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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Jordboy1

  1. Jordboy1
    A lot has happened since my last entry on April 14th. Most notably, however, I finally have a job!
    I started working at Target in mid August. Sadly though, it gets in the way of making comics and writing chapters for my comedies. :angry:
    I got my comics topic back up, and also wrote a new chapter to Mata Nui High School (which I've also posted up on here again too).
    My older brother is moving down to Georga on the 20th, so today we're having an early Thanksgiving (yes! I get to eat a bunch of food and call it a holiday TWICE this year! )
    But yeeeaaah, it's nice to see BZP back up, and pretty cool for it to have modern social site features. Though it's been said a million times, would be cool to have a "like" button...but that's not really that big of a deal to me.
    Sadly coming back here will make me have to see bronies again..but what ever, I'm not on here so often anymore anyway.
    My music list has grown a bunch since my last interests lists update...too bad I never reached the limit before the site changed...and I don't know if we have the limit on the new site, but I'll find out next time I edit my interests list.
    Mega Man Legends was canceled. :angry: That is all.
    May the coats be with you, and of course remember, disco is in this year! B)
  2. Jordboy1
    The Adventures of Pepsi-Bat episode 2!
    One ugly disgusting day, Pepsi-Bat was in the Pepsi cave, when suddenly his butler walked out onto his desktop and told him that the Pepsi signal was shining!

    When he looked at his computer, the Sierra Mist alarm was going off.
    It said that a Sprite Burgler was breaking into the city's main supply of Sierra Mist and replacing it with Sprite, which would poison the whole city!
    Pepsi-Bat got up to go there, but when he did, the burgler was right behind him. He had obviously discovered where the Pepsi cave was.

    The Sprite Burgler tried a punch at Pepsi-Bat, but Pepsi-Bat quickly blocked it before he could do damage to his wonderfully heroic chin.

    The two started wrestling each other until the Sprite Burgler started to get the upper hand.

    Suddenly the burgler broke free and punched Pepsi-Bat in the stomache.

    That makes Pepsi-Bat a little annoyed so he grabs the burgler by the throat and starts punching his head.

    Then Pepsi-Bat kicks him into the Pepsi-mobile where Mugin is waiting to take the burgler to jail.

    Pepsi-Bat heads back to his computer to finish his work, but before he does, he asks you to vote for Sierra Mist, the pop that tastes better than Sprite, and closer to 7-Up!

    The end!
  3. Jordboy1
    Vote for your favorite character from the "Stupid People!"
    Have fun votinggggggggggggggggggggg!!!
    P.S. This poll only includes PGSs
    EDIT: By the way, I am not the one who voted for myself, so peoples can stop asking me.
    Remember, disco is in this year!
  4. Jordboy1
    Episode 1

    One super dull and boring night, I sat at my computer doing.....NOTHING!

    When suddenly my comic character came right out of the wallpaper on my computer and grabbed me!

    Holding me up by my throat, my own comic character demanded that I stop creating my comics because all the comic characters hate me making them do things that they don't want to do.

    I quickly yelled for him to stop. I then explained that it was 10% boredom mixed with 90% imagination that had made me create them in the first place. Also finishing off with how my goal is to make the "Stupid People!" famous! That I'm not doing it for my own gain!

    He listened to what I had to say, apologized for his rude behavior, and then asked if I'd like to be shown around the comic world that I've created. Naturally I said, "Yes!", and we have been great friends ever since!

    I just think to myself....me....best friends with my own creation! Wow!
    Then, after hours of exploring my own created world, I was shot back out of my computer into my seat, staring blankly at my wallpaper again.....fun.

    The end.

  5. Jordboy1
    The perfect disco ball......givin' to me by the one and only.....TtW lol
    Which by the way....'tis his B-day today, wish 'im a good one.

    Remember, people who's birthdays are in January are awesome, and disco is in this year!

