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Posts posted by Voxumo

  1. Amidst the cannon fire, an ominous sound was growing. As cannon's ceased their initial volley, the sound was all too evident to the fighters.




    Perhaps having sensed the suffering and pain their lesser cousins were enduring at the hands of the fighters, or merely by coincidence, the fighters may never know, but what they do know is the crews of these vessels are Snake Men!


    With the damage the fighters had already caused, and the cannons that now blasted into the sides of the ship, the ship finally began to sink. Snakes having forsaken their previous battle, flung themselves into the waters and towards the allied ships, just as the stern of the ship sank, causing the bow to raise into the air. Though Vox was not without mercy, and several rowboats appeared amongst the water. Those fighters who chose to claim the rowboats would have to fight off the sharks as they swam to claim the boats.

  2. As Kaun attempted to boil the sharks alive,  a squadron of snakes broke off from the main group, and slithered towards the toa of fire. Once close they launched themselves at the toa, attempting to bite and inject their dangerous venom into the creature that dared attack their allies.


    Meanwhile pahrak would into his own issues, as the snakes did not take kindly being being attacked. Again another cluster broke off, attempting to combat, or at the very least distract, the fighter. Though Pahrak's own logic would likely be his undoing, as while the sharks were not a threat to the fighters as long as they stayed out of the water, the water would soon be coming to them. With weight of the snakes, the sharks pushing against the underside and the water now swiftly filling the below decks, the ship was on due course to flip into the water, unless a miracle were to happen.

  3. A snake tapped on the glass of the captain's quarters, and should Nato turn to look at the snake, he would see it raise it's tail in the air, perhaps as a snakey form of a "Thumbs up".


    At least these snakes have manners.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Sharks, known for their incredible speeds beneath the waves which lends to their ability to jump of the water. It just so happens this would comeback to bite Timelord in the behind as a few sharks split off from the main pack, and focused on launching the snakes back onto the boat, with a few aiming for Timelord just out of spite. 


    It's raining snakes, hallelujah.

    • Upvote 1
  5. While the fighters were busy doing what they do, and the snakes began to climb find their way atop the deck, and the sharks and piranhas, don't ask why there are piranhas, continued circling the boat, Vox came up a glorious idea.


    Diving into the waters, unseen by the fighters, he collected what appeared to be the King shark, the one in charge of the aquatic predators. He clearly was king for he had a teeny tiny crown stapled into his forehead. Vox, carrying a shark under one arm, searched the boat for the proper snake. As fate would have it, the snakes also apparently had a king, who also wore and even tinier crown. Collecting the two he brought them high above the arena, and set them atop little pillows that floated in the air.


    "Alright listen here boys. You two are going to work together to get a feast." he explained conspiratorially, leaning in close as he whispered "Now here's what you are going to do..." 


    With a satisfied hiss, and whatever sound a shark makes, the two creatures were returned to their rightful locations, as Vox watched then enact the plan.


    The Snake King ordered his minions to congregate on one side of the ship, while the Shark King ordered his minions to do the opposite. They began to push against the opposite side of the ship from beneath the waves. Together the combined efforts of the creatures slowly began to tip the ship. It wouldn't be long before the fighters are forced into the waters.





    So yeah, you have snakes and sharks cahooting. Have fun with that.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Disheartened to discover that he'd failed to freeze anyone, Nato opened up one of the cargo hatches and tentatively made his way belowdecks. He wasn't sure what, if anything, he might find down there, but he figured he'd stand a better chance down there than he would in the open up here. 

    Probably to Nato's surprise, he would discover that this certain Pirate ship specialized in the trafficking of highly exotic, highly dangerous rahi. Most notably a multitude of venomous and deadly snakes, originating from the most reclusive section of the MU. Would be a shame if those snakes got out on the ship.

  7. Vox smirked as he watched the chaos that was occurring atop the seafaring vessel. While somewhat dissapointed he could not partake in the blood and agony that was occuring, he smiled with glee as he watched several fighters take to the ocean.

    "Well well... These folks just don't seem to read the arena setting very well." Vox commented as he summoned buckets and buckets of chum from thin air with his judgely powers. The buckets swiftly dumped themselves into the ocean, the oh so alluring scent reminding the predators beneath the waves of their purpose, as they swiftly swam closer to surrounding waters, ready to nip and tear at the chum, and any unfortunate souls who chose to remain within the water.


    "Did they really think the ocean was their ally in this endeavor?"

    • Upvote 1
  8. I use my control on reality to amplify the attacks target toward Pulse.


    "Try and stop that."

    You don't have that power. Please don't make up powers in the midst of battle to try and benefit yourself or others.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Regarding the Temple of Time: In our PM, Terrorsaur called it the "MacGuffin Temple" =P


    @Vox: What would you have called it?


