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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Jordboy1

  1. Comic 162 is up!


  2. Lewa! :o


  3. *flies by with a Miru on*


  4. Comic 161 is up!


  5. Uhh...haveth no fear, 'tis just the character I play as in the Tekken series. :P


  6. I've been doin' alright...what've you been upeth tooooo? :P


  7. She's better from the 4th game but I couldn't find a pic of her that was decent.

    So anyway....how've yooouuuuu been? :o


  8. lol

    I just think that one's fun...even though beating those games is like almost impossible for me :P


  9. Number 2 still beats all. :P


  10. No. D:

    I barely played 9 either!! D:


  11. I always change it back, don't worry. :P

    Plus it's just the character I play as in the Tekken games anyway. lol


  12. There are new coat awards in my blog! :P


  13. The new coat awards have been added. >:D


  14. There....are...new...coat awards.



  15. Fine, don't be scared!

    Oh...and hey there. :P


  16. Boo!



  17. Comic 160 is up!


  18. Comic 159 is up!


  19. Pretty good, what've you been up to? :D


  20. Comic 157 is up!


  21. Heyyyyy! :P

    How've you been? :D


  22. Comic 156 is up!


  23. Your avatar is actually the John Locke of BIONICLE....just to let you know. :P


  24. Still gonna bug me about that eh? :P

    Well it's not gonna happen. >:D

    ...though I must admit the idea diiiid cross my mind for a split second. :P


  25. Hi, it's not you! :P


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