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Freddy Mallins

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Posts posted by Freddy Mallins

  1. Agree with you on Arbiter's Grounds, although I liked that place more for the boss (FTW). Liked the Temple of Time, but the boss was lacking a bit. Also loved the Ice Temple (You are in a MANSION), and loved the last two temples. I got stuck a lot in the final temple, but the one before the last was awesome, the boss cool. But, to be honest, Zant and Ganondorf scared me a bit. :P

    Snowpeak Ruins, needs moar ghosts. But I agree with you, 'twas a pretty legit dungeon. I knew those Yetis were going to turn on you, eventually... Also, [randomrant] one of the biggest things I liked/disliked about Twilight Princess was how shunted to the side Zelda and Ganondorf were. I mean, Midna's definitely elevated above Zelda, in terms of importance, and you never really see Ganondorf until the very end. I guess it's kinda cool, because it gives new characters some screen time, but the whole time I'm playing it, I'm just asking myself, "Where is my giant evil pig? ;_;" [/randomrant]
  2. The titanic elemental lord of crystal, resting deep underneath the sands of Bara Magna...


    123456This one's kinda old. I built him for a short story I was going to write about Bara Magna, but I just gave that up. Still, I love this guy. Yes, I know the Mata heads on his ankles look stupid.Also, for those of you who are interested in stupid, random, obscure, unimportant and useless facts about made-up things, a Glatorian would stand about half as tall as Oshugun's foot.And yes, I did get the name from WoW. I just love me some Nagrand. :sigh:

  3. An arcane mechanical guardian, employed by the sages of light.


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I know I do a lot of Inika builds, because I'm a dumb simpleton like that, but this is perhaps by far my most favorite of all of my Inika build MOCs. That axe took quite awhile to build.

  4. TP has the most memorable moments though, especially in the credits. Anybody have a favorite temple/weapon throughout all the games, though? :)

    1. I was really hoping that during the credits, while you were watching the part on the Temple of Time, young Link would walk in...;_;2. Temples:- Arbiter's Grounds- Sand Temple (Spirit Tracks)- Temple of Time- Watergate Dungeon3. Weapons:- Bow (duh)- Any of the canes you get, including the Dominion Rod- Spinner- Bottles 8D4. Anyone else into the dream theories on Majora's Mask?
  5. The triangular building is great-looking! I also like the rock it's perched on, though a less flat surface would really add to the level of detail, I think. Also, it'd be nice if you'd closed the top of the building with some kind of roof. As for the wave, it doesn't suck, I don't think - it's just a little blocky and uniform and big. Maybe make the spray a little less prominent (shorter, less angular, or play around with smaller parts so that the overall thing doesn't look as oversized. As a Harry Potter fan, this is a cool creation to see. Nice!

    Thanks for the C&C. :) I don't think the one from the pic has a roof...does it? *looks* Nope... Also, this is the first wave I've ever built, so as long as you think it doesn't suck too badly, I guess I've done OK. :P
  6. A recumbent effigy-styled tomb.


    1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 I'm not really sure where fusion builds go, but considering this one's about 85% System, I'll pop it in here. This was an attempt to recreate a Medieval-styled recumbent effigy, a type of tomb that was common back in those days. This was also supposed to be a monochromatic MOC, which I suppose it still is, if you count both the old and the new dark grays as the same color... :confused:

  7. @Tom: Sadly I don't have any tubes of this length in any colour aside from trans-light-blue and silver. Also, yeah the sides coming up with the back is pretty cool - it almost acts like doors or something - but I'd still at least try out making them not come up with the back if I could. XP

    Got cheese slopes?
  8. Also, just for kicks and giggles, anyone here beat the original game or II? :P

    I have the Collector's Edition, but I got fed up with Zelda II since it was so different compared to the other Zelda games. I'm like half-way through the original.
    I watched a video review/playthrough of the whole game, and...wow. It's definitely the most difficult out of the 15, and I'd say it's partly due to the side-scrolling action. Still, it's good for one thing - the music.
  9. Finally played Twilight Princess after about 3 years of waiting; loved it. Also started playing Minish Cap - the funny thing is, I think MC might be my favorite Zelda game to date, even topping Twilight Princess.Can't wait for Skyward Sword, but in the meantime I'm going to go back and try to play/beat all of the old portable games (Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons/Ages).Also, just for kicks and giggles, anyone here beat the original game or II? :P

  10. I love it. Very nice and sleek, especially the pic with no figs in it. The whole back just feels really smooth. Personally, I think the sides lifting up with the back is fine; adds a bit of flair to it. Also, I'm with Sumiki on the blue - but maybe try trans-yellow, if you have any? That's really the only trans color I see working, but usually I'm a derp with that sort of thing. :P

  11. very impressive, it sounds kinda steampunk-ish to me, but that makes it better! good use of flower stem pieces, making it look overgrown, but some vine attached to the side of the building would be good

    There is a bit of vine-like plantlife on the lower left wall; I didn't deeplink a pic of it. Also, thanks. :)
  12. This is a Classic Castle structure I designed to hold my pocket watches. It's a water mill-powered clock.


    1 2 (yes, those are bells)34 (happy bucket is happy :sigh:)56Folder (when public)Some updates to it:1 - Improved tree (kinda; the top where the gray part shows bugs me, but it bugs me less than the original tree, which had no top to it)2 - A bit more texturization on the water. And Trevor (not really lol).3 - More water texture (and cat hair, apparently - ignore that).4 - You can't really tell, but I added a plate for the statue to stand on; before this, it would just kinda sit loosely in that cubby (which sucked because anytime I'd pick this thing up and move it around, it'd fall out).The first floor is vaguely designed; the second floor pretty much has no interior. I wanted to focus a lot more on the outer landscaping and architecture than I did interior design - I have other MOCs for that mess. Also the gears...don't do anything, to be honest. The day I can actually build something with working gears will be a day full of miracles, indeed. This MOC suffers from Big Gray Wall syndrome, also, but to be honest I'm not too concerned with it. Sure, it could be improved by it, but this was built primarily for the same reason Lego still makes those watches and alarm clocks you can build on. Hooray for practicality.

  13. "Now Mr. Potter, we don't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts..."


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Couple of things: 1. Yes, I know that the wave sucks. 2. That's a wave, btw. 3. I also realize that some of the SNOTed parts are a bit loose and have some major cracks. Those are not intentional. 4. I left the back open on purpose. 5. This is only partially based off of the shot of Azkaban Prison from the Order of the Phoenix movie (this pic); I had to take a lot of artistic license with this one.

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