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Everything posted by Orahklas

  1. Thank you for the birthday wishes, however I am here to bid you goodbye.

  2. Hi, its been okay for me thanks, a little busy but I'd expected that. How's yours been?

  3. Nice to know that your still alive :P

    I'm just really busy at the moment.

  4. I didn't think I'd seen you posting, still, how've you been?

  5. Yo, long(ish) time no see.

  6. Hi, I'm okay thanks, just a little busy. Yourself?

  7. Happy Birthday, hope you enjoyed it. ~Oh~
  8. Well congratulations on the admin job, sounds interesting.

  9. What good timing, I've just got back from traveling, how are you?

  10. Great thanks, I hope to start writing by August. How are your comics going?

  11. It is unfortunate that your in the same poll as Roa, though you could still get through on the wildcard.

  12. The Polls are up already! I forgot to look!

  13. Lol thanks. Cute personal pic.

  14. The Admiral has risen...

  15. No problem, I'll wait on the edge of my seat.


  16. Any chance of a sneak-peak of your BBC54 entry?

  17. So, how's your BBC54 entry going? It still sounds impressive.

  18. Sounds cool, I've been sent back to the drawing board...


  19. Any clues on your idea?

  20. I know what I'll be entering...


  21. ZOMG!


  22. Awsome! I like the slight hint of green amongst the grey, it gives a dirty metallic look, the only thing that doesn't look quite right is that the heels ( I think they're heels) don't touch the ground, but then, never having played Halo, I wouldn't have the slightest idea what a Ash' Vardas'ee would look like. ~Oh~
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