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Freddy Mallins

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Posts posted by Freddy Mallins

  1. Wow. I got the email notification for this topic, and I clicked on the link to the video, and...just wow. This is ingenious. I've never seen your first version of this, but I'm sure since I saw this one first, I'd be kinda disappointed. :P Where do I even start...? I'm still just baffled by the concept, and it's really inspiring me to build a Zamor marble-machine-contraption-thingy. It's bloody brilliant. The addition of the Rahi and all 6 breeds of Matoran also help to give it a bit of flair, especially on the Le- and Po-Koro sections. Also, that the Matoran are in action instead of just sitting there stagnant, i.e. fishing out of a river and carving a stone statue instead of just lazing around like Matoran do, really adds to the excitement of it. I really only have two recommendations for it - firstly, that you put the Onu-Matoran in a bit more action. I'd say he's the only exception to the activeness of the whole thing that I talked about, earlier; it just looks like he's sitting there. And maybe throw in some Lightstone mines or something. Which leads into my second suggestion - try to clean up a bit on the beams on the bottom. It just looks like a bit of landscape/mashed diorama-ing with major holes that are just begging to get filled in by even more landscaping/mashed diorama-ing. But don't get me wrong, this thing is wonderful, and the video definitely put a smile on my face. :)

  2. A new deadly weapon at an inconvenient time in history, built by and for a most inconvenient of peoples...


    123456789Folder (when public)This is my baby. I built this for a story I'm currently working on - a Steampunk story - but unfortunately this MOC is no longer assembled. =[so it's got a minigun and a high-powered rifle on the right hand, a Gauss cannon on the left hand, and a laser on the head. Yes, it was built off of who you think it looks like. No, I'm not ashamed. The wheels on the feet are there for next to nothing. I think they just look cool and Steampunk-ish.Personally my only complaint on this one is the ankles - I was never able to fill them in good, even in the earlier version (seen here). It was a ton of fun to build, though - and if I could recommend to you guys one thing at all to build, just take your already existing sets and Steampunk them.

  3. *is shocked nobody has mentioned Fire Emblem yet* Fire Emblem has some of the greatest orchestrated music I've heard in videogames.

    I've only heard two of the tracks off of the Smash Bros. Brawl soundtrack - Fire Emblem Medley and Song of Fire Emblem - both were pretty epic, especially the latter. Also, anyone into the Castlevania music? I'm talkin' anything from the original NES game up to Super IV on SNES. Bloody Tears, anyone?
  4. OHAI WAIT GUISE Animal Crossing! :happydance: I love the music on AC because it makes me feel like I'm playing through a Peanuts cartoon or something (and Vince Guaraldi's A Charlie Brown Christmas happens to be my all-time favorite Christmas music, but that's another story for another time).

  5. So I don't really follow LotR outside of the movies; I love it, but I'm not that in-depth into it (I did at least attempt to read Fellowship of the Ring, but I just got lost (I have actually read through the Hobbit, though)). BUT. Gandalf the Gray costume. =D (that was made for Senior Citizen Day for Spirit Week at my school, and YES that IS an undershirt on my face)

  6. -In the Halloween Spirit, the Irish originally carved faces onto turnips.

    The story of where the jack o'lantern came from is also from Ireland. According to legend, there was a drunk named Stingy Jack who tricked the devil into sparing his soul from Heck. When Jack died and he went up to Heaven, he was denied entry because of his lifestyle of drinking and lying; he went to Heck and begged to be taken in, but the devil refused him, living up to his promise. Instead, however, the devil gave him an ember to keep in a turnip, marking him a denizen of the netherworld. He became known as Jack of the Lantern.Jack of the Lantern -> Jack O'Lantern
  7. A revamp of set #7079-1 , 'Drawbridge Defense'.


    1234567So as stated, this is a revamp. Sorta. I like this one, as old as it is, but I will admit that I left the back kinda...untouched. I was gracious enough to give it those doors. The whole drawbridge mechanism I had to rework (if you know me then you know I hate gears; well if this MOC taught me anything, it was that I hate gears), but it was pleasant in the end. Also, this was before I had my hundred-something grass/flower stem pieces (seen here on my Clock Tower MOC), otherwise I definitely would've just smothered this thing in them.

