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Status Updates posted by Absol'd

  1. CC Armor = Bad. But good for really low levels. You can get it for 45 DragonCoins in Cysero's shop.

  2. The reason for my sig? SPIRIT's PSA, bohrok invasion ( the member ), and Steve Irwin.

  3. When's the new episode? Superkid said it would come out yesterday.

  4. The pony is a lie.

  5. I don't know how I lost it. I'm trying to get it back...

  6. People usually call me Mahkii. But what about Mahk56? ( Hehheh...)

  7. Votage for you.

  8. Resev's my friend, too!

  9. Basically the picture of Artix and Vayle back to back on the DF homepage.

  10. Yeppers. BTW, make me a Personal Photo of inverted Kid Artix.

  11. I didn't have enough room for Mahkii.


  13. BUt Pali uses a lot of Mana. What's your character's id number?

  14. Chirox ain't feeling well. And Pally and Necro armors are likely to be released. too.

  15. Here's something to cheer him up. NOXUS AND PALADIN ARMOR ARE GONNA BE RELEASED AT 7:00 - 8:00!

  16. You're jus like me... And I don't wanna talk about a knife thing anymore... it never happened....

  17. Sure. That's okay. Andit's not letting me use the pic.. oh well, I'll try to use the voltaire pic.

  18. You're a seeker? YAY! And please enter my contest in Chickencow Scrambled Hamburgers.

  19. I'll make more.

  20. Yo. Do not underestimate the power of beef and poultry in one animal/lord...

  21. Yeah. I'm still in my jammies... >_

  22. Dang. Bionicles don't have uncles. So thats why I'm all sad.


  23. Thanks. WiseWhenua made banners for random people. And I was one of them :D

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