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Freddy Mallins

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Posts posted by Freddy Mallins

  1. A how-to guide on how to build a bartizan for a castle wall.


    A bartizan is basically a small, turret-like structure on a castle. They’re very nifty for archers, plus they just look danged cool. Here’s a simple guide to build one!PARTS LIST:2780.png x23062b.png x9 (1 for the top, 4 to fill in each side)%20http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/TMCIsrael/Castle/Bartizan/3063.png%20 x14, give or take (at least 8 are required for the top, bottom, and one level of height, but I went with 14 of them to give me the height of the slit on the window) - ALSO, be sure that they’re the ones on the LEFT, NOT the ones on the RIGHT (otherwise this won’t work!)3700.png x23705.png x1 (this is a size/length 4 axle)3844.png x1 (yes, that is a helmet)3941.png x23943.png x14073.png x14742.png x1553.png x16222.png x1Righto, let’s get started.Step 1 - Connect these pieces together with the pins.Step 2 - Start the base of the roundness.Step 3 - This is why having that specific kind of hollow-bottomed 2x2 curved corner brick is important - you have to put these two on top of the other ones, but you have to offset them just a bit. (here’s another pic)Step 4 - Add more.Step 5 - Add even more.Step 6 - Add yet more still.Step 7 - Bridge the top.Step 8 - Add two more to ‘mimic’ the base roundness on the top.Step 9 - Add this cone.Step 10 - Put these two together.Step 11 - Doink.Step 12 - And doink.Step 13 - Doink the helmet on (another shot).Step 14 - Slide that configuration into the top.Step 15 - Take all these.Step 16 - Slap ‘em on the bottom.Step 17 - I didn’t take a full pic of it, but fill in both sides with the 1x1 cylinders.El fin!If anyone has any improvements to this design or implementations on your own, I’d like to see them. You don’t have to attribute it to me. :)

  2. Don't fear the Reaper. I like it; the only things that look odd are the Tohunga feet on the upper legs, plus the scythe could use a bit of beef. It just looks small and frail compared to the rest of the figure; not sure how you could really beef it, though. Also maybe less red and blue pins all around. But still, a very cool MOC - purple is always a good thing.

  3. In the barren, snowy wastelands, a group of hopeless Pyromancers march on a lonely tower...


    12345678910111213Folder (when public)I love snow. I also love castles. But something I don't love is when there aRE UNINTENTIONAL CRACKS IN MY MOCS WHERE THE BRICKS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FULLY CONNECTED BUT THOSE CRACKS ARE STILL THERE ARRRGHFADFDAFS-...sorry...So, that being said, I present to you one of my older Castle MOCs, in which a bunch of Pyromancers and [much cooler] Cyromancers fight. There are two figs you can't really see in any of the pics I have - there's one who's 'frozen' in the 'block of ice' which is being 'shot out of' the old dude's hand (metaphorically, of course :sigh:), and another dude who's in the first floor of the tower, injured. Also, the pic of the archer (this one) is just what's inside the bartizan - that circular turret/tower thingy jutting off of the side of the tower. I'll be posting a topic relatively soon on how to build one of those (the bartizan, not the archer). :)

  4. Something that stands out to me are the weapons. They are just awesome. The shoulder armor on 2 is also really nice. I like the variation in the matoran, and the Skakdi's headdress looks really cool! Great job on these!

    Thanks! And yeah, I've always been more proficient in building weapons than building the people who hold them. :P
  5. So these are a few MOCs who do not have names. Most of these are old. 1 - This is actually one of my earliest known custom bipeds. It's old, and it's a Piraka build (something I do very few of), but I kinda really like this guy, for some strange reason.2 - This guy's old, but this is the latest version of him; I've built him several times. I know that the Crasts on his shoulders look dorky, but I'd just gotten Thornatus and I wanted to do something with them. :P3 - Another shot of him.4 - A Fe-Matoran. 5 - Another Fe-Matoran. 6 - Yet another [albeit slightly irregular] Fe-Matoran.7 - A Toa of Iron with a rifle. This is another 'recurring character,' so-to-speak.8 - Another super-old one; since I never bought Nocturn, I tried to make my own, with a bit of variation/artistic license. As you can see, however, I failed. 9 - A concept of a tribal Skakdi. Man, I really wish I remembered how to build that headdress...10 - Yet another super-old one; some kinda demon. So yeah, they're old and suckish, but I still kinda like them. I'm not looking for names or anything, because, well, they're dead and whatnot. But feel free to bash and hate up on all my Inika/Piraka torso-ness.