  6. Jordboy1
    Today is the first day for the root beer poll!
    The voting will go on from now, until April 30th at midnight!
    There are 4 brands of root beer to choose from, most of which I'm sure you're familiar with.
    The root beer brands include:
    The poll ended at: 3-3-1-9, A&W won!
    Have fun voting, and remember, disco is in this year!
  7. Jordboy1
    With Five Score And Seven Years Ago - Relient K's fifth album in seven years and the follow up to 2004's mmhmm, the band's third consecutive Gold album - some are bound to ask, has the pop-punk band, ahem, matured a bit? Well, yes – sort of. While the new album isn't chockfull of their characteristic puns and concludes with an 11-minute, 115-track tour de force entitled "Deathbed," rest assured, Relient K has not lost its quirky sense of humor.
    The first track, the a cappella vignette "Plead the Fifth," for instance, is written from the viewpoint of an 19th century man with an outlandish conspiracy theory about Lincoln's death and it features lead vocalist/guitarist/pianist Matt Thiessen using his mouth to simulate each instrument of a drum kit. "Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care," which takes longer to say than to play, is a classic Relient K goofball aside. And while the epic "Deathbed," which includes Switchfoot's Jon Foreman on guest vocals, has a somber setting as its title implies, the masterfully woven tale of a man's life and death brims with witty observations and aural ironies.
    "I really love to not be serious all the time, even when I am being serious," says Thiessen, who likens the band's growth on Five Score And Seven Years Ago to Laffy Taffy. "It's the same flavor but we try to stretch it a little bit. It's still melodic, it's still rock 'n' roll, there are still a lot of dynamics. But at the same time, we're trying to write a bit differently, lyrically."
    Indeed, the album is a departure for Relient K. In addition to the two story-songs that bookend the album, there are some love songs - and they're happy ones. "I always write about what I'm going through and I can't avoid the fact that I'm just really happy and there are some good things going on," says Thiessen.
    The elation is palpable on "The Best Thing," which veers giddily between majestic piano flourishes and punked-out bliss delivered at breakneck speed. And the happy state of mind lights up the exuberant first single "Must Have Done Something Right" as well. "This song represents something that I've wanted to create for a long time," explains Thiessen. "It's not a political commentary or a tear jerking emotion-piece, it's just a feel good, fun song. Written at 3 a.m. with a smirk on my face, the song turned out to be something that you can tap your foot and smile to." Infatuation is viewed through a fisheye lens in "Faking My Own Suicide," wherein the narrator (with a wink and a nod to the classic 1970's comedy Harold and Maude) fantasizes about faking a suicide attempt to gain the attention - and affection - of his dream girl.
    But Five Score And Seven Years Ago is more than an intriguing mix of light and dark humor. Tracks like "Devastation And Reform," "Bite My Tongue" and "Up And Up" pick up where mmhmm's "Who I Am Hates Who I've Been" left off. Classic literature from Aristotle on has made much of the tragic hero undone by his one fatal flaw – but Relient K has always been more interested in the everyman who messes up in a myriad of smaller ways. "We're all doomed to make mistakes and to try to recover," says Thiessen. "But I prefer to look at it from the positive, and refer to it as a grace kind of thing." Thus self-loathing is pushed aside in favor of redemption and the promise offered by each new day.
    Five Score And Seven Years Ago marks Relient K's first full-length album featuring bassist John Warne and Jon Schneck - although the two appeared on the band's Apathetic EP, released in late 2005. With original guitarist Matt Hoopes and drummer Dave Douglas completing the lineup, Relient K is now a quintet with each of the members contributing vocals. The backing harmonies, stunning throughout, amp up the infectious "Must Have Done Something Right" and serve as an ironic counterpoint in "Deathbed." But the biggest change was in the control booth.
    Relient K recorded most of the album in Los Angeles with producer Howard Benson (Less Than Jake, My Chemical Romance, the All-American Rejects). "I was honestly pretty nervous," confesses lead guitarist Matt Hoopes, "We'd never really worked with any other producer beside Mark Townsend - he did everything from our first demo, all the way up to the last album. But it was a good experience working with Howard."
    Benson quickly assuaged Hoopes' jitters, creating a supportive environment and bringing a fresh perspective to the band's music. When their tight recording schedule drew to a close, most of the band scattered to their respective homes for a quick break before the Nintendo Fusion tour. (Originally based in Canton, Ohio, the band now lives "all over the place," as Hoopes describes. He and Schneck live in Nashville, Warne lives in Denver and Thiessen and Douglas remain in Ohio.) After L.A., Hoopes put Thiessen up at his place and the two worked in a Nashville studio with producer Townsend, where they recorded most of "Plead the Fifth," "Deathbed" and "Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care."
    Five Score And Seven Years Ago is an ambitious follow-up to mmhmm, Relient K's first joint Gotee Records/Capitol release, which debuted at #15 on the Billboard 200 and at #1 on the internet chart in 2004. It has subsequently been certified Gold as have the band's previous two albums, 2003's Grammy-nominated Two Lefts Don't Make a Right... But Three Do and 2001's The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek. Propelled by the success of mmhmm and its two Top 20 singles ("Be My Escape" and "Who I Am Hates Who I've Been"), the band has toured incessantly, hitting the road with bands like Good Charlotte, Simple Plan and MXPX and landing a main stage slot on the 2005 Vans Warped Tour, and logging a slew of television appearances, including "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" and "Jimmy Kimmel Live" as well as MTV's "TRL," "Hard Rock Live" and "Summer on the Strip from Las Vegas." Yet Relient K (yes, named for the Reliant K automobile, which Plymouth manufactured in the 1980's) relishes its relative anonymity. "We're still under the radar, nobody knows who we are," says Thiessen gleefully. Mmhmm, given the promise of Five Score And Seven Years Ago, that may change.

