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Posts posted by Zorrakh

  1. This is cool! The only thing that I think could be fixed is the huge back in robot mode. It just looks a little weird to me. As for the rest of it, and the effective ability to transform, brilliant work!signoffffff.png

    Thank you. :) The back is a little weird, but I wasn't worried about that too much because there at plenty of Transformers that have the same problem yet still look pretty cool. :P My original plan was to have the part the the tread connects to split as limbs, but, sadly, that didn't work out.

    I thought it was a dinosaur at first. XD But seriously, very well done! Black and light yellow is always a good colorscheme. The vehicle looks like Cendox on steroids.I'm left questioning the stability of the humanoid. Does he fall backwards a lot?

    :P Thank you. :) There is some trouble of balance (a little more than I care for), but it's not too bad.Oh, and by the way, since you mentioned dinosaurs, I'll just say I have something in the works... :sly:

    DANG ! I sooo love old school parts mixed w/ contemporary parts ! Combine that with a perfect TRANSFORMING moc and YELLOW, a winner !

    Thank you. :) As I was working on this, I thought that Hero Factory pieces might be useful to keep it lighter than with Bionicle parts, as well as give a nice shape.
  2. I'm really happy that they're doing this now, but I wish they would have done it when the movies came out. They might be doing it now because of the new Hobbit movie coming out. Either way, I bet the sets are going to be pretty cool. :DAll I ask is for them to make a Sauron set made out of HF parts. That would be a really awesome set. Or, at least, it would have really awesome parts (e.g. helmet). :P

  3. Robot mode: The limbs are just fine, great even. The head is the only thing that needs work. 9/10Vehicle mode: It needs a seat. 9.5/10

    Thank you. :) About the seat, I know that on the Cendox there's not really a seat, so I decided to wing it. :P

    I've always loved TransforMOCs. This is no exception. Though to be honest, the hips look a little frail, but hey, actual Transformers figures sometimes have that problem too in order for the transformation to work, so that can easily be overlooked. Great job on this, and I always love seeing yellow MOCs.Plus, I always thought Bayformers looked really Bionicle-y anyway XP (no offense if that's how you're taking it, though. I actually think Bayformers look cool.)

    Thank you. :) I like the designs of quite a few of the Bayformers as well, especially the Dreads' concept art (TF3), but most just look too complicated to me to be Transformers. :P

    THIS MOC is pretty AWESOME!!!! I only have two problems with it:1) The head could've been better (I don't think a Roboriders head fits a TransformMOC ;S)and2) The arms could've used a bit more bulk (upper arm I mean), but other than that they are cool :)You know I had a go at a transforming helicopter about a year ago and it turned out pretty good :P

    Thank you. :)
  4. Bumping this topic because I'm getting back into SCII.Anybody looking for a practice partner in multiplayer?

    Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesplease. :P I'm in Silver League currently, if that helps at all. I'll send you a PM with info.
  5. Yay for black half pins. :D Anyways, I like the profile of it. I especially like the clip. The sniper modifier is especially neat; the magnifining glass piece works very well. I do have to say, though, that it seems a little... thin; I think that's the word I'm searching for. That may be because of the hole in the #2 connector as well as the relative width compared to the ball socket piece of the hand. Otherwise, pretty cool. By the way, does Kopaka really need a sniper modifier? :PGood job. :)

  6. Amazing transformer! I like his look in vehicle mode, but Slizer-ish look of robo-mode is just brilliant!

    Thank you. :) I was going for something doubly nostalgic. :P

    This thing is awesome, and that's before you factor in it's ability to transform. Despite this though the head looks a bit lacking compared to the rest of the model, is there something better than a Slizer head you could use?

    Thank you. :) Unfortunately, I'm not the best at making heads or making things with small parts and I thought the Slizer head looked cool on it, especially since I had the Slizer limb pieces in there.

    Fantastic transformation! Very sleek. I love the yellow. I never knew a Technic figure visor could fit there, I'll have to use that sometime. Very awsome MOC.

    Thank you. :) The visor is from the snow Slizer, as far as I know, so I'm not sure if it's the same piece as the Technic figure visor. If you could let me know of your findings, I'd appreciate it. :)
  7. Well then, let this become the official topic, mine's already pretty much dead... I can't wait for the HotS preview tomorrow, I need to know what those unit silhouettes are and how they will certainly completely break the existing game. :P Also ghosts need a nerf, EMP is too good vs P and snipe is too good vs Z. I think the problem with EMP is that you can't retreat if you get hit, which would be the logical thing to do. In BW, the terran mech army was so immobile, if a science vessel EMPed your army you could just back away and recharge your shields - you might lose a bit of map control, but your army lived. In SC2, if you try the same thing, terran just stims and chases you down and you lose everything. An easier way to fix it might be just to make it dodgeable - make the missile slower and a lot more obvious. Or move it to raven, so terrans can feel what it's like to spend 200 gas for AoE damage. :P I play protoss, should've been pretty obvious from that... </balance rant>

