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Status Updates posted by WhispersAngels

  1. How you get so distraced so easily.


    Ladies first. Or how about I sing Sweeney part and you sing Ms.Lovett parts?


    *dreams about pacman*


    *gives you a sponge*


    *goes in*


    That makes sense though why not make a trap like in Looney Tunes?


    Video games are like books, movies, and are short!




  2. Irony. xD You don't believe in a god but you want to be one.


    Fine, it was probability. =P


    Did I ever send you a PM? Darn my knowledge. DX

  3. All you need is focus. Focus Emkay.


    My Friends?


    *goes asleep*


    Oh yea, that reminds me. *turns on the oven*


    The cake is a



    Never saw the movie. Think of a plan I would know.


    There are other things you can do that are fun and don't waste time.


    Irony. xD Yo udon't believe i

  4. You always say something random. And I thought what would be a random response from Emkay about Phazon? Answer:Corruption.

  5. Don't use that as an excuse!




    Try this code...


    What kind of girl are you? xD


    The cake is mine.


    Too simple...


    I have other things that make me happy. Movies, Video games, and knowledge.


    Makes sense. If you had one wish, what would it be?


    Well, it was obvious.

  6. you would say something like that. At least, you aint dead!

  7. How could you get it wrong? The answer was like a given!


    No imortal can resist.


    You turn to play pacman.


    DX I though girls were clean....


    The cake is a lie.


    But how do we get her out?


    I don't care about things like lolcats or roflcopters.


    What if I divide by Emkay?


    I knew

  8. Hey, District 9 pic.

  9. DX You fail. *shows the answer to you*


    I'm lost already. xD


    X.X Da...da...da


    Do I have to bathe you again?


    I want some fish...


    Then, we can elimate her...


    Does it look like I care?




    All you need is $5 and it has Phazon!

  10. I keep forgetting to tell you this: If you pre order Metroid Prime Triliogy, you can get a shirt with some Phazon. Just letting you know.

  11. It's the ACT for me. xP Well, so far I apply to one for far. I am trying to apply to two other schools. Have you visit your school?

  12. must stand aganist the hound of ######.

  13. in a human.


    To terrorize y'alls neighborhood.




    Sure..hard work does pay off. That's why I'm going to have cooked Emkay. ^^


    I want some lobster...


    I like you better than Emkay.



  14. You can see it...


    Creatures crawl in thrist of blood.


    I can't understand English!


    *catches you*


    Yummy! =3


    Not Emkay's body though Emkay herself.


    He turn into a helicopter.

  15. Kepp it PG-13 xD Adipose tissue, think Emkay!


    Darkness falls across the land.


    What's is this school you keep talking about?


    My dinner! *starts chasing you*


    Same here. =3 Have you tried squid?


    It's all part of my plan to get rid of Emkay.


    He says what?

  16. *slams head on desk* Ok emkay, what makes girl and boys so different?


    Girl this is Thriller, thriller night.


    xD So you went to a regular school?


    It will look good on ya and it will stop you from poking.


    I get shrimp or any other seafood.


    And make sure Emkay doesn't come back, ok?


    *house transform into a

  17. Lot of it.


    cause this is thriller, thriller night.


    Did you drop out?


    It looks good on ya.


    I never had sushi in my life.


    Anways, don't tell Emkay. Though, you are the better ego.


    Bring him to me!

  18. Did I sent you a PM?

  19. Wait that's a Zant quote....

  20. Well, my motehr is making a big deal about it. She is freaking out. xD

  21. It's been a while since I played it. Anything else?

  22. I hope so...I have to worry about college.

  23. Never heard of that one. Give me one that I might know.

  24. Fat tissue...


    cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try Thriller, thriller, night.


    Military Preschool. =P


    Do you have rubberbands in your hands?


    Me either. Maybe in Chicago.


    Emkay can do that too...


    Find me the Fallen!

  25. But a 4th of July quote is even better!

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