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Everything posted by Trexxen

  1. *gasp* Bunda <3s jewels too?! O.O I actually have plans to, upon getting a job, order a good $100 worth of strictly jewels, because I love them to death. So useful...so awesome...so shiny. Ahem. After seeing this...I'll probably shunt it from 100/200 (depending on the price/color) jewels to like 20 or so of each kind; I didn't know a couple of the parts you have existed! =P ~Trexxen
  2. No; but I'll google it. *goes to do so* I'll PM you whenever I'm ready to set up a match. ^.^
  3. Which do you prefer? Of course, if you want a specific map on CE I'd probably have to download it. So far I only have "Huge", Area 53, Area 54, and a few Halo 2 maps. ~Trexxen
  4. Heh, heavy weapons on small maps for the lose. That reminds me, we never did get in that Halo PC match we wanted to...and my internet connection works a lot better now...hmm. ~Trexxen
  5. Dio IV? ...Holy diver! You've been down too long in the midnight sea! Oh, what's becoming of me? ~Trexxen ^.~
  6. Trexxen

    Alright Guys

    I'd be happy to help if I knew what to do. I can already tell you a couple of areas that need a quick fix, though: -Miserix, though you already know this I'm sure, IS the winner of the Build-A-Makuta contest. -Mazeka isn't a model that won't be for sale, he is, in fact, a Store Exclusive set of either $20 or $30 value. -The 9-foot tall OOMN member from the Gali Nuva blog, known now as Trinuma, will be a combiner in the July issue of Brickmaster. ~Trexxen
  7. Dark Grey, since it's the type used on Krakua, IIRC. Also, any info you could give me on Trexxen's role in your epic? =P ~Trexxen
  8. Sorry I'm so late - I've been offline a lot recently (Guitar hero yays!), and just wanted to say that if you want, I have no problem with one of Trexxen's colors being grey - maybe grey hands, feet, mask, etc. and white body/limbs? =P ~Trexxen, who is looking forward to this epic!
  9. Member name: Trexxen Character name: Trexxen Gender: Male Occupation: Scientist Place of residence: Observatories/Libraries Element: Sonics Primary color: White Secondary color: Black Kanohi color: White Kanohi: Kakama Phantoka Eyes: Trans-black Personality: Very friendly and loyal, an egghead that only fights when needed. Physical appearance: Hmm...rather lanky, wears a sort of "armor" since he fears fights, tall for a Matoran. Has a cape. Weapons: Scythe, which is usually stored on his back. That good? ~Trexxen ^.^
  10. Entry 1. Loving the demon/black fantasy style of the monster ^.^ ~Trexxen
  11. I vote Entry #1, because it made me laugh. ^.^ ~Trexxen
  12. I vote for Entry 5. It makes me feel all flaming and fuzzy...wait, flaming? AHHHH! *runs to water* ~Trexxen ^.~
  13. I vote for Entry 4, W.A.R. Great entries all in this one! ^.^ ~Trexxen
  14. I vote for Entry #4, Antroz: Immortalized Warrior of Shadow. =P (Why do I always get some of the hardest categories? *bawl*) ~Trexxen
  15. Here we go - an Antroz statuette, complete with makuta essence, plaque (sorta), and more...And completely anchored to the lid of a Rahkshi can, which, if you've ever tried it, is FREAKIN' HARD. Entry Name: Antroz, Immortalized Warrior of Shadow Entry Pic No topic or gallery. The MOC was scrapped and that's the only pic I got - it's now got legs and has ditched the canister, so even if I did take more pics, they wouldn't fit the theme. =P As for a topic, whenever I get pics of the legged version it'll be in with it. =P ~Trexxen
  16. At first, there was none, but now that I've gotten a few of them, definitely the three-rod connector that makes up Hydraxon's tri-blade. That thing is swell. ~Trexxen
  17. It's probably a minor sinus infection or allergies, leaning towards the former. I get them often, and it's usually because I have such bad allergies. Other possible causes you're hopefully not experiencing are cranial trauma, brain tumors, or high blood pressure. Hopefully the bleeds clear up soon, though ^.^ ~Trexxen EDIT: Forgot to mention. Next time you have one, put car keys down your back and press them against it. I am not kidding, either - it worked for me. =P
  18. Here's my latest MOC topic. Please, go there and keep it alive - it has my Maxilos & Spinax Alt Model ^.~
  19. Definately Maxilos. He was IMO the best titan this year, but he has some glaring flaws (gaps, two metallic colors...) - flaws which I'm sure you could fix. ^.^ ~Trexxen