    P.S. This biography is outdated by a year. lol
  8. Jordboy1
    What's inside a post?
    Have you ever wondered what exactly someone meant by a post?
    Or have you ever taken a post the wrong way?
    You can never really tell what someone means when they post something.
    If they're mad, happy....or even serious or sarcastic.
    Did they really get hurt or upset about that post? Or were they just kidding?
    Were they going to post a huge review or something really long saying how much they care about a friend, then decided it was a little much and shortened it to the one sentence you just read?
    Maybe that one sentence has a much deeper meaning than you could ever know....but they're too afraid or just don't want to show it.
    There could be someone who always comments on your art or comics, loves to read your stories, because they like you more than a friend, but you'd never know for sure unless they let you know.
    But then someone could say that they love you, but you can never tell if they're telling the truth or not unless you meet them in person.
    Maybe someone posts something really happy, but deep inside they're hurting...trying to call out to someone to be their friend, care for them.
    Is there someone who always visits your profile page...maybe leaves comments too?
    Maybe they're just passing by or being friendly.....or maybe they like stalking you. Coud they be jealous? Lonely? Maybe even hate you?
    What if, that very person, is someone you know? Who's been your friend forever.
    What if, that very person.....is your friend?

  9. Jordboy1
    Goeth to my friendeths' two new blogeths and giveth them a welcome to the blogingeth communityeth!
    ~Snow Fire~'s blog
    Republic Commando Sev's blog
    Thanks , and remember, disco is in this year!
  10. Jordboy1
    Quizeth me anything on Relient K songs, and see if I can answer all your questions!
    You can also ask me questions on the band itself...but I can't garrantee I'll know all of them.
    I'll post any questions and answers here when I answer a question.
    Go oneth...I dare you!

