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Everything posted by Absol'd

  1. I'm nearly finished with a Grapple Guardian/Dark Grenchler Moc. I'd better finish it soon ._.
  2. Your creations are an EXCELLENT tribute to Bionicle.

  3. Absol'd

    Bring Back Teal!

    Teal must come back! It's also my favorite color.
  4. Oh man, I haven't responded to anything here >.<.>

    Happy belated holidays everyone, hi everyone, pickle HI! and Absol is the coolest Pokemon ever. And yes, I am intelligent for my age. * pant pant *

  5. ( death strikes with scythe )

  6. "I hate'choo!" - Anakin

  7. Yes, I like your comedy.

  8. ^.^

    v.v Im iN uR bAsE, releasing ducks from insurance commercials in uR TV room.

  9. It's impossible to breed Shiny Pokes.

  10. <.>.>

    iM iN uR bAsE, sEtTiNg MuDkIp BoMbS.

  11. Meh, fine. I got sum awesum pokemahnz!

  12. Tank you for the comment. i'm trying to start a fad with my friends, i.e Diabolitical Comedian Brother

  13. an Absol from the PokeLeechies topic.

  14. Sup. I bet I can kill you in Pokemon.

  15. Sy said we were still his best buddies. Don't worry.

  16. Absol'd

    Hay Gaizs.

    Just so you know, Chirox Al Aero Habiante and I have been working on comics. More info after I have dinner :>_<: OK I'm back. Anywho, Chirox and I have already decided on a comic title: It would be <insert awesome drumroll here>... 2nd 2nd Assistant Space Whale Scrubber! Chirox and the Rocoulm's Comics: We Nearly Forgot Rocoulm. And yes, I will be called Rocoulm. Note the fact that he is a freaky torch-holding demon ( And the alter ego of Poodonkis, Strong Mad's stuffed Dromiceiomimus. ). But The Rocoulm will be my new display name. BUT I WILL STILL BE A SHAPESHIFTING CHEAT COMMANDO.
  17. Yeah, I got the PM. I just had to go offline and Ii didn't have a name for the comics. What about the Lore Council of Morons? It is supposed to be AE game related.

  18. MEHEHEHEHEHEHEH! * Ahem * Whoops, I was falling into the grasp of Total Cheat-ness.

  19. I tis' not your Master. Tish I, Agent 56! Cheat Commando of disguises!

  20. Meh? Mehmeh Meh Meh! Meheheh...

  21. Why, thank you. BTW, do you have any DS games?

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