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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get PDF of the first series of the BIONICLE comics. I haven't read many of them and only the 04/05 ones are on Bionicle.com. Thanks if you can help
  2. Adventurer
    I'm getting a new desktop computer soonish (this should fix the internet problems hopefully ) because my current ancient one is making more and more threatening noises. I'm thinking of buying a PC game with it and I was trying to decide between Crysis and Bioshock. Any suggestions?
    In other news, my cat is starting to get better, but she still isn't eating. Other than that, she is still limping around a bit, but I reckon that she'll be fine.
    I won't be on much over the next week due to a lot of tests and assignments on top of the internet troubles. The week after that, I'll be completely inactive because of music camp.
    That is all for now.
  3. Adventurer
    I made this in power point after reading bonesiii's blog Don't forget to see the below entry, I need to know my name by Wednesday...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
  4. Adventurer
    I just got my report card. / It was about two months late, but at least is contains mostly good news. I got a B for trumpet due to "not attending classes" which is a bit hard to do when the teacher has only attended three lessons himself (and two of those lessons were rescheduled ). Anyway, I now have the hard task of picking subjects. At the moment I'm looking at doing:
    Maths (B and C accelerated class)
    Multimedia Computing
    Science Academy (accelerated chemistry and physics prefatory as well as year 11 biology)
    Music (not sure if I should do rock or jazz yet....)
    ...and one more which I have yet to decide. The cool thing is that with the science academy I get to start a university subject in year 11.
  5. Adventurer
    I'll be busy the rest of this week as my Dad will be getting married on Friday. Unfourtuneatly, he says I ahve to write a speech by tomorrow and help him out with some stuff *shudder*.
    In other news, I recentley got my 6000th post, the goal I set myself at the start of the year.
    Also, I'm looking for an assistant host for my Relate It To BIONICLE, my game in G&T. If you are interested, let me know. All you will need to do is whatch over the topic when I'm not able to and make sure everyone is following the rules and if you feel it is needed, impliment a new rule (you'd have to PM first of course though. )
    I hope not be too bored over the next week, at least it's better than SOSE in school
    See ya!
  6. Adventurer
    ....So it wasn't just my computer stuffing up after all.
    Anyway I'm going home later today and I'll finally get to try the new computer. I can't decide if I should put Firefox 3 on or just use IE for now....
    Anyway I'm still trying to catch up with the forums, so see ya!
  7. Adventurer
    I know, I know I've been away, but it was worth it. I've gotten A+ in three subjects (science, maths and english) and have finished S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl (I hope that's how you spell it ) and have started Clear Sky. If anyway has Clear Sky, PM me.
    Anyway, I have an exciting new idea for you guys. We all love drinking cat milk, right? Well up until now it has been near impossible to mass produce due to a limited amount of milk per cat. As a result, using genetic engineering and fancy medical skills, I have created the Octacat! A cat with a single head and eight bodies! This cat can satisfy the ever growing demand for delicious cat milk and is easy to herd and tame! Buy an Octacat farm if you want to get in on this idea and if you don't feel like going in that deep, just buy a carton of Octacat milk and compare it to normal cat milk!
  8. Adventurer
    Went to an amusement park yesterday with some friends and as a result I have reinstalled RollerCoaster Tycoon... I've already spent way too much time on it.
    In other news I heard that Final Fantasy XIII was going up on the PSN, which is good for people like me who haven't been gaming since they were two months old. (Oh yeah I have a PS3 as well as a 360, PSP and Gaming PC now. Mother also wishes to get a Wii and DS for herself. )
    I've also been thinking of my new avatar and banner and I decided when I have the software, I'll try and make a Saxton Hale banner and a yellow Rahkshi avatar... Both will burn the eyes, but I don't mind.
    'Tis all!
  9. Adventurer
    Well yesterday was December first, so we put our fabulously decorated Christmas tree up. In fact, I got to put two up, my Dad's and my Mum's. One bad thing happened, it was Side Show's final episode as they have been axed. Well, life goes on. In other news there's only two weeks of school left!
  10. Adventurer
    First off - yes, I have switched names with Takua the Wanderer.
    Anyway, I'm seeing Cloverfield 10:00 AM tomorrow. I hope it deserves the hype it's received and I'll post my thoughts on it tomorrow in another entry.
    That's all for today.
  11. Adventurer
    Just a few notes:
    -The reason I chose "Adventurer" over "Adventure Master", is that if I was Adventure Master, my initials would be the same as my best friend
    -My epic will be updated about once every two weeks from now on
    -I will finish my thoughts on the 08 small sets once I have decided what I think of them *starts thinking*
    -I can play "Hot Cross Buns" on the Tenor Sax now, very easy to learn
  12. Adventurer
    OK, not a proper conspiracy idea, but I always noticed the Wilhelm's scream in movies, TV shows and even a game once for years and years without ever knowing that it was a known thing. I thought I was going crazy hearing the same guy scream in a billion different things everywhere. Well, last night after reading something about the Middle Man, I discovered that it is an actual thing. So maybe I'm not insane, just a bit slow.
  13. Adventurer
    OK, I plan on ending this contest around next Sunday or Monday afternoon, so until then I'm still looking
    If anyone noticed, I wasn't online much yesterday, as when I got home from school, I went to a book launch for a book I reviewed earlier this year Everything went well and Yorrick Kaine's friend officially launched his new publishing press, so that was good That's about it, so see ya
    EDIT: I forgot to mention: I got an award for the awards night at my school I'm one of the thirty-eight people in my one thousand five hundred person school that got one I don't know what it's for, but I'll find out in a month...
  14. Adventurer
    Just a reminder, the Name The Blog contest is still going
    Well school started today and unfortunately there was not much exciting stuff that happened We had HPE first, we didn't get anything done, we just talked about some very basic stuff (*sigh*). Then we had English (home room) where I got my report card! I got all As for achievement in all subjects and I got mostly Cs for behavior Much better than my last one After lunch I had Maths, not much to say. Then we had Manual Arts, again, not much to say Then German, see last sentence. Then the best subject of the day in my opinion! Music We started learning guitar today, I have been considering taking it up as my second instrument, but I eventually chose Tenor Saxophone, which I'll started next year I might take guitar up in 09 though...
  15. Adventurer
    Just a reminder, the name the blog contest is still going
    Yesterday I was halfway through making several posts when I had to go to the picnic I mentioned in my last entry It was as boring as expected and afterwards I was conned into babysitting two of the kids there. So that's why I was inactive most of yesterday
    BZPower: I plan on finish reading the reference stuff, update my epic and if I have time, update my blog...wait a second...
  16. Adventurer
    Just so you guys know, EmpressWhenua has won the blog naming contest. He will be PMing me his prize which will be unveiled eventually
    As for real life, I have had trouble getting onto BZPower for two reasons:
    1) Computer is messing up
    2) Trumpet
    I had a performance today, not much to say. All went well, we sung on the bus home
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