanohi Okoto, Mask of Control, shown with power, and as Axonn watched in astonishment his Stasis Field unfolded from around the Makuta and came flying at him. Before he could swing his axe to dissipate the energies, the weapon was torn from his hand by a force that Axonn realized in surprise was a redirection of its power to return to his hand once it had been thrown. The stasis field then closed around him, leaving him helpless and at Bingzak's mercy. The former Makuta of Stelt picked up his fallen hammer and advanced, a cruel smile on his face.

    "The advantages of bargaining, warrior; this is the only Mask of Control*** known to have been created, just as Teridax was the sole owner of a Kanohi Kraahkan. Acquiring it required some clever negotiation, but I was always up for such things-a pity you never learned how to make deals." Bingzak readied his hammer for the final blow, failing to notice the corners of Axonn's mouth shifting upwards with inexorable slowness. Of course, eve had he noticed, he wouldn't have been able to see what Axonn saw: the spirit of Toa Melum of the Toa Cordak, using his Kanohi Iden to communicate with Axonn as his teammates moved into position. With that done, he flew back into his body, which had been carried near by Toa Uxar of Iron.


    Just in time, Axonn's Stasis Field dissipated, its energies being more temporary than those of a Makuta or Rahkshi's, and he called his axe back to him. The sight astonished Bingzak-but not nearly as much as the powers of the six Toa Cordak converging on him. His fall was noted by Tridax, who used his Acid Spear to launch a stream of the corrosive liquid at Kaita Za only for it to be vaporized by a Plasma blast. The Makuta was then caught in a crossfire as Chiara deactivated her Mask of Stealth and used her Charged Chakram weapons to blast him with Lightning at the same time Kaita Za did so. Toa Mamuk then added a blast of Gravity from his Cosmic Chigiriki to the power of Nuhvok-Kal wielded by Kaita Za, keeping the Makuta grounded so that the Lightning could remain fully effective.


    Kaita Za's Plasma power was soon unleashed against Tridax as well in combination with that of Toa Rangi, Toa Makoki of Plasma, whose powers emanated from his Prominence Flail. Orde then employed his Paired Pata to unleash a blast of Psionic energy as Iron power flew from Zaria's Massive Mattock, with the final power needed to trap Tridax coming from Toa Mafa's Frozen Flambard. With their foes dispatched, the Bohrok-Kal Kaita split back into their separate components, but moved cautiously to surround the still inert Krika. Their Toa comrades then turned their attention to the Toa Nuva Kaita, who were still locked in battle with Makuta Teridax.



    "Long have I awaited this day, Makuta!" Akamai's roar was followed up by a stream of lava that flew from his sword to strike the winged titan. Makuta took to the air to evade the strike, only to find Wairuha waiting for him, unleashing a storm of sleet upon the former ruler of the Matoran Universe. His efforts to fly out were met with resistance, as the Aki and Rua Nuva masks had allowed Akamai to join Wairuha in the air, and both of them were now flying around Makuta at super speed and striking with incredible strength. Makuta's attempts to retaliate proved useless, as the Aki Nuva's shield powers deflected his various powers from both Kaita as they flew around him in a tight cyclone that prevent him from flying away.


    "Indeed-we were denied the chance to face you in Mangaia, but now we have the chance to make amends," Wairuha remarked. Crossing his dual blades, he then unleashed a blast of pure cold much like that he had used against the Manas in Makuta's lair. The armored titan plummeted to the ground, and was swiftly followed by a rain of molten rock unleashed by Akamai. Both Toa Nuva Kaita, then landed, expecting that the villain would soon emerge from the smoke resulting from Akamai's attack.


    Makuta did indeed come out, though his appearance was surprising: he had decreased in size so that he now resembled the armored form in which he had faced Takanuva. However, though weakened he was still dangerous, and soon demonstrated it with a wave of his Staff of Shadows. Akamai and Wairuha were suddenly seized by their own silhouettes, which became as dark as night as the master of darkness seized hold of them to entrap his foes. "A fine game, Toa, but now at long last I shall crush you as I have so longed to do."


    In response, both Kaita began to glow, with the light casting away their shadows; the light then faded to reveal the six Toa in their Nuva forms, their Adaptive Armor remaining in the shapes of their old equipment. Tahu and Kopaka then unleashed their powers against him together just as they had in sealing the Kraata Cave on the island of Mata Nui. Lewa and Pohatu then created a sandstorm that drove the villain back, right into a small swamp that Gali and Onua created using their powers. The massive figure sank, but soon began to struggle free.


