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Status Updates posted by Absol'd

  1. Well.... not really.

  2. And one more thing, I'm the worst member on BZP! Muahahaha!

  3. I ain't the best! I lost some of my proto and never got any proto boosts!

  4. Thanks. Could you get the chapter up today?

  5. Hey Iranu, could you co-author on my comedy? I keep getting writers block because I have to write a story in writing class at school...

  6. Is your new epic the academy? It's awesome!

  7. I don't know what your new username should be. What about Iranu: Shadow Pahntoka.

  8. Hey Iranu, I got a new idea for a comedy.

  9. I've played runescape. But I quit 'cus someone tricked me into going into the Wilderness and I had some good items and 1701 gold...

  10. Now how can you send an idea without anyone seeing, Iranu...

  11. You, Toa Tahkan, and me should form a Phantoka club.

  12. It's meh birthday, Iranu.

  13. Forget what I pmed you about. Email the basic ideas of the next chapter of CoCN. I'll be in your comedy. I never had a good friend on BZP like you.

  14. Iranu, why would I make my friend look like a beast? I'm using them as armor!

  15. Aww, I don't have silver Nuparu claws...

  16. Hey Iranu, do you want drak silver or silver on the MoC of you?

  17. Did you get my PM about the banner of Corona Nui?

  18. Because of popcorn.

  19. Then comment back!

  20. I'd better start PMing you...

  21. A Seeker means being a Dark Hunter shaped like a sneaker. I'm working on the comedy. I don't have Ideas.

  22. Sure. I saw the new chapter. I might try to make myself out of BIONICLE.

  23. When my dad has time... I don't have Dume. I might trade with my friend...

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