    I watched the trailer last night and it was AWE-SOME. I'm definitely looking forward to the expansion and I hope I can get on the beta, if Blizzard has an open beta, that is. I guess I don't know much concerning Ghosts because I never get that far in a game (:P), but I see your point with the Science Vessels. Ghosts are a lot faster than Tanks and Thors. Plus, it doesn't help that the Nural Parasite and Fungal Growth got a Nerf. <_< Maybe it chould be more like Psyonic Storm, where you can get partially hit, but at least not completely.
  8. I'd love to see the other pictures, but unfortunately the gallery isn't public yet. I'll be checking back to see them when it is. I really like the front of the torso, especially the Hero Factory armour pieces as well as the Technic pieces for the "abs." :P The proportions are great. The System pieces on the lower torso do seem a little strange, however, maybe because it doesn't look like it flows with the pieces above it. The Hero Factory armour pieces on the arms look good, especially with the Nuva shoulder pads. The minifigure fingers don't have that mechanical feel that is predominant in the rest of the MOC, and, unfortunately, seem to dectract from the MOC, but that's pretty much the only thing. I don't think they come in white, but the Exo Force robot arms would definitely look good on this. The legs look really good. I like the wheels in the the knees and the System pieces in the shins, as well as the Hero Factory armour pieces. I'm curious, though, can the knees bend? Also, can the torso rotate? I'd love to see the posability that's in the figure; it looks like there's a good amount in it. Also, if you still have it together, I think it would be awesome of you made a set of wings and a custom Midak Skyblaster with this. I think it would look really cool. Great job. :)

  9. I like it. The coloring is especially cool, and nice use of Throwbot parts.I also like that it turns into a cendox-v1.

    Thanks. :) One of the original ideas I had was to make a transforming Jetrax T6, but I decided to do something smaller to get used to building TransforMOCs.

    Cool im amazed how people get these things to work. I disagree with you about you opinion about the hands in vehicle mode i think there fine. I agree you about the feet there very hard to pose right I assume for the MOC

    Thank you. :)

    Ohmygosh.. it transforms! That's awesome how you got it to do that ! I would have never been able to be that creative! Congratulations!

    Thank you. :) I'm not creative, either, I just pretty much built it as I went along, with a little bit of planning, of course. :P
  10. Even though I'm a Zerg player, I like it. :P I like how you kept the original color scheme and how you made the shoulder armour. I especially like the consturction of the legs, as you mentioned. While the feet aren't exactly right, the Stars feet were a good secondary choice. I do think that it could do with a little more "hair," but that's not too big of an isssue. Oh, and I also see you snuck a Ben 10 armour piece in there. :P It looks great, though, and I don't mind if it's Ben 10 or not. I have to ask how the heck you have the Psi Blades attached to the wrists, though. It looks like two small System rods, but I can't tell. Great job. :)

  11. Pretty cool transformation, as well as a really cool vehicle mode.Kinda like a transforming Cendox V-1

    Thank you. :)

    This would be amazing even if it didn't transform, but the transformation just adds to the awesomeness. The only really small think I don't like are the HF parts on the forearms with the lava design. If you have them in just plain black, it would look better. Overall wonderful MoC. :)

    Thank you. Unfortunately, I don't have any of those armour pieces in black, so I had to improvise. Do they come in that size?

    That is pretty awesome. I can't get enough of the transformation gimmick. That rocks!

    Thank you. It took me a while for figure it out. :P
  12. Time Trap is my favourite of the books. There are plenty of reasons why, and most of them have already been posted. Tied for second are Challenge of the Hordika and Legacy of Evil, the former because I loved the atmosphere of it, as well as when it was 'revealed' that the Toa Metru weren't destined to be Toa, as well as the battle between the Zivon and Tahtorak. I liked how Legacy of Evil showed what the rest of the universe was somewhat like, instead of seeing the world from the viewpoint of the Toa, as well as Zaktan finding out about the plan, or however much he knew of it.

  13. 23.jpgSo... This is pretty much the only MOC I made over the entire Summer. Guess where my priorities weren't. :PAnyways, so I saw all of Transformers: Animated, Beast Machines, Transformers: Robots in Disguise, and the first half of the original Transformers show (about episode 50-ish, about when the 80's movie takes place). I grew up with Beast Wars, so I saw most of the episodes, so I saw the ones I didn't see, but yeah, I want to make some TransforMOCs. :PInstead of doing what I usually do (making an already-created Transformer out of Bionicle), I wanted to do something original. After deciding to do a snowmobile (mainly because I had Cendox to base it off of), I looked up snowmobile on the Transformers wiki and didn't see one, so I picked that. :P That's also the reason the color scheme is what it is, so please keep that in mind.Some story elements: Frostbyte was an infamous sharpshooter and assasin in the Decepticon ranks, as well as one of the few Decepticons incapable of flight. He more than makes up for this with his special camo plating, his silence and coldness, and his ability to wait extremely long periods of time for his target. Frostbyte can blend into any background and even use the plating to adjust to normal temperatures and filter out uneccessary motions. When offline, however, the armor is bright yellow and black, which then makes him farily easy to spot. The armor also has some bugs in it, so it sometimes flickers on and off very briefly. Frostbyte was one of the Decepticons to leave with Megatron to track down and board the Ark, the Autobot's ship that departed to search for Energon. Since then, he has been stationed in Russia, Alaska, and Tibet to search for Energon as well as keep tabs on any Autobots that he encounters. Frostbyte is armed with a pair of dual arm guns as well as two large shredder swords.Vehicle Mode01.jpgFrontLeftBackRightTransform!1234567891011Robot Mode17.jpgFrontLeftBackRightGuns flipped backPretty much the only things I don't like are the arms and the feet when in vehicle mode. The arms stand out too much and I think there's too much of a gap between the feet as well. But, aside from that, I'm pretty happy. Oh, yeah, the shin pieces are supposed to be like the flames you see on motorcycles. :PPlease comment and enjoy! :biggrin:

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