  6. This idea may sound stupid at first, but a Paper LoZ would be awesome. Think about it- if they made an RPG style game work for Mario, it wouldn't be that difficult to pull off for Zelda. Especially with the introduction of upgradable weapons and whatnot in Skyward Sword.

    I'm not crazy!! =D I've also had this idea, and I think it would be awesome.
  7. You should name him Squeege. I like it - it's a nice, simple little build with some System thrown in there, too. My only problems are the trans blue on the body - it just looks sorta out of place - and the 1x1 blue bricks on the staff also look kinda awkward. Also, I understand what you were trying to do with the System configuration and the minifig legs on the back, I mean to try to beef up the sides, but it'd probably look better without, anyway. Still, though, nice little build. :)EDIT - What, what the heck is that with the minifig legs on his back? o_O

  8. I'd have loved to see Link's Awakeing done in 3D. Imagine playing the whole game with the Wind Fish's Egg off in the distance. :)

    THIS. Not to mention LA's overworld layout was great, and I'd like to see how it could be recreated in 3D.
    Unfortunately I've never had the chance to play LA. However, I do know that awhile back, someone had a project where they were trying to recreate Ocarina in Link to the Past's graphics...anyone know anything about that?
  9. My idea of a 25th anniversary game (or I just want them to do this whenever, lol) is to take all of the Zelda games and link them (ha ha) chronologically. I mean I know that everyone has different timeline theories, but it would be cool to see Miyamoto's official take on it, even if it is ridiculous.

  10. Well this isn't really 'paranormal,' per say, but one time I did throw a Rahkshi staff piece just randomly and it hit a plant, which proceeded to squirt sap into my eye (it wasn't far from my face). Unfortunately it wasn't Lehrahk's, otherwise that would've been awesome.

  11. Actually I feel the latter years and the ending were the most elegant. 2001-2003 seem like really simple stories; it starts to get complex in 2004, but it's not as complex as 2008 yet. I guess what I really like are all the story serials, even if the Olmak is way overpowered and too convenient. Now I did mention that I liked the ending, but I still think the golden armor was dumb - it just came out of nowhere and seemed to have had little to no explanation, other than everyone needed to fight over it, because...well, it was shiny, I guess. But everything with the moons reuniting and the Matoran living with the Agori and everything post-Stars, story-wise, I did like.

  12. It's my belief that it's completely impossible for Greg to write himself into a corner; he's always got some explanation or another, even if it's just made up on the fly.

    For me, I think that Hahli's mask in the Inika saga was a bit too convenient. Out of the hundreds of masks, Hahli gets the one that would help her and her team do exactly what they needed to do? What do you think?

    I think every Toa team suffers from this problem, to be honest. The problem with having masks that are too convenient - such as Detection (as mentioned), Water-Breathing, Translation, Fate, Kindred, Summoning - is that they suffer from one of two things: either they can only be used in very specific situations (such as water-breathing or translation), or they're way too overpowered and really no other skill is needed but the mask (such as inter-dimensional teleportation or fate (I'm talking about the Calix, btw)). However, I think a fine line has to be drawn, because obviously Greg can't give them masks that are completely useless and have maybe one or two uses total, but at the same time he shouldn't give them masks that are too convenient or too overpowered.
  13. Some of the things I do are considered kinda girly by 'average' guys - i.e. drinking/making tea, doing laundry, candles, cute things such as kittens, organization, etc. - but a lot of people at my school are the same way, both guys and girls, so I don't really feel ashamed of any of that. ...ok, I do kinda like Chad Vader singing Friday. :P

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