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Toast of Awesomeness

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Everything posted by Toast of Awesomeness

  1. I honestly have no ideas for this RPG. I don't know how to run a company.
  2. IC: Abbas shrugged."Trust me, kid, I've dealt with worse."
  3. IC: He shrugged."I suppose. Also, we're low on bacta and synthflesh. Can I put an order in?"
  4. IC(Jota)Jota's gills rippled in protest, though he gave no sign of his displeasure."No. Of course not. That will be perfectly fine."
  5. IC: Jota wasn't a huge fan of droids. Sure, the odd med-droid was handy. That's why he kept one as an assistant. A protocol droid was a good translator. He had one of those, too. An astromech droid even had some use- it'd be nice to get one.But not battle droids.Cold, mindless killers- no empathy, morality. No compassion. Just another way for people to hurt each other. As a doctor, he saw enough of that already.Of course, though, Sava had wanted a squad. And it was her ship. But still, the ****ed things made him nervous, which is why he skipped that area of their ship on the way to see his employer."Evening, Sava," he said, stepping into the room she occupied. "Or morning, not really sure what time it is down there. Anyway. You have a contract on this world?"
  6. IC: He hugged her back with his free arm."So... Can I get something done about my hand? Kinda punched the wall..."
  7. IC(Yavar, Nar Shadaa): Yavar was confused.He wasn't the type of man who liked to be confused. He had just seen his bodyguard, a highly trained killer, fly through the air and crash against the wall. Obviously, there was something dangerous in his office. He drew a blaster pistol, activating it with a thumbstroke while holding his gauntlet up as another weapon. His other bodyguard, Jaen, walked slightly in front of him as they entered the office.IC(Tokar, Nar Shadaa):Tokar was in a bad situation. He hadn't wanted to attack the alien, but he hadn't had a choice- if he had acted any later, he'd be dead.Just then, two more aliens stepped around the corner. One of them looked like the other had, and pointed a weapon at him while making the funny noises. The other looked different, and hung behind, though he held his own weapon. Tokar reached out with his mind again.I mean no harm.IC: Yavar and Jaen rounded the corner to find something quite unexpected- sitting on the floor was some sort of creature with a mass of tentacles for a face. Yavar wracked his brains for the name of the creature's species, but to no avail- he had no idea what it was.Then it spoke.Not spoke, really. More of a feeling. But it obviously came from the creature, and Yavar understood it. I mean no harm.Some sort of telepathy, Yavar mused. He glanced at Jaen, who had clearly also gotten the message, then thought back a response.Neither do we. Why are you here?Suddenly, he was assaulted with a wave of memories. He realized they were Tokar-for that was his name-'s recent experiences. He now understood what had happened.All the same, the implications were staggering. A member of a race which naturally possessed the powers of a Jedi, or at least some of them, alone with no connections and in need of help? This was a marvelous opportunity.Well, Tokar, thought Yavar. I may be able to help you.
  8. IC: The door slid open and a shirtless Abbas stepped out, in grave need of a shower, right hand wrapped in cloth."Thanks you," said the Palestinian simply.
  9. IC: Abbas took his arm back, wiping his eyes."Ah... It's dusty in here... In my eyes. Anyway... They didn't get all of us. So really all we can do is hope the others will show up, and be ready if they do. And they will."I hope.
  10. IC: Abbas used his left hand to sorta half-hug the girl through the slot."I don't know," he said, his eyes wet. The first time anyone living had seen the big man cry. "I don't know."
  11. IC: Abbas shook his head."I've been though a lot. But nothing like this. I don't know what to do. Everything's a blur, I don't remember much. I don't know how we're gonna get out of here."
  12. IC: He pulled a chair up to his side of the door."Seems I've missed a lot. Lets talk, Jules."
  13. IC: Abbas pulled her arm through the hole and began awkwardly wrapping it with his good hand."Who... What... Did this?" He asked, voice cold.
  14. IC: Abbas glanced out and noticed the blood. He reached for her with his right hand and winced. With his left hand he handed her what was left of his shirt."Get that on the bleeding. What happened to you?"
  15. IC: "They did. And locked me in here. This is some kind of strange metal- vibranium, I think. I can't do anything to it. And I don't doubt they'll be taking my memories soon. Seem to be the norm here."
  16. IC: He leaned down to the hole where his meals were slid in."Julia? That you?"
  17. IC: Kyto and Cath walked side by side through the rows of droids. The amount of firepower the Trade Federation was putting together was certainly impressive. This was an almost obscene amount of droids.Cath, remind me, why exactly do they need us?Special Operations, probably. Recon, scouting. Assassinations. There's a lot of them, but you can't win a war with just droids. Plus, they don't want their name on any of this.Right. Well, from what I know you'll enjoy this. Kalee's a fairly dry world. I'll have to just drink a bunch- don't want to be coming down with the drys on a world like this.Well I wouldn't know what that's like, but I'm sure it's horrible.It is.Oh.
