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Everything posted by Xykon

  1. Yep. You're the first one to remark on it.

  2. It's the skeleton guy in my sig: he's a villain from the Order of the Stick webcomic. There's a quote of his in my sig too.

  3. Looks like you might. XD

  4. Ayup.

    Only hearing it once made me sad.

    Sylux is a girl. At least, everyone thinks.

  5. If you're rejoining, are you going to want that mask back?

  6. Sorry, no evil here. You'll have to look somewhere else for smiting that.

  7. Uhh... say what?

  8. Wait, wha? Whar?

  9. OOOOOHH YEEEAAAHHH! Congratulations. If I had any sort of award to give here, I'd give it. But I don't. So too bad. >
  10. Nope, I wasn't even here several years ago. =P Is it important?

  11. I deeply, desperately desire the postponement of my poor perishing.

  12. Please, perhaps poetic pairings of meticulously melded wonderful words disappointingly dissatisfies this joy-lacking judge?

  13. *trembles in terror*

    *hides in horror*

    *cowers in cowardice*

    *flees in fear*

    *alliterates in annoyingness*

  14. The bounty hunter Rundas from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (a Wii game, and an awesome one.)

  15. *shoves yeh into the grave* >:)

  16. *does not make you*

    *pokes twice*

    *just made you*

  17. Thanks. Made it for Bonesiii's powerpoint face contest a while ago, and it won, so I got big version, and I haven't changed it since then. =P

  18. You're a Colbert + Stewart fan? =D

  19. 'Cause it's a cool banner and I don't have a sig-size one.

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