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Status Updates posted by ~Hewk11~

  1. I mean 5 stars

  2. You should thank me, I just got you to ten

  3. Lepesh, allow me to help you with your stare of hatred. *Tapes Leppy's eyes open and squirts lemon juice on them* There, now carry on with your painfull hatefule gaze

  4. *randomly sucking up in order to get into your PBZP* Hello, um... how can I suck up to you in order to get this moc?

  5. Were on at the same time!

  6. than you have not lived your life properly you under-privleged child

  7. You've read "2001: A Space Odyssey" too!!!

    OMG this is amazing!!



  9. Love ya! I just came back from my school trip.

  10. I'm come-see-come-sa


  11. I know but I'm saying this due to the fact that it means I'll be seeing you in two days! XD


  12. Well I'll end it now.


  13. ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Hello b-boy, I understand this is your first comment on your page so enjoy now being popular!

  15. Can't wat to see you on sunday.


  16. Well I said my salutations fashionably late.

  17. Hello Tigs

    how are you? anyway nice talking with you


  19. I got the letter today, thanks and love you too.


  20. *KA-BOOM!!!*

    or maybe I blew the universe up, you'll never know.


  21. HAPPY B_DAY!!!!

  22. Dude, do you want me to teach you about talking to girls because it seems that you fell asleep during the class.

  23. how are you doing?

  24. Vwat Va Vunny V-day

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