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Status Updates posted by WhispersAngels

  1. No booze for you. Remeber the last time? *flashblack*


    Umm, I believe Markus is a T-700. How abotu that? =P

    But what are you reasons for objection?

  2. Yea, need a drink?


    Oh shap! Kyle is Jon Conner's father?

    Ok ,though you canNOT infer the wedding...

  3. I forgot... Flower girl no.....

  4. You are in the Pit, Emkay...


    That's cause I metion him like a thousand times to you. xD

    Also, the first Terminator is a T-800.

    There are harvesters in the new movie: they collect humans...

    Well, I'm getting marry to her. You can be what they called it....ahh.....best man....best gal? >

  5. Hard one....another?

  6. Willpower? Guessing...

  7. Where have you been? =P In Bara Magna? (or was it Manga?)


    Nice. In Wayne's World, T-1000 ask Wayne if he saw "this boy" which was John Conner.

    And I kissed her! And I like it. =P

  8. SHAMWOW! or a towel....

  9. No more Star Trek refrences.

    Time for Terminator: Call for John!

    I'm dating her. =P

  10. Awwm that's a tricky one. Give me another.

  11. I spot a Spock. Stop drilling Star Trek in my head!

    She luvs me more...

  12. =P Captain Kirk... I feel like saying that.

    I love me Samus =3

  13. He passed through objects to cushion his fall.

  14. I mean Internal as inside the body. =P

    In the meantime, I am going to steal your girlfriend, Samus. =P

  15. I want my volcano badge!

  16. The ISS? What is that? Internal Superfical KidneyStones?

  17. Again messing with ya. You mean Charon? =P When will this stop?

  18. I know. I just like messing with ya. You mean the Asteroid Belt? =P Ok, I will stop.

  19. Venus and Mars? You mean the moon? =P

  20. We need the Seven Islands.

  21. We need one. Though, not right now.

  22. Though, we dont need a new pokemon game right now. We just had platinum.

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