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Posts posted by Voxumo

  1. What started as a slight tingling quickly became a searing pain as the electricity wielded by Blade coursed through the insectoid. Crying out in pain Vox jumped back from the fighter, likely slashing at the hand that held his one arm to try and slacken her grip.


    Crouching low to the ground, Vox visibly shook as the electricity proceeded to dissipate, causing his muscles to spasm, hence the shaking. "My my... That was probably the smartest attack I've seen yet. Most of these other fighters would likely lash out with their weapons, but you chose the more effective route."

  2. Vox watched from above, content with the fact Timelord had abandoned his foolish endeavor. Though he found himself interested in the fight between Kuan and Imrukii. He found it... questionable that Imrukii was able to teleport behind Kuan. It is a well known fact that the Kualsi has it's weaknesses, that being it's limited range. The Kualsi was only able to teleport it's wearer to a location within their field of vision. The spot behind Kuan was technically not in his field of vision, but moreso the fighter seemed to be fighting with his eyes closed. By all rights his kualsi should not even be functioning.

    "How strange." Vox muttered to himself, ceasing his flight as he plummeted towards the ground, angling his body talons first, so that whatever unfortunate sod he landed atop would not only be met with crushing speed and weight, but the piercing pain of talons digging into flesh. Truly unfortunate.


    And it would seem said unfortunate fighter just so happened to be Blade.

  3. "What says he was trying to kill us? To be fair you all were trying to kill him mostly, and he was just defending himself." Vox commented, though he eventually gestured towards the bubble "You realize the instant the judge or host catches wind of that, they will disable it right? Best not to try and delay the inevitable, just be mindful of where you shoot."

  4. Vox who had been observing the battlefield, noticed Timelord teleport away. He frantically began searching for the fighter when he heard the whizzing of the "Arrow" as it shot through the air. Knowing he was the only fighter capable of true flight, It was not a far fetch to assume the arrow was meant for him. He quickly stopped flapping his wings, which were easily flapping at a rate of 250 flaps per second, much like the common bee, and allowed himself to fall through the air, thus avoiding the arrow.


    "Come now timelord, do you really want to make me your target? If you keep firing into the air, you will likely end up popping the very fragile bubble. You wouldn't want that now would you?"

  5. Vox turned towards Blade, wherever she may be in the arena, brought two of his clawed fingers towards his eyes, and then directed them at her in the classic 'I'm watching you' gesture. He then took off, attempting to fly high above the city as he scouted out a suitable target.

  6. Member Name: Vox
    Weapon 1: Tri-Boltikons  Like Gunblades, but with axes.
    Power 2: Innate Kinetic Absorption - Grows stronger everytime they are hit, or they hit something. "Impact" must be an attack, versus just walking increasing his strength.
    Power 3: Natural Flight (Wings) - Is able to take off fairly swiftly and reach considerable speeds while flying.
    Appearance: Four-armed, lithe insectoid, Stands about 9 feet tall, about the height of a vortixx.
    Special Weapons:

  7. A hulking skeletal figure, clad in black and purple armor, with massive purple spikes growing out of its head, was climbing out. It held a massive battle-axe in each hand, each one the size of a Protector’s torso. Twin pinpricks of sinister red light shone in its empty eye sockets, locked on to Tahu.


    The ground rumbled, and then from behind the skeletal figure, a horde of what Sil could only assume had once been Protectors burst out of the hole. But they couldn’t be Protectors… they couldn’t be. Almost all their flesh was gone, leaving bones and armor from ages past behind.

    It's a bit weird to realize that apparently the fire region had used corpses to build parts of their wall.. unless I'm interpreting this wrong.

  8. Vox ducked beneath the bolt of shadow fairly easily. Shadowvezon, while protected from Vox due to sheer distance, was also at a disadvantage, as he refused to move. By not moving the pattern of his bullets were easy to account for, and predict. The shadow bolt, while unpredicted, fell into much the same category. By not moving, it followed much the same pattern as the blasts, a straight line, with very little drop or deviation.


