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Grey Snow

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Grey Snow

  1. Grey Snow
    A teacher at my high school died this morning. I guess last night his car was hit by a train and he died at I think one A.M. this morning. A history teacher, I don't know what he specifically taught. I did not have him, but the teachers were all in tears this morning along with many students. This is why I hate Freshmen, they don't care about this stuff because they didn't have him. Just because of that, they don't care. That's why we all hate them. He was in his mid 30's, mid or early, and had five young children. I believe yesterday was one's birthday too.
    We mourn his passing.
  2. Grey Snow
    I just got The Final Battle about, maybe two hours ago, did some work, then got a chance to finish it a few minutes ago.
    Incredible book. All I have to say.
    The end. I was shocked by the ending of the book. It makes me want to get the 09 books and beyond, (I'll likely read what happens on BS01 or something though, I'm not buying sets or anything beyond 08) to figure this out. You just have to know the end and you'll be shocked by it. It is a shocking ending that actually can't make me just stop paying complete attention to the story.
  3. Grey Snow
    That pretty much sums up Rescue Force, I just love that quote. The video that goes with it is great too, just go to said video site and type in Tomica Hero Rescue Force Promo, fifth video down, or watch the first episode, but this is the easier way, just watching the promo. It's just great, it shows how it sets itself differently from Super Sentai, fighting the footsoldiers he says that in episode 1, just great.
  4. Grey Snow
    Tomica Hero Rescue Force episode 25, part 2 of 3. The blue armored member, Hikaru (R1), became R1 Max, the next upgrade, and used his buzzsaw weapon to defeat the three enemy generals (one has a barrier, one is just too armored to be damaged, one is just...a good fighter I guess), all the foosoldiers present, and the main enemy of this part of the show, Deaen, in one shot while destroying the sentry guns targeting them, all in one shot from the buzzsaw's blade acting as a boomerang.
    Do that Power Rangers, and then blow up a giant space base that can turn about half the world into sand once it activates. (then again, Deaen did that when the possession on him was removed...he blew it up from within, but that's beside the point)
  5. Grey Snow
    For multiple reasons, but let's just stick to this one, their site won't load for me to watch Power Rangers: Jungle Fury's episode for next Monday: Tigers Fall, Lions Rise. I don't want to wait till Monday if its about to be the season finale, and since the Griffon and Phoenix forms are used. I hate Disney now more than ever...
  6. Grey Snow
    Farewell. I may not have watched much of you anymore, but you hold great memories.
    I remember watching you weekdays, watching G Gundam, .Hack//Sign (I believe was on weekend Toonami), Rurouni Kenshin, all leading me to buy the series on DVD not too long ago, over fifteen discs in all for these three series. I also remember Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball and its incarnations and more.
    I remember the miniseries where the ship was overrun, leading to a new Tom as host.
    I remember.
    So, farewell. May CartoonNetwork burn for all I care for their insolence, but farewell, and thanks for the memories.
  7. Grey Snow
    I'm making a club like Adventurer's Club. It will have a purpose unlike Adventurer's, those who have joined will be known as members of the Knights of the Round. I'll announce our point later if I get joiners.
    Please join.
  8. Grey Snow
    My next name shall be:
    (Koji is taken by an innactive member...)
    Edit: I guess this became a Portal discussion too...
  9. Grey Snow
    Yes, I know what I shall name myself next. If I wasn't so addicted to Rescue Force I wouldn't have named myself R1 (not going to try to spell the rest), but now that I'm writing Gekifury, I will call myself Black Lion Rio next time with the quote in my sig:
    "As purely fierce as a lion, as powerful as a lion. The one destined to rule the world, my name is the Black Lion Rio."
    And an avatar, likely this:
    or this:
  10. Grey Snow
    I lost it yesterday, just got it back! Though I had it over 1 year somehow, I think when I was "Awaiting Authorization" during Christmas and I think I got extra time since I couldn't be active two or three weeks in there....
    But one step away from Outstanding! In six months I have to renew, if I want to renew again...
  11. Grey Snow
    I shall change my name to either Sir Koji: Knight of Portal, or R1. R1 is from the show Tomica Hero Rescue Force which I recently became addicted to yesterday, watching subbed episodes on the internet. Currently I'm starting Episode 6 as I write this. I love this theme song...
  12. Grey Snow
    I missed the Portal series finale Friday. Two episodes were on Thursday, got back today, left Thursday, watched the tape, saw both Thursday episodes during the show's original run, but then, Friday's, something else taped.