    - :burnmad:



    Also the temple of time thing is lost on me. You'll have to explain the meaning behind MacGuffin. Also an old pm or newer one?

    • Upvote 1
  10. Huh. If Fire were to secede, I'd kind of want to decide on the name myself-- with the input of my fellows, of course.


    - :burnmad:

    Hey, I had a name in mind but no, Shadowvezon had to go "Dur, I Can't think up a name" and thus Voltex was like "Alrighty, Kamuk it is."

    • Upvote 2
  11. (Ya, OOC, thank you for having the decency to do that


    Though the idea that Tex was considering letting me get one-shotted in the first place is... disturbing. I wouldn't expect to one-shot a PC even if I was wearing my old Mask of Fire, let alone with NPC assassins)


    Edit: Granted, we've come a long way, seeing as last game Terrorsaur instantly killed 3 people from the opposite end of the island. =P


    - :burnmad:

    That is literally how I DIED last game. I think all the deaths that occurred last game were generally one shot kills.

  12. Just gonna put this here.

    [2/16/2017 6:35:48 PM] Tex: Vox, you died because Jed succeeded in pulling off a miracle last game, I'll let you weigh in
    [2/16/2017 6:36:07 PM] Tex: Does Burnmad get one last shot with a miracle dodge, or is he getting a knife to the back of his throat
    [2/16/2017 6:36:43 PM] Tex: (or does he take a hit to the back or limbs or something, but still survive a little longer)
    [2/16/2017 6:36:48 PM] jed1ndy [aka weeb from the siivagunner chat]: 1/96 were my chances, right? I forgot what the exact minimum calculation I did was.
    [2/16/2017 6:36:56 PM] Tex: something like that yeah
    [2/16/2017 6:37:34 PM] Voxumo: Hmm... If he dodges is it guaranteed survival? I can't imagine the assassins will just stop because he dodged?
    [2/16/2017 6:38:12 PM] Tex: no, they'll continue attacking.
    hold on, I'll give the rolls too
    [2/16/2017 6:39:20 PM] Tex: BURN:
    Various Stats, 
    Various Stats,
    Removed so no one can complain.
    [2/16/2017 6:39:59 PM] Ehksidian: >16 Something?
    [2/16/2017 6:40:08 PM] Ehksidian: oh wait
    [2/16/2017 6:40:20 PM] Ehksidian: that's not the stat
    [2/16/2017 6:40:24 PM] Ehksidian: that's the roll
    [2/16/2017 6:40:27 PM] Voxumo: Hmm... I'd say dodge 1 assassin, but maybe be injured by the other in the dodge?

    Bolded are parts that I removed so as to not give away any information.


    As I said, I regret suggesting you dodge. I'm too nice for my own good. *Smacks some bloodthirsiness into himself*

    • Upvote 3
  13. The Insectoid made no motion to dodge the attack. Instead as the blade pierced the lower section of his abdomen, Vox's freehand reached for Nato's sword arm, attempting force the okotan to dig the blade deeper. While his one arm was doing that, another reached behind Nato and attempted to dig the boltikon deep into the okotan's shoulder blade. The last two arms attempted a similar manuever to the last, but instead aimed for the neck of Nato, much like a pair of scissors


    "If I'm going to die," Vox whispered as the unnatural head loomed over Nato's "You're going to die with me."



    Aww... and here I was hoping to kill him with me.

    • Upvote 2
  14. This is the Fire Region. We know how cautery works. We probably invented it, in this world.


    - :burnmad:

    Cauterizing a wound isn't an insteal heal... It's just a step in ensuring you survive a little longer. On top of that, the amount of time you were bleeding... Well even then cauterizing likely wouldn't save you. What was it, ten minutes you were bleeding profusely from two wounds, likely only making the wounds worse as you fought off your attackers and smoke monster after he arrived?


    By all rights, you, should, be, dead.

  15. Vox smiled as he watched Nato retreat. Using his limited phasing ability Vox closed the distance between them, firing his boltikon's at nato as soon he was out of his phasing. The insectoid showed no intentions of letting off on the assault.

  16. Vox cursed as his attack was predicted, but he thankfully managed to block the slash with his other hand. Instead of retreating Vox rose to his full height, and brought his three arms close, attempting to attack Nato from three different directions.

  17. Vox grunted as he felt the ice begin to form at his feet, though he malicious sounding chittering emerged from Vox. "It is foolish for you to waste time trying to freeze my feet." he commented as he pointed two of his three boltikons at his feet, firing into the ice and shattering it, the third boltikon still aimed at the okotan "Your powers are weakened, as do you not see we are within a massive furnace? Surely it must be exhausting for you to create ice in such a hossstile environment?"


    With his feet free Vox lunged at Nato, but just as he was within striking distance Vox phased to the side of Nato, attempting to slice at the okotan's side with one of his boltikons as he passed by.

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