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The Optimist

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Everything posted by The Optimist

  1. Hi! Have Karzahni "made" any Matoran yet? :P

  2. They never got some kind of evidence on their gender from the hospital so they're just trying to decide which one they will be Nah, I agree with the first commentor (forgot his name. Sorry![Ca'gerrin ~ Bioran]). It might just be a new fad like those apple avatars. As I don't see the point of it, you will always know me as a boy
  3. O_O

    I agree with DemonSlayer. Gender-confused people.

    In real world, are you a boy or girl or BOTH?

  4. Nice banners and avvies! With a little more practice and maybe a better program than Paint (even though Paint is one of the BEST!!!) you could easily become a great Banner/Avvie Maker.

  5. Please don't state that unless you have evidence lol...

    Okay, now it's getting kinda boring...

  6. I personally don't see anything wrong with a Dekar for christmas. Heck, a yellow Kiril! ;D

    Well, I do think you should be hopin' for M&S they rock!

  7. Have U ever met me? ;)

    Nah, I was joking of course...

  8. Yes. It's good that there isn't such things XD

  9. Yeah, I also get mine from Germany...

  10. Mata Nui, have those Avvies just become a fad?

    I understand. They rock.

  11. Mata Nui... 5 cm??? And then you're not allowed to try The Eagle? What is wrong with people these days? 5 cm doesn't matter at all in my opinion.

  12. OMG! 3 HOURS! AND A HALF???


    I agree with DemonSlayer!

  13. Hi! How's it going?

    BTW, I also drink Pepsi Twist... It's da best! :D

  14. I do my homework and I'm one of the best in the class. It is NOT me that does anything wrong - IT'S THEM! THEY CAN'T STOP BEING EVIL! :P

  15. Nice guess, but we have one Matau =P Our science teacher :D

  16. It doesn't sound weird you can't cook. Neither can I =P

  17. Nobody. Teachers are Makutas, lol.

  18. You are allowed to see my principal(sp?) as a Vahki.

  19. Maybe Skakdi. For Physical Education, my teacher is really brute.

    "Come on! Come on! DON'T STOP! KEEP GOING!!! SLOWPOKES!"

  20. Mine are.

    It's hard to know which teachers are Makutas and which who aren't. My teacher wouldn't let us eat candy in the theaters when we saw a movie :(

  21. Ya know he was joking with that salt.

    No body knew what it was and he said: If you eat too much you might die. THen he said it was salt and everybody laughed.

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