    "You will not best me Toa! I refuse to be contained by one of your accursed seals again! I shall crush you beneath my heel!"


    Before Makuta could rant further, Krika suddenly appeared before him, having teleported out of the ring of Bohrok-Kal. In his eyes Gali could see the familiar sorrow she had witnessed in Karda Nui, and realized that-like Bingzak-Krika had regained his memories of the end of his life. They had little time to process this development, however, as Krika seized Makuta in the embrace of his bladed arms. He then took flight, carrying his former leader in the direction of Mata Nui and Voporak.


    "You and I belong here no longer, Teridax; our time is over, and indeed we had far more than we should have. I did terrible things in your name, all because I believed I could not thwart fate, and for that I was a fool. I do not know if another 100,000 years would be enough for me to make restitution for my crimes...but this much I can do. Farewell, Toa...and good luck."


    With that, Krika and Makuta slammed into the light of Time and Life and were gone. The Toa Nuva stared at the spot where they had vanished for a moment, hardly able to comprehend Krika's sacrifice. However, they soon became aware of the approach of Artakha, who gave them a meaningful look. "It is as I suspected: the energies that brought these Makuta back into being have the power to dispatch them again. However, it is too dangerous to release the other Makuta from their Toa Seals, and I know of no force that could move the seals into those energies."


    "It is not the seals that must move, Artakha: it is the Makuta themselves," remarked Helryx as she came up alongside them. "As Krika sacrificed himself to carry Teridax back into the past, so one of each of us must willingly depart to carry the other Makuta back with us. Like Krika, I feel it cannot make up for what I have done in the past...but it is a better end than I might otherwise have had."


    With that, Helryx moved to Tridax's Toa Seal, Tarix went to Vamprah's, Dume stood by Antroz's, Oda moved to Bingzak's, Faber went to Mutran's, Ako stood by Spiriah's, Onewa mounted Bitil's, Certavus moved to Chirox's, Iruini went to Gorast's, and Matoro mounted Icarax's. Each looked at their comrades, and bid silent farewell in their own ways. Helryx nodded to her former subordinates, Tarix saluted Kiina and Gresh, Dume bowed to Lhikan, Oda smiled sadly at Ackar, Faber waved to his teammates, Ako winked at Vastus, Onewa smiled at the former Toa Metru, Certavus nodded to Surel and Gelu, Iruini saluted the Hagah, and Matoro bowed to the Mahri. Then, with a flash of golden light, each Toa or Glatorian disappeared, taking with them their respective Makuta.


    Within the maelstrom, Mata Nui sensed the passing of his allies, and his heart wept at the nobility of their hearts. Given a second chance at life, these heroes had willingly surrendered it in order to take the Makuta back into the past so that they could not menace Spherus Magna's present or future. The time to mourn in full would come later, however; he still had to deal with his own adversary. Voporak waited patiently, obviously just as confident in his power.


    "An impressive display, Mata Nui-I didn't think you capable of it. However, you still have no hopes of defeating me-I command the power of Time and Life, and even you cannot match me in that. To what use shall I put that power now? Perhaps I shall send you back to the beginning of time, where even that powerful form of yours will be crushed by the primal forces of the universe. Or perhaps I should send you into the future, so that my future self may have the pleasure of crushing you as his final victory in the conquest of reality!"


    Voporak's words were barely audible to Mata Nui, who was struggling against the awe-inspiring power surrounding them. However, as he looked at Voporak, he noticed that streams of energy not unlike that which had flowed between the Vahi and Ignika were now flowing between the mask on Voporak's face and his chest, which was glowing with building energy. Unconsciously, Mata Nui realized he was looking at the source of Voporak's inherent powers over time-and knew what he had to do. His body shining with the Ignika's energies, he reached out...and touched Voporak.


    To be continued...



    *Not a terribly original name for the team, I know, but at least it's a name.

    **My characterization of Bingzak is based on the amazing work An Even Exchange by Alvis, who really turned the Makuta of Stelt into a character as a opposed to a plot device.

    ***I figure that just as the Mask of Control was a unique mask in G2, it should be in G1.

  5. Ekimu: You said you had visions of a labyrinth.


    Kopaka: Yeah, that wasn't a good movie.


    Ekimu: You haven't even seen it, have you?