  8. I have two general tips for writing: 1. Don't write for yourself, write for other people. This can mean a couple of different things - the two greatest interpretations, I'd say, is to write it for someone else so that they can enjoy it, or to write it for someone else to teach them something. You can't always teach something through the literature you write; and besides, I believe it's the reader's job to find the lessons as they apply to him (anagogical truth, (sorta)), not the writer to make the lessons. But although it just sounds like I contradicted myself, I would say that it is important to find a moral in your story and express it, whether it be speaking out against something, or showing how much life sucks if you go through it alone, etc. Not everyone takes the approach to write for someone else, which is perfectly fine - we all work differently. But it is a good idea not to be selfish, even in writing. 2. Read. Reading is like our personal training grounds for writing. It literally helps with everything - it can improve your vocabulary, it can change up your style if you're getting bored with it, it can make you think deeper about things which in turn folds back into tip #1, and even if you read for enjoyment, it still makes you think. But I'd definitely say that it helps the most with vocabulary and style. For example, after reading CS Lewis' Till We Have Faces, I wrote a novella in first-person perspective - I'd never written in first-person before, and I found it to be a very enjoyable experience, because I didn't have to describe everything as the narrator, I just had to describe what the main character was seeing and thinking and feeling and sensing. And if you think your vocabulary is suffering, read some Shakespeare or Dostoevsky. I realize that not everyone can pack through an enormous theological Russian novel, but they can be great reads just for the words alone.

  9. @Tom: *shudder* There was a series of "haunted Majora's Mask cartridge" vids a while back that furthered my fear of that thing.

    I know, that's the whole reason I'm scared of it...it's scary in an intriguing way, though. Ah well. At least I have an excuse for not having beaten Majora's Mask, yet - dunwanna look at that thing. :P
  10. Hopefully by the time Skyward Sword comes out I'l have finally beat Wind Wakerand Majora's Mask, although me beating MM is kinda unlikely ( the third dungeon is annoying).Wind Waker, on the other hand, is a breeze.

    Ah, but can you get all the bonus stuff in Wind Waker? Actually, the only optional thing I reccomend getting is the Hero's Charm. It never hurts to know how much health an enemy has. :biggrin:
    Never got the Hero's Charm...I didn't even know that thing existed until a few years after I'd beaten the game... :whatsthat:
  11. To kick things off -- are any other writers out there planning to enter NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)?

    Agh, shoot me. My best friend convinced me to do it, and I'm at a point in plotting right now to where I really don't want to back out, I just want to get it over with. XP
  12. An old story-based MOC.


    12 3 4 5 6 7 8So, as stated, this one's fairly old, too. I built him for a story (also as stated), but in the story I changed the character to Halstias Bromeliad, who is also human, and now has nothing to do whatsoever with Bionicle (the story is now also something along the lines of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, for those familiar with it). Hopefully once I finish/survive NaNoWriMo I'll be able to post that story somewhere in COT. Anyways, the original character of Bromeliad is a rather sucky Ko-Matoran who is chosen by Death to save the world (and is turned into a Toa by Death). After said world-saving, his future self discovers that he must murder his past self, right after the world-saving, in order to end a brutal, everlasting war. The Bromeliad I have built is/was the future version, hardened by hundreds of years of warfare. The sword he carries is called the Sword of Sorrows, which was given to him by Death; it's a rather weighty sword, reflecting the weight of a difficult ordeal ahead for the wielder (in Bromeliad's case, killing himself). The polearm he also carries is a sick combination between four different polearms - a spear, a scythe, a poleaxe, and a Naginata. Thoughts on the MOC: I do actually like this one, despite the blatant Inika build. The greaves (leg armor) are supposed to be a bit wonky and jut out to the side, so that way he can mount, say, an armored Kikinalo. The cape isn't Bionicle at all; I got it from the Screaming Monkey Slingshot. :sigh: And I'm eternally thankful for the existence of black Technic rubber bands.

  13. Thanks, guys. Also, no offense to anyone who does use Inika builds - just for me, personally, I'm at a point now where I can suffice with them, but I wish I could build custom bodies. It's a sorry spot to be stuck in. :confused:

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