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Rahkshi Lalonde

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Everything posted by Rahkshi Lalonde

  1. People are actually genuinely posting in the bzpower comics forum again, it's like watching wildflowers grow back on the side of a volcano.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      🥲❤️🌸Beautifully spoken.

  2. We did it patrick, We Saved Bionicle!

  3. it's 8/10 happy bionicle day all you bionicle people.

  4. coming up on Two Years no Bzpower comics! momentous holiday, don't miss it!!

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Oh no..? Or...yay?

      *confusedly brings chocolate cake to mysterious gathering*


  5. great spirit almighty it's been like ,20 years since i got into bionicle hasn't it.

  6. Well hey it's not like Nobody uses this site, there's still Some people who talk about uhhh... ninjago. yeah.

  7. *cricket chirping noise*

  8. I chew on the blue and red technic pins like delicious froot loops, munch crunch.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      With milk?

      Makes me feel better about all the times I thought my teeth were brick separators. ^_^

  9. It has been ages since ive drawn a Bionicle let alone posted one here, figured i'd just do a quick drawing of what is Constantly my favorite, Visorak! Anyway, hope y'all enjoy, time for me to disappear for another half-decade or smthing.
  10. man, bzp comics seems to be dead dead huh.

    1. Rahkshi Lalonde

      Rahkshi Lalonde

      i guess most if not all of the people who made them like, grew up and got lives but it's still sad to see the end of an era. Look upon these forums ye mighty and despair...

    2. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Yeah. :(  Maybe this means it could be your time to shine in the comics realm? Start a revival? A renaissance? 

  11. Woah hey, turns out that that "technical Difficulty" i encountered ended up lasting, oh, say, seven years? how about that haha, well i think it's about time i dusted this off some, so without any further introduction, Pages 10 and 11 are here!
  12. why don't i have the original design document for the Weird Hero Factory Bird on me anymore? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  13. Hey people still using BZP, sorry for not finishing any of the things i started!!

    1. Rahkshi Lalonde

      Rahkshi Lalonde

      Oh Jeez i forgot to feed my rahkshi they're probably dead!!!

    2. Rahkshi Lalonde

      Rahkshi Lalonde

      oh no i forgot to feed my Bohrok too!!

  14. they were often boring, "dark" variants of Bionicle vanilla, and didn't really do much for the story aside from... exist, hence the fan disdain at the concept, just didn't feel necessary compared to what greg could have chosen to write about...
  15. not to sound rude or anything but you literally described exactly what i drew the last time hand designs were discussed: Right down to the use of the "T" technic pin to givethe thumb some swivel to it! O:
  16. i can see now why hearts boxcars greg hates time travel...
  17. reminds me of when they rebooted Bionicle in 2015! ...wait.
  18. i dunno man, fenrakk is a little machine anyway... but yeah, fenrakk's a titan, vezon adds to his parts count and makes it still a titan set.
  19. This gave me an idea. Instead, it's mech sports. I'm imagining something pink, with a vague rabbit theme, perhaps fires green energy pellets and speaks in outdated gamer lingo... you might be onto something!
  20. wow that's a lot of time i didn't spend RP-ing u:
  21. you people disgust me... ...i want in.
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