    Thursday morning we had a problem with the program, it didn't record, so we hit the record button even though we had a set program. The program didn't work, set the record for one hour, it taped. The Friday program seemed to work, but either, wrong day, or wrong time. Now, for the second time, I've missed the Portal series finale. I've been asking around, hoping someone will upload it to a video site, but I know what happens, someone told me that much at least. And the last six minutes I've seen on YT, the last ten or fifteen seconds are really sad if you watch and love the show...
  13. Grey Snow
    Ok, anyone interested in this, like Ferrius, tell me what else you'd want.
    Story: As if the events of the series never happened, Dave is still in The Hub. Basically you create a character and go to the different worlds, the different types of areas, like sci fi worlds, mideavel (sp) worlds, etc. But, as before, there are threats. Threats within the worlds, and a main threat behind it all. Dave must monitor these worlds and help the warriors in these worlds who fight the enemy while Dave deals with the real world.
    Worlds: You go from MMORPG to MMORPG basically, like in the show. Your form changes to match as do your weapons. Your image (below) is your different world forms. The worlds to begin with are:
    Sci Fi (Shadow of Avalon): sort of like Star Wars type technological advances, colonization to other worlds, mechanical implants, etc.
    Medieval (sp) (Fantasy of Ruin): mostly historical with some elements of magic, sorcery, etc.
    Fantasy (think Final Fantasy) (World of Chaos): think Final Fantasy
    Sci Fi/not too far into the future (Crisis Center): year 2100, less advances than Shadow of Avalon, but mostly that sort of world. This world also holds mafia types like the Time Meddlers, those who can access portals and they usually go to Fantasy of Ruin to sell these weapons and items, highly illegal.
    More worlds become available as the story progresses.
    *Note: these are just names I've come up with for games
    Rules and Abilities:
    *All standard BZP rules apply.
    *No God-Modding.
    *This is a literate RPG, no one sentance posts.
    *You are in the world you choose until you can open a personal Portal or Dave opens a Portal for you.
    *You can be a villain, but only one player can be at a time. In this case you can have multiple characters, since it's likely the villain will eventually be taken care of...
    *There are many plot twists, hidden connectinos between characters, etc. You're on a need to know basis since it's likely not even I know some of this information.
    *You can only have weapons that coinside with the world you're in.
    *You can affect plot, but you can't do something major, like go to a sci fi world, make a superweapon, and slaughter the entire world or something, or claim who the true enemy really is, etc.
    *You will gain the ability to open your own portals based on how your character develops, develops by the paths they take, if they're a hero, wanderer, villain, etc. Personal portals allow you to move place to place without Dave's assistance, you can only get them when allowed by a host. They differ based on how you act, maybe you can go world to world with yours, maybe someone else can go area to area in the same world, etc.
    *It is likely Ferrius will act as a co-host.
    Starting World:
    Class (wanderer, hero, villain, etc.):
    Name: Dave
    Image: (best I could find of him) http://www.g4rewind.com/videos/thumbnails/pulse_dave.jpg
    Bio: He somehow came across the Hub and with the computer VAL he monitors the virtual worlds.
    And that's all you need to know of Dave
    My character:
    Name: The Wanderer
    Personality: cold, a wanderer, one of the greatest heroes in the worlds
    Weapon(s): Blade and shield
    Starting World: Fantasy of Ruin
    Class: Wanderer/hero
    Ferrius, if you want to help with this, and I'm sure you will, please PM me.
    Name: Golden Raven

    Personality: bright, cheery, if you've seen Portal, sort of like Sunny Dove, but not as happy as he seemed up to Bloody's death.
    Weapon(s): sword, shield
    Starting World: World of Chaos
    Class: Hero
    Name: Black Raven
    Personality: cruel, sadistic, excellent fighter, especially in firefights
    Weapon(s): two blasters
    Starting World: Shadow of Avalon
    Class: meta-healer
    Name: Merosh
    Personality: a skilled fighter and former knight, now a wanderer
    Weapon(s): dagger
    Starting World: Fantasy of Ruin
    Class: wanderer/hero
    More to come:
  14. Grey Snow
    First off, I don't know if this went through last time, so if this did, and was deleted before, please PM me why it happened. But anyway.
    I made this for another forum to use, too large to use here (though I downsized it for the other sites), but I finally did it. A few images ended up in the wrong places, like the logo should have been in the middle, but oh well.

    Portal shall live forever...
  15. Grey Snow
    I saw it on Discovery Channel. Those people were heroic, though dead, it must have been an honor to help in that fight. It's just amazing that they did that, that they took the ultimate step in the war on terror. I'm just surprised the other planes didn't do this, but then again, this plane knew the others had crashed. But, I wish we knew hwo it all happened, how it all ended, we don't have the details as far as I know.
