This has been a project I've been working on and off throughout the year, its a Miramax style Toa Tahu!
I designed each piece to fit onto the CCBS system. Each piece was designed by me in Blender, and printed on my Voron 2.4, red parts printed in KVP Red fluorescent ABS, silver parts printed with overture silver ABS, the back panel was sanded and painted silver with acrylics. (His left hand broke when posing so I put a black socket in place, please forgive the discrepancy)
I had made a custom head design that slides onto a black socket piece, and it features a movable jaw to emulate the films. I also have designed alternative mouth pieces to allow him to smile and have a neutral look. (Not pictured)
I still have to design the eye pieces to have proper passthrough, design the hands, and maybe even custom weapons, but as of right now this is where this project is at!