  20. It's pretty good, but one thing I've gotta note: PLEASE, get rid of the bley. It really throws off what would have been an utterly awesome jet-black color scheme. Also, a tip if you want black EF arms - the best values would be either buying 4 of the $5 Aqua Raiders set (comes with 2 each), or picking up the $30 playset (comes with tons of other decent MOCing parts too, so it's worth the extra cash IMO - BLACK TENTACLE WHIPS YAY) ~Trexxen
  21. Well, so far I've not seen many people even looking at my BBC entry (I've seen about 20 look-and-leavers though T.T), so does anyone have a review for my entry? Much thankies and candy, ~Trexxen
  22. Hmm...a half-mutated puffin, eh? Sounds pretty fun...=P Seriously, I haven't decided mine yet, but I'm PROBABLY going with either Dr. Bionicle & Jixx, Tufi (maybe a pill bug too? XD), or...something else. =P
  23. What is my life's philosophy? Paranoia (O.o) What will my last words be? Hunting High And Low (For what?) How am I feeling today? Forever (Heh, I do feel pretty good =P) What is my theme song? The Trooper (YES!) What song will be played at my wedding? Healing Vision (Hehe.) What song will be played at my funeral? Nothing Else Matters (Makes sense, it's a sad song =P) How will I be remembered? Monolith (So...is someone going to immortalize me? ^.^) What is some good advice for me? Fields Of Dispair (...don't go into fields? >.>) What is my life's dream? Hardcore Of The North (...I don't get it...) What's my kind of lady/man? The Unforgiven (Confusing, that...) How do people on BZPower see me? Explosive (Says it all, doesn't it? XD) How would I describe this blog? Full Moon (Nah, not that epic.) How would I describe my best friend? Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence (...makes sense) What's in store for this week? Octavarium (Sweet, awesome music is in my future!) How would I describe my parents? Sandstorm (Again...I don't get it...) If I had one wish, what would I wish for? Chaos (I fell out of my chair laughing at this point.) What do my friends think of me? The Number Of The Beast (O_O) What is said about me behind my back? Frailty Awakening (Makes sense.) What do I think of this questionare? Hallowed Be Thy Name (Hmm.) Pretty psychic, this quiz...I think I'll leave this playlist on for a while. Awesome musics.
  24. I was thinking about categorizing this under "rants", but I figured it's not so much of a rant as it is me just talking. Firstly, my internet's been acting up, and badly. I am currently only able to access the internet from my parents' computer, and until they find their ISP's CD (they hid it among their thousands of files), I won't be getting it fixed any time soon. So yeah, that's a BIG problem, and it's putting a serious damper on my ability to use the internet for things I love, like this site (which, I recently found out, is my most visited site this year - go figure.) Secondly, all the BZP history we've gotten lately (which is great, even if you've read almost every news story during a night of boredom...like I have >.>) I got myself thinking, why didn't I know this site existed until last year? Back in 01 and 02 I was CRAZY for Bionicles, I had every McToran, a full set of Mata, and in 02 I completed my Kanohi Nuva collection (which is completely lost except for a Kaukau and Hau, in set colors), so it couldn't be that I had no interest. I may have just thought that nobody with the ability to make a website still played with Bionicles (oh, how feeble minded I was back then), but point is, it would have saved me a lot of trouble - one of my biggest regrets is entirely missing out on 04. I eventually lucked out and got Onewa/Whenua (I always get those two mixed up - it's the earth Metru =P), followed by Turaga Dume and Nivawk that Christmas and recently I found Nidhiki for $5. But still, had I found this site earlier, a lot of that could have been spared - and I'd at least have a few more choices as to what eye color to put in my MOCs. =P And finally, to end this little session, a quick announcement - I will be "changing" my name, and by "changing" I mean adding tildes in front and back to make it look new. And that's basically it, so I say, as usual... Ciao! -~Trexxen~
  25. Hmm... Well, as you guys may have noticed, I picked up Maxilos and Spinax recently... And out of them has come a rather nice alternate model. Toa-style, as most of my MOCs are, but it has its own...vibe. Along with that, my other creations I was working on (Two new turaga designs, one of which is used in my Hapori Tohu; and a titan) are quite finished and ready for posting, once I overcome my lazy streak. Oh, and one more thing: Never underestimate the MOCing capabilities of a rahi head, especially if it comes from a certain energy hound...Hehe.
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