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Status Updates posted by ~Hewk11~

  1. yes, ish and yes

    P.S. very nice dream

  2. Thanks,

    If you need to post, simply go into the Bzpower forums, choose a topic and then press the thing that says reply!

  3. No problem. sorry about calling you an alias and all that stuff.

    remember that we all except you for who you are, not your interests

  4. hey HBHMOB how are you


  6. OK, hold on... my oatmeal is calling me.

  7. so, what are you up to now that school has started?

  8. whats this talking to inatimate objects thing?

  9. *spirit of hewk11* wow, he knows about the magic addicting powers that zelda has

  10. your creations blow be away in awe and envy.

  11. happy new year dark!

    your fan, ~Hewk11~

  12. happy new year! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Hewk11 a friend of saya and zanda's, a first time writer (my two first short stories), an artist and a site maker and I am very pleased to meet you.

  13. have you caught kira yet, L.

  14. Nice. *swallows bubble-07 and it expands in windpipe and causes no air to go to the lungs*

  15. happy new year "zanda waffle07"

  16. sure you did, XD

  17. Captain Kirby is on the way, ready for brawl.

    When I play super smash Bros. against captain falcon I absorb him and becom cpt. kirby and If i'm green and absorb link voila, kirb the leprecon!

  18. OMG, you like Zelda and Metroid to, wich ones?

  19. hey, I hear that you got locked in the closet by your four year old cousins.

    P.S. I am saying this even though you say that you locked them out, MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

  20. hey bud, make sure not to swallow your bubble-07

  21. NO! not Barney


  22. oh, and have a happy late christmas and a soon to come happy new year!

    P.S. (Post Script: ha! fear my evil knowledge as well! Muahahahaha!)

    P.P.S. ( Post Post Script: make sure hat leppy dosn't eat you thinking that your a kitte with sage if you remember that incident on his profile.

  23. I actually meant to say "hello" not gello so it was really just a typo as well, just like choconuva made.

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