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Satogo: Toa of Steelers

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Status Updates posted by Satogo: Toa of Steelers

  1. 'ello, Jordboy! Care for a cup 'o tea, wot wot?

  2. Ah, and yet I love it so.

  3. And I would rethink that comment if I were you, Binary.

  4. Curse you, you Giants lover... But it's not the Giants won that was important, is was that the PATRIOTS LOST! OH YEAH! TAKE THAT, PATS! :P

  5. Do, or do not. There is no try.

  6. Female Shadow matoran would be pretty fiesty, doncha think?

  7. For I'm a jolly good fellow, for I'm a jolly good fellow, for I'm a jolly good felllllooooo.... with devilishly good looks.

  8. I do love a good spot o' english conversation. Roit.

  9. I shall join you in your ranting. OLLIE OLLIE OXEN-FREE!

  10. I'll have to invent a comemrative 75th anniversary Steelers ketchup in Black and Yellow

  11. Is there actually a password or keyword for that whole V thing?

  12. No more rhymes now, I mean it!

  13. Oh, great. Not the yoda thing again.

  14. So, I don't care about you guys anymore?

  15. Takuma, help me. I feel like I just woke up outta cryosleep. What HAPPENED while I was gone?!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Satogo: Toa of Steelers
    3. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva


    4. Satogo: Toa of Steelers

      Satogo: Toa of Steelers


  16. Takuma's right. How the heck did we go from the Super Bowl to nonconforformity? (NOTE: It's a RHETORTICAL QUESTION! DON'T ANSWER IT!

  17. Thank you Macku. And what's with the "do or do not"?

  18. Thank you, Dweeble. Finally, a sensible person. >_>

  19. They make Bertie Bott's Beans! I like the popcorn-flavored ones. But Takuma's right; I know people that would KILL for garlic ketchup.

  20. To Takuma: Your right, those Shadow Matoran should ALL be girls. I BROKE YOUR MONITOR?!?!?! It's go time, buddy.

  21. Whoops. Slip of the tounge. I meant nonconformity.

  22. Woah...Been forever since I last been on. How y'all doin?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Satogo: Toa of Steelers

      Satogo: Toa of Steelers

      Feels good to blow the dust off of my BZP account. I must say, I missed you guys.

    3. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Yeah, so many hot chicks runnin' around lookin' for you. Don't worry though, we took good care of them while you were gone. ;D

    4. Satogo: Toa of Steelers

      Satogo: Toa of Steelers

      Yeah, I figured that'd be the case. You can tell them they don't have to settle anymore: the real deal's back ;D

  23. Wow! Really? They should sell that stuff again! You can't tell me that there wouldn't be a huge market for it!

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