    Kopaka: No. :(




    Makuta: Do what you will, but do not fail.


    Nidhiki: As is our duty, we shall not fail.


    Umarak: Get out of here!  Stop reminding people that I'm basically just a ripoff of you!


    Well you remind of the bug.


    What bug?


    The bug with the power.


    What power?


    The power of web spit.


    Who did?


    You did?




    Remind me of the bug.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Wu's age and the general timeline has never been really consistent where Ninjago is concerned ever since Rebooted, I've learned to ignore it.


    Otherwise, I totally agree. I've only seen the first two episodes, but it definitely feels like I'm gonna get more out of it than previous seasons. The action is good, it doesn't feel too corny... Besides Wu's description of the timeline, I feel like the series is really maturing. 


    EDIT: Just watched the next two episodes. At the beginning of the fourth, did Cole and Jay just confirm City (Alien Conquest) and Elves as existing Realms? I know it was just Jay's ridiculous theories, but "alien abductions" and "Elven magic portals" is dangerously close to significant story elements from Alien Conquest and Elves.

    I had those thoughts as well. Face value it's definitely a nod to those themes or something similar, but the idea of them being separate realms is certainly possible. In fact we did have a thread here where we discussed that very subject...don't know what happened to it though.

  7. ...didn't there used to be more topics in this section of the forum?


    Anyway, Season 7: Hands of Time just started airing on Cartoon Network in the U.S., and if you have Comcast the first five episodes have been available in On Demand a bit early.


    So far the season has been quite enjoyable in my estimation, and with a surprising level of intensity. The action has been quite consistent and hasn't felt at all slow, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit more than Skybound.


    My biggest question-which I suppose they might address-is how Ray and Maya, Kai and Nya's parents, have apparently not aged as much as Wu, Gamadon and Krux, even though all five have spent the same time period aging so far as we know. I also wonder why it is that Wu-who's supposed to be a few hundred years old or so if I remember correctly-went from looking like he's in his 20s to his much older appearance in forty years; it seems like it would be more drawn out, though I suppose he might just look older due to the beard.

  8. Pretty sweet animations; I'd love to see you hit up the remaining Inika, Mahri, and Makuta masks-sadly the Hagah are kind of hard given the fact that we only know what two of their masks looked like. The Rode might be interesting as well-you definitely had some clever ideas with these sets-and even the Masks of Control and Ultimate Power.

  9. These are some sic pieces; probably the best Toa Hagah I've seen since I ran across jimmybob83's set:



    Definitely give you props on the custom masks; his utilized repainted Hero Factory helmets and Bionicle knockoff masks. While I like both, I would say I think yours have a more uniform look to them-which makes sense for a Toa team-and their masks have more of a classic, genuine Bionicle feel.

  10. An interesting idea to be sure-the idea of Roodaka reviving one or more of the Kal is pretty sick, and might even give some additional validity to their story. Gotta be honest, from the title I was expecting something to do with Nikila; way to blindside me.

  11. Yeah, I'm the guy who opted for the all out character fest.


    I thought the final chapter was fabulous, and the story in general was an amazing piece of work. While the whole thing with the Great Beings was rather abrupt, it's somewhat fitting: Vakama's decision regarding the Vahi halted whatever their plans might have been, so not knowing what they would have been isn't quite so bothersome. I can easily see Vakama playing a role in Okoto's development-teaching them the art of Mask Making and helping bring about the construction of the Temple of Time to contain the Vahi half he possesses. At some point I imagine he'll pass on, though I am curious what role-if any-he plays in the genesis of Ekimu and Makuta and how they differ from other Okotans.


    I think you handled Okoto's introduction well, and personally loved the confrontation between Voporak and the Toa Nui; "their" method of countering Voporak's time powers was nothing short of brilliant. You seem to have set it up well for the Toa Nui's end to mark the rebirth of the Mata in their Elemental Master forms-a cool idea, though it does make it sad for the other fallen Toa. However, for a story that essentially kills off everyone from the original continuity except Vakama, with foreknowledge of the differences the reborn Toa will have, this was quite enjoyable.


    Hm...it occurs to me that if you ever wanted to do more in this setup, the Great Beings could have a hand in things on Okoto as a further attempt to achieve their goals...whatever those may be. Of course I couldn't really take credit for the idea of Makuta being manipulated by a trapped evil-ShadowBionics beat me to it on that-but I could see the Great Beings taking a less direct hand in matters than his Terankos character.

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