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Rahkshi Lalonde

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Status Updates posted by Rahkshi Lalonde

  1. People are actually genuinely posting in the bzpower comics forum again, it's like watching wildflowers grow back on the side of a volcano.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      🥲❤️🌸Beautifully spoken.

  2. We did it patrick, We Saved Bionicle!

  3. it's 8/10 happy bionicle day all you bionicle people.

  4. coming up on Two Years no Bzpower comics! momentous holiday, don't miss it!!

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Oh no..? Or...yay?

      *confusedly brings chocolate cake to mysterious gathering*


  5. great spirit almighty it's been like ,20 years since i got into bionicle hasn't it.

  6. Well hey it's not like Nobody uses this site, there's still Some people who talk about uhhh... ninjago. yeah.

  7. *cricket chirping noise*

  8. I chew on the blue and red technic pins like delicious froot loops, munch crunch.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      With milk?

      Makes me feel better about all the times I thought my teeth were brick separators. ^_^

  9. man, bzp comics seems to be dead dead huh.

    1. Rahkshi Lalonde

      Rahkshi Lalonde

      i guess most if not all of the people who made them like, grew up and got lives but it's still sad to see the end of an era. Look upon these forums ye mighty and despair...

    2. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Yeah. :(  Maybe this means it could be your time to shine in the comics realm? Start a revival? A renaissance? 

  10. why don't i have the original design document for the Weird Hero Factory Bird on me anymore? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  11. Hey people still using BZP, sorry for not finishing any of the things i started!!

    1. Rahkshi Lalonde

      Rahkshi Lalonde

      Oh Jeez i forgot to feed my rahkshi they're probably dead!!!

    2. Rahkshi Lalonde

      Rahkshi Lalonde

      oh no i forgot to feed my Bohrok too!!

  12. 2015 was the best year of bionicle ever tbh.

    1. Tarn


      there was so much excitement and new stuff, it was like the old days again, not just of bzp but the bionicle fanbase in general

  13. C'est La Bionicle...

  14. Bionicle is honestly not the place i expected to find gen1 Elitisim to be prevelent in but here we are...

  15. Entry built, now i just gotta find my camera!

  16. boy i'd like to get back to making bzp comics, but my sense of humor has been warped to involve excessive use of ridiculous curse words that'd be hard to omit, oops!

  17. Greg "Greg Farshtey" Farshtey

    1. Naota Takizawa

      Naota Takizawa

      what kind of name is that?



    2. Rahkshi Lalonde

      Rahkshi Lalonde

      greg "greg 'greg farshtey' farshtey" farshtey

  18. Greg: "Matoran can't comprehend romance" Me: "Okay, that's like, totally wrong, but okay..."

  19. you'll rip "tbh" and "p much" out of my cold, dead hands...

  20. between that last contest, and Marion, i think i might need to take a break from drawing robots for a bit. x:

  21. wow this comic is taking for-ev-er to finish, hope i don't miss the deadline. x:

  22. boy oh boy oh i love losing track of time! (note: i really don't.)

  23. I propose Clay/Lance as the first and foremost pairing of NK, perhaps call it Clance?

  24. the Olisi is so ugly like, honestly.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Erasmus Graves

      Erasmus Graves

      Wait... do you mean the Olisi on the artwork of Karzahni or his set Olisi?

    3. Rahkshi Lalonde

      Rahkshi Lalonde

      artwork! the set karzahni is one of my favs! O:


    4. Erasmus Graves

      Erasmus Graves

      Ah, yes. Sorry about that. The set Karzahni IS pretty good. I have a fondness for the artwork of Karzahni, 'coz he looks so messed up and twisted, like a real ruler of a realm of the mad. Other than the goggle-tubes, I quite like the artwork. But still, that's just my opinion.

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