  11. Jordboy1
    Well.....I went to a Tax Day Tea Party event today.....read up on it some where or google it or something if you wanna know what it's about.
    But anyway.....there were a whole bunch more people that showed than we expected. Like people from all over La Crosse Wisconsin showed up, all of us walking single file down the sidewalk from the post office to River Side Park. (we even made little paper tea bags with American flags on them )
    So yeah, the thing was pretty cool, and got over with around 1ish....(we went there some where around 11 a.m.)
    Here're some pics:
    Tea bag!
    Scenic stuff.....oh! Is that a TV station vehicle?
    Mike Huebsch
    So remember, uh....I'm American and proud of it! Oh...and disco is in this year too.
  12. Jordboy1
    Before my premiership runs out...I felt the need to randomly log on to BZP again and share this screen capture I took today...and added the following caption:
    And with that....just remember, I'm still alive...and so is disco...because, WELL, disco is in this year...
  13. Jordboy1
    You can pre-order Relient K's newest CD that's coming out this October now.
    I really hope I can save enough money some how to pre-order the $32 package. lol
    But some how I don't think I'll be able to..... <.< >.>
    I need to use money for Driver's Ed., I'm still trying to get a job, school's comin' up, and and I need some new shirts for church....
    Though...I will not giveth up on saving until I either can afford it....or it's too late.
    So anyway, pre-order Relient K's new CD before September 21st and remember, disco is in this year!
  14. Jordboy1
    [Verse 1]
    We should get jerseys cause we make a good team
    But yours would look better than mine, cause you're outta my league
    And I know that it's so cliche to tell you that everyday
    I spend with you is the new best day of my life
    Everyone watching us just turns away with disgust
    It's Jealously, they can see that we've got it going on

    And I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
    To let you know your more to me than what I know how to say
    You're OK with the way this is going to be
    This is going to be the best thing we've ever seen

    If anyone can make me a better person you could
    All I gotta say is I must've done something good
    I came along one day and you rearranged my life
    All I gotta say is I must've done something right
    I must've done something right

    [Verse 2]
    Maybe I'm just lucky cause it's hard to believe
    Believe that somebody like you'd end up with someone like me
    And I know that it's so cliche to talk about you this way
    But I'll push all my inhibitions aside
    It's so very obvious to everyone watching us
    That we have got something real good going on

    And I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
    To let you know your more to me than what I know how to say
    You're OK with the way this is going to be
    This is going to be the best thing we've ever seen

    [Chorus x3]
    If anyone can make me a better person you could
    All I gotta say is I must've done something good
    I came along one day and you rearranged my life
    All I gotta say is I must've done something right
    I must've done something right

    Must Have Done Something Right
    Relient K

  15. Jordboy1
    Chicken is 14 today!
    So everybody wisheth him the best!
    >>Chicken239's profile<<
    Happy birthethday, Chicken!

    Here's your favorite number:

    Super Smash Bros.
    Homerun Contest!


    Remeber to wish Chicken a happy birthday, and....disco is in this year!

  16. Jordboy1
    Well...here's an update on my "awesome" cut to my pinky.
    After my appointment yesterday, it turns out I cut deep enough to cut the tendin...Sooo....I have to have surgury on Thursday or I'll never be able to bend the last joint of my pinky again... <.<
    The surgery won't take long, but the tendin is like a rubberband and may have snapped back as far as a little past my wrist
    If that's so they'll jusy have to slit me open all the way up to that point to find it and stretch it back to my pinky...then after the surgery I'll have a looooooooooooon time of rehab..... lol
    Sp yep....things reeeeeaaaally haven't been goin' my way this month, had lots crud happen this month that I consider worse than anything that's happened all year.
    So just thought I'd keep ya updated....and just for fun here's a pic my mom took last night when I was goin' to sleep and having to prop my hand up.... lol
    Awesome clown blanket!!! XD
  17. Jordboy1
    Well, believe it or not, folkadanions, I, for the first time, finally saw the Matrix tonight. (or should I say last night...since by now it is in the morning? )
    'twas an awesome movie and before anyone goes like WHAT!?!? AYTYARAS*FNHSDYAGSNUAHG^&E(OJ&*68THJg67H&^9 YOU NEVER SAW THE MATRIX!?!??!?!
    Everyone has those certain movies that they never got around to watching. Sure, I already knew what it was, heard about it several times, and even had a Klondike bar tell me his favorite part of the movie before I ate him, but I just never watched it.
    Anyway, it's like midnight....soooooo, I'll be off to bed now...gotta get up for stuff tomorrow. BUT! This brings a whole new meaning and understanding to my good ol' turkey haired friend (Neo)'s name. (well...old name that is... )
    So think twice before watching the Blues Brothers....they might be agents, but also, remember that disco is definitely in this year!
  18. Jordboy1
    Here's a little cartoonish drawing of Jala and Hahli taht I made:

    Hope you like it, I didn't do my best on this, but that's the way I wanted it to look.
  19. Jordboy1
    Well last night I was at Wal-mart with my mom, taking 80 hours to look at everything (my mom, not me ) when I decided to check out the music section for a slight chance that they might have a Relient K CD. Now most stores seperate Relient K into the Christian section, so I looked there first, but then I saw that Switchfoot was in with all the normal rock, so that's where I found Relient K's 2007 album, "Five Score and Seven Years Ago".
    Yes....I already have the songs from download... <.< >.> Buuuuut, I'm slowly buying all their albums to pay for the songs I have.
    After all, if you really wanna call yourself a "true" fan of a band, you'd support them instead of just downloading their music...
    So anyway, I guess I never posted that I got their newest double EP CD of "The Nashville Tennis ep"/"The Bird and the Bee Sides" for my last birthday....then again I didn't post anything I got lol
    Anyway, it's one of my favorite albums by them, if not my favorite, it includes a couple of my favorite songs, most note worthy being "Must Have Done Something Right". Also 'tis the last album that their ol' drummer Dave was on....but I did notice that in the song "Deathbed" within all the people that put music and stuff into that (which is a lot by the way) the new drummer Ethan Luck had actually played the moon drums in Deathbed before he was actually the drummer in the band.
    Would have been cool to pick up the special edition with the DVD...but what're the chances of finding that at Wal-mart? lol
    So anyway, now I have 2 of their physical CDs...and now that I've stopped downloading their music, I'll be sure to pick up their album coming out soon this year (which I can't wait for!!!!!! D:) when it comes out!
    Anyway, here're some pointless pics of the album if ya wanna see: Relient K CDness!
    Remember, Relient K is one of the few clean (you can make a good song without having to have bad language and all), normal (not hideous eyeshadow freaks with a million tatoos and 60 piercings) looking, good (awesome) sounding, family bands out there...and also, disco is in this year!
    Note: Their new drummer....Ethan...I suppose he's a bit pierced...but doesn't mean I like that lol
  20. Jordboy1
    Sooooo the other day my roommate and I ordered our own sonic screwdrivers based on the one that the tenth doctor has from the BBC series Doctor Who.
    Sonic Screwdriver
    You know you're cool when you shine your sonic screw drivers at each other down the hall or in the store....
    Other than that...I got Resident Evil 6 for Christmas! Aaaaaaand I also got promoted to front end supervisor at work. Sooo yeah...good times...and that's about it I guess...I know. I'm pretty exciting ;D
    But anyway, Happy New Year! And don't forget! (...or should I say remember? ) Disco is in this year!
  21. Jordboy1
    Well...yes...Happy Valentine's day!
    I mean...even I have to wish all the people that actually have someone to celebrate this day with. (and maybe envy )
    So.....here's a pic for today....

    And yes, I know it's both scary for people...and then there're those...people who'd like that pic... lol
    Anyway...happy Valentine's day!
    Remember, even the coat loving disco man JB1...can fanboy something, and , disco is in this year!
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