  16. Grey Snow
    I have to register for school tommorow...I hope to see someone who was held back (tommorow is 9 and 12 registration, I'm going with my sister since I can, I'm in 10), so I hope to see him and someone I know in 12. I hope they meet each other, that would be great...
    But something else, I finished my Lewa Nuva Imperial Armor form, his form from my epic, Kingdoms of Nightmare suited to his wind kingdom of Xia. I'm proud of it.
    That's it.
  17. Grey Snow
    Ok, a new BBC for my blog, the last one was Karzahni Pre-Pit, but this will be different.
    Originally this was different, then I saw Shadow Kurahk was doing the same, that I would be coppying him, but though this may not be as succesful as his, this is for building Toa, Order, Makuta and DH and others.
    So here's a basic list:
    The Hagah: Kualus, Bomonga, Pouks, Gaaki
    Makuta: Miserix (humanoid form), Kojol
    DH: Triglax, Lariska, Phantom
    Order: Jerbraz, Tobduk, Johmak, Helryx
    Other: The Pre-Pit Barraki, Toa Nidhiki, Toa Tuyet
    Prizes: Um...I don't know at this point.
    I don't really care if this gets a lot of people to join or not, but if anyone's interested, join.
  18. Grey Snow
    Aikka walked through the palace on Nourasia, the sun was setting which cast a pinkish glow on the walls. It had been one year since the Great Race of Oban had ended, though he faced hardships during that time, he decided it was better than what was currently happening, other than one detail, his fiancé.
    He entered the bedchamber, there was only a bed in the open, the dresser, wardrobe and other such items were against the walls so no possible assailant could hide behind them and wait for the occupant, in this case the King of Nourasia, to sleep. The windows were barred and he checked under the bed and inside the wardrobe, revealing no one.
    Since his father, King Lao, had died about six months ago, and his mother, Queen Nori, had refused to rule alone, or remarry, Aikka had been crowned King, despite being young and unmarried.
    He saw a small picture of himself on the dresser next to the bed, it wasn’t his bedchamber, it was his fiancée Luna’s.
    Luna had reported to him that she felt odd sleeping in there, she felt threatened, so he had taken her chamber for the night and she his. He felt fine with it, especially since only they knew in case of an assailant in the castle, and he had no threats on him yet, which gave him an odd feeling, why was Luna feeling threatened?
    He slipped his armor off and threw on a light white robe he had brought with him. He put his dagger next to the picture of himself and laid down in the bed, then he heard the stealthy scratching sound. He heard it once and wasn’t sure if he had imagined it, he was tired, or if it had been there.
    He put it out of his head and threw the covers over his body and was ready to sleep, when he heard it again, nearby.
    He sat up and grabbed his dagger and got out of bed. He drew the blade and put the tip of the blade under the pillow and lifted it up slowly to reveal a scorpion with tail reared back. Had he laid his head upon the pillow it would have struck.
    It saw him and reared back to leap forward and strike when he withdrew his blade, allowing the pillow to fall back, and he slammed the flat of his blade on top of the pillow repeatedly, crushing the scorpion into a crushed heap and red stain on the sheets and pillow.
    Canaan ran in and expected to find Luna, but found Aikka and saw the mess, “What happened?”
    “Someone put a scorpion under Luna’s pillow, someone tried to kill her. It’s good she wanted to swap rooms for the night, she felt threatened in here.” Aikka replied.
    “But this room is guarded all day until evening when the chambers are locked down, so how did someone sneak that in?” Canaan wondered.
    Aikka walked to the window and tugged on one bar, it came loose and off, “Someone cut through them and replaced them, that’s how the assailant got in.” Aikka told Canaan.
    “But why would someone want to kill Luna, not you? Surely this was an attempt at her life, you would have been a swifter target to execute surely.” Canaan said.
    “I know, that’s what bothers me.” Aikka replied as he stripped the bed bare of its sheets and pillow, all that was stained, “We’ll figure it out in the morning.”
    “I’ll position a guard at each of your doors and take a look at the windows in your chamber and take care of these bars before I go.” Canaan told Aikka.
    He nodded and wondered, Why would Luna be the target? What importance does she have other than my fiancé?
  19. Grey Snow
    I have a new Oban Star Racers Season 2 epic coming soon, I finally started today and it should be good. I had an old one that I won't finish posting likely, I'll post it elsewhere, somewhere else with forums, but Shadows of Destiny will continue at some point for a few chapters at least, likely, but I lost about five chapters I won't post since I won't rewrite them, but A New Enemy will be more original than Shadows was, keeping the same characters, some of the same events (Luna's for instance), and I think that's all I have to update with.
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