    As such Vox was getting close, less than 30 feet between him and shadowvezon now, and the bullets were getting a bit harder to dodge due to distance.

  9. Vox dodged, jumped and weaved out of the way of the blasts, with the occasional shot grazing his chitin. "Are you afraid? Is that why you refuse to take initiative and instead hide behind your blaster?" Vox commented while sprinting closer to Shadowvezon


    Nato, if you want to turn me against the Faith, you should probably start by giving me a reason beyond "but you said you wanted independence!"


    To be honest, I didn't expect that letter to actually accomplish anything. Same for the letters I sent to Quin, Vinheim, Timelord, and Toru. I just felt like I had to at least try going with the diplomatic route one last time before we start killing each other. 


    *Is eager to see this supposed letter now as he has yet to receive it*

    • Upvote 2
  11. Vox tilted his head to the side as Pulse shot his blasts of water, and simply moved his two arms out of the way of the blasts, since ya know arms are far quicker to move than the whole body. Go figure.


    However Shadowvezon's attack was a bit more effective, as it caught Vox offguard, sending him tumbling backwards and scorching his armor a tad. Getting into a crouching position Vox turned his attention to Shadowvezon.

    "Well... Haven't had enough have we? Come at me." Vox taunted, crouched once more into his predatory stance as he waited for Shadowvezon to make his move.



    (OOC: Does your fighter have a spine like a skakdi, or just a weird head like Vezon?)

  12. With Pahrak seemingly having been divekicked into an oblivion, Vox returned his attention to the main fight. Catching Pulse out of the corner of his eye, preparing to skewer Nato, the insectoid rushed forward, attempting to intercept the fighter by firing off a few rounds at Pulse, or more correctly firing ahead of the fighter, trying to predict where Pulse would be when the bullets made contact.

  13. You say "sway", but the word you're looking for is "intimidation". 

    Intimidation has it's limits, and when presented with a better choice, often those who are intimidated will turn against their intimidators. The people were swayed, and the inner circle likely intimidated.

  14. I defend them because at least they're somewhat honest about their intentions, whereas your group is farthest from openly devoted, as again the knight haven't revealed themselves, so that can't be open anything. Maybe to their fellow members, but that doesn't really mean much.


    Though the real reason I tend to bash the knights, is because I'm sick and tired of the seemingly "We're good guys, so why aren't people naturally inclined to join us" mindset that you're showcasing. As if you don't have to work to gain the people's trust, as if it should be a given. 


    Entitlement is not an attractive feature. I also prefer battle of politics over  battles of straight up might. and the faith is really kicking your behind in the politics department. 

    • Upvote 2
  15. Dead people all over the island are getting to their feet and indiscriminately attacking everyone in sight.


    If that's not evidence, I dunno what is. 

    And what evidence is there that your little group of knights will be able to do anything, offer anykind of sanctuary? There is no evidence, as ya'll like to keep yourselves so in mystery that the common person doesn't even know you exist.


    The Knights are like the illuminati. They've tried to steer the world in their vision from the shadows, refusing to make their presence known, electing what leaders they want, Aka Voxumo, and trying and failing to prevent destruction.


    Not to mention they've refused to intervene in atrocities, aka the original decimation of the earth region. Had they gotten involved, it's possible none of this would be happening right now. The knights are their own worse enemy.

  16. How about not being murdered by eldritch skull demons and becoming a slave in their mindless zombie army? Being able to be alive isn't a good enough incentive for you?


    The Knights are literally presenting a better offer simply by existing

    The knights have shown a lack of ability to deal with the skulls. I have no reason to trust in their ability to ensure my survival. On top of that, you've not approached me ICLY!!!


    Kamuk would not be where it is now if it were not for the earth region, and the faith by extension. The two are ultimately linked together.


    And you're loyal to neither, Mr Neutrality. 


    If a bunch knights got off their moral high-ground and offered something substantial to house maran, they too could have superior weapons and tools... 



    You can't claim I'm not neutral if you never tried to get me to your side. Right now the highest bidder is the faith.

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