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Freddy Mallins

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Status Updates posted by Freddy Mallins

  1. Not yet, but I'm trying to make a clean version of my comedy to put on here.....won't be excessively difficult, though. Never thought I'd use the word 'bloody' so many times, before. =P

  2. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation reveiw.

  3. But produced one of the greatest lesser-known net fads ever. =P Actually, Nostalgia Critic helped boost the popularity of the 'KHAAAAAAAN!!' scene.


  5. Yes we have....about 200 or so comments ago. =P

  6. Well, I -finally- saw Braveheart the other day. Oh my goodness, undoubtedly one of the best movies I've seen. 'Yes, I've heard. Kills mean by the hundreds, too. And if he were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes...and bolts of lightning from his rear.' XD

  7. Name based off of the knight?

  8. Everybody knows me. Mine name Cornbread.

  9. 'But then I bought myself- I mean the Fraternal Order of Different Helmets a jetski! But then I broke my ankle, trying to ride it, and now my rubbing ointment costs 50 bucks a tube!' 'Faaaaantastic!'

  10. PM me your work.....I'll decide whether or not it's worthy for the Rise of the Paladin.

  11. About tTH........don't forget me. =(

  12. Aye, there's great truth in it.

  13. We're at a prime time for joining, too; no real problems going on or whatnot.

  14. Ask him about tTH. I would tell you but I like blaming things on him. :P

  15. Hey, Haru hasn't told you about another site he Mods at, has he? Just wondering.

  16. 'Tis. Armor and sword collecting aren't the same story, though. Can't even find a good Great Barrel Helm for naught less than 80 dollars, let alone a good blade. That one in my picture is shamefully a display sword. v_v At least it can still bludgeon, though. =P

  17. That's pretty cool. I spent....oh, probably a good 6-8 months studying Chivalry. It was great, because it wasn't even school-related. =P

  18. -Don't.- WoW's probably one of the worst things to get addicted to. It is funner than smoking, though. I will admit that. =P And the only Final Fantasy game I've played was FFVI, and that was pure awesome. Mog.

  19. Aye, Firstswerde and the Mug o' Hurt make a fine addition to the Ninja Cloak of Ninjaness.

  20. I'm pretty bored....my bro's supposed to buy me my own WoW account for my B-Day so we can both jump on at the same time. Which will be nice, because I hate it when he kicks me off. <_<

  21. Me too. v_v

    If only there were something to do. I did make a new sword, I'll get you pics some other time. Dishes. >_

  22. Way to break the spm, Alexa. =P What's up?

  23. I guess that's doing better.

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