  18. IC(Yavar Merrin, Nar Shadaa)With a practiced ease, Yavar slid his key card into the recognition slot. It blinked green and a panel opened, allowing him to enter the sixteen digit passcode. This was followed by an iris scan, after which the door slid open.While his security measures could be seen as a bit excessive, Yavar had reason to be paranoid. When you lived on a Hutt world and every member of that species held a moderate dislike for you(at best), you wised up quick. Or you died.Clearly, Yavar had wised up.He entered his home and placed his cloak on a wall hanger, before stiffening. Something felt off. He paused for a moment.Was that a breeze?While a breeze wasn't the most uncommon thing in the universe, in a sealed, perfectly temperature maintained, and VERY expensive apartment, a breeze should not be felt.There it was again.Yavar turned to a computer panel on the wall, which controlled the lights and temperature, among other things. He accessed his security controls and noticed nothing amiss.Of course, his security protocols were made to protect the door, which was clearly fine. If there was a breeze...He would have cursed if he could speak. His office.It had the only window in the apartment. A very large one, with a nice view of the city. He had never got around to installing any security measures there. Of course, it being several hundred feet above any sort of walkway made that seem not entirely necessary.He forced himself to relax. Most likely, it was just an open window. Nevertheless...He signed to one of his guards, and the Covallon began moving through the house, like a cat stalking its prey. The guard looked back once and nodded, before entering the office.Ten seconds later, he flew out of the room and hit the far wall with a crash.IC(Tokar, Nar Shaddaa)Tokar was awakened by a stern prodding.Oh, no. He HAD picked one of the inhabited trees. And now the owner was back to claim it.He turned the mass of tentacles that was his face over, and appraised the creature, who flinched momentarily at the side of him. The creature resembled a swift predator from Felucia, but stood on two legs. More pressingly, he was currently pointing one of the alien light throwers, or so it appeared, right at Tokar. The Felucian remained completely still as the guard began to speak.IC(Delor)Delor had never seen a being of this species before, and Tokar's strange appearance caused him to jump back. He pointed his rifle at the alien, prodding him again."You're trespassing. Get up."No response.He repeated himself, louder.The creature began to gurgle.Doesn't this thing speak Basic?IC(Tokar)Well. Now the strange creature who lived in this tree was making funny noises. Tokar was perplexed, but tried to make his own strange noises in return. Perhaps it was a custom of theirs.As the creature seemed perplexed, he guessed not.Suddenly, it came to him. Why not communicate with the creature? He reached out with his mind.Hello. I mean no harm.IC(Delor)Suddenly, Delor felt a very strange sensation, as if suddenly two people occupied his body. He felt, rather than heard, the thought.Hello. I mean no harm.Delor jumped back, shaking. What was this, some kind of Jedi ****?What is a Jed- oh, I see. No, I am not-"Get out of my head!" Screamed the Covallan, drawing a knife. He swung towards the creature, aiming for what he assumed was its head.IC(Tokar)Oh, dear.Tokar had felt the fear in the creature's mind. Perhaps he had been too forward. Then he felt the feelings turn hostile.He had no time to think, he simply reacted. Instinctively, a hardened sphere of air formed in his palm, before blasting into the creature and sending him flying out of the room to crash against the wall. Outside, he suddenly heard more of the funny sounds, and the emotions he picked up on were not happy in any sense of the word.Oh no...
  19. IC: Cath and Kyto had donned their helmets already, though they weren't tapping into their oxygen stores, merely breathing through the filters. They retrieved their gear, and made ready to depart.You see that, Cath? came Kyto's voice over their private comm channel.It's big. I never liked big ships.I suppose you have your reasons for that. Still, imagine us getting a cruiser-We can look into it after all this is over, said Cath, cutting him off. The channel went silent as they stared through through the shuttle's viewing ports.
  20. OOC: I apologize for all these short posts. Rest assured, a lengthy one is coming. :PIC: Kyto shook his head."I wasn't aware," replied the fishlike alien curtly, extending his hand."I'm Kyto," said his watery voice, while the massive six armed being behind him extended a hand."Cath," he said simply.When the droid arrived, Cath and Kyto stood up. They were both clad in their usual armor, and each was heavily armed. They also carried bags containing other supplies(Cath, having more arms, naturally held most of these). Their speeder was locked down in the hanger, so there was nothing else keeping then from leaving. The pair took two of the seats in the shuttle, stowing their bags in the available space.
  21. IC: Abbas roared, slamming a fist into the vibranium wall.A mistake, he soon realized from the cracking sound and pain in his hand. He grit his teeth and tore his shirt off. Tearing strips of cloth from it, he bound his hand with an ease one only gains from practice.He was stuck here. He'd been pacing his room, his cell for hours, trying in vain to think of a way out. Nothing. There was absolutely nothing he could do, except wait. Wait for whatever was coming.Abbas had never felt more alone.IC: Brianne glanced around. She knew most of the people in the chopper, but not all."So," she asked quietly. "Where are we going?"
  22. OOC: Whatevs. :PIC: About an hour later, Cath returned with their weapons, armor, and other supplies packed as neatly as possible. He and Kyto made their way to the shuttle bay, and sat down to wait for any other arrivals.
  23. IC: Brianne sat back, sighing, and rubbed her belly. She glanced down. Was it her imagination, or was it beginning to swell?I'm going to have to tell him tonight.IC: Abbas had never felt more confined in his life.He was supposed to be uncontainable, after all. But being held in a room of vibranium, a metal he didn't understand, had shattered that idea. Worse, even if he was to escape, some sort of device was installed at the back of his head.He looked at the tattoo on his wrist. 7435. A number. That's what they called him now. No name, no past. Only his memories.And he suspected they'd soon take those, too.
  24. IC: Bri brightened at the mention of the hosting."He did great! It was fantastic," she said, smiling.
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