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Grey Snow

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Grey Snow

  1. Grey Snow
    I asked but no answer, so which name is the best for an epic? The epic is Oban Star Racers Season 2.
    1.Shadowed Destiny
    2.Shadows of Twilight
    3.The Darkened Twilight
    4.The Darkened Dawn
    Which name?
    I called it Shadows of Destiny or something like that.
  2. Grey Snow
    At the suggestion of a member and myself I'm hosting a Karzahni Pre-Pit MoCing contest here. Post your MoC's in the BBC and give me the links. Later I'll have members vote on their favorite MoC and the winner will have the honor of having the best Karzahni MoC based on the member's opinions.
    One MoC of Karzahni and at least two of his Matoran, make them look as you want, damaged, enhanced like the Voya-Toran, etc.
    Post it in BBC with a link to this blog in the initial post and say its for this.
    Since he can rebuild himself, it doesn't have to be black and gold, it can be any color really, like it showed in the Atlas.
    If you use a mask like a Hau, and just that, you will probably be told to fix it, but Kongu Inika's mask is fine as a stand alone mask because of how it looks.
    PM me the links to the MoC's so I can post them.
    Important: Mocers can vote, but not for themselves.
    In the blog, say who you vote for and I'll keep track of it, if you edit your post to change your answer, your vote will be void.
    Winner will have the honor of having the best Karzahni Pre-Pit MoC, and maybe I'll host more contests, like Barraki Pre-Pit.
    Deadline is 11-25-07, or maybe prior if I decide.
  3. Grey Snow
    Voting will begin here on the 9th. You should not vote before then, more entries may come in.
    Any discussion should go here.
    Scorpion Kings
    Elemental Rahaga's
    More may come in.
  4. Grey Snow
    I know there is a good Avatar the Last Airbender community here, and any fans please post here. I have an idea that I'm running by FFBuu so as soon as he responds to my PM information will be disclosed. I'll post a new entry with the information, but fans post under this entry.
  5. Grey Snow
    A few questions for anyone reading.
    Religious discussion removed.
    2: apparently I haven't said this well enough anywhere else, but:

    Ok, do I wait and hope for her to return, I never had a relationship with her other than friendship, or do I move on? Though I do think to move on soon since I believe my duty to be to the present instead of praying about the past and future; her return and other things I can't state. Any good advice; move on or keep praying, etc.?
  6. Grey Snow
    Well, round one is about to begin, on the third to be exact, but I wanted this up already. The entries will be posted shortly.
    Let voing begin.
    Prize: First prize picture will be put in my blog, as a single image, I won't put it in a grouping, like what I have on the sides, so I'll recognize the winner here, and all winners in later contests.
    Scorpion Kings
    Elemental Rahaga's
    More to come, maybe.
  7. Grey Snow
    I'm not entering, but I'm giving some advice of things I'll be looking for.
    1. mask; don't use a stand alone mask unless you use Kongu Inika's, it looks good enough alone. If you don't know how to make a good mask, take one that looks good and flat, maybe a Hau, then put some pieces, maybe another mask over the top and attach with a rubber band.
    2. chains; Maxilos, Jaller Mahri and Vezon can be used and just make a long one.
    3. armor; since he can rebuild himself, use any color really, though black and gold/yellow are best.
    4. matoran; two custom matoran, can be damaged, like the crazy Av-Matoran, or can be enhanced, like the Voya-Toran.
    That's all I have, I'll edit this with more if I think of anything.
    Edit: If anyone has any other suggestions, post it in the discussion of this entry.
  8. Grey Snow
    This is a contest for Pachacamac; making combiners that never were that there should be like the Rahi-Nui, Toa Nidhiki, Lariska and more. Here are some suggestions quoted from his topic:

    Other suggestions:

    1. The combiners have to be actual characters/creatures/machines/etc. that have appeared in the Bionicle story; no fan mocs or anything like that. I'm sure everyone knows that, but I just want to make sure.
    2. Only sets from the same year or from the same story arc of years can be combined for the contest; in other words, no mixing between 2001-2003, 2004-2005, and 2006-2007 sets. Any sets that are in those particular years can be put together, but nothing else except masks; Volitak can be used in the Nidhiki MOC for this contest and anything else like that needed.
    I may have some more later, but that's it for now.
    Any suggestions that aren't listed above should be put in the next entry.
    Deadline: To be determined.
    Prize: 1 winner from each year will be put in my blog in the contest winners image slot.
    Rounds: Rounds will be determined based on the number of entrants.
    Good luck.
  9. Grey Snow
    I don't know why I ask these questions on BZPower, but no one knows who I am and I don't care to turn to some of my friends for help.
    My feelings are for one girl, and she's moved away for reasons I can't state, and I don't know if I'll see her again. Her last day at my school last year was the day I was planning on asking her out, but that was a Monday and for reasons on the school day we had prior, I decided to ask Wednesday.
    Her last day was Monday, that wasn't good for me, but I've had time to think and really change a lot more.
    The thing is, the girl I had feelings for prior is starting to get into my mind more. I have homeroom and history with her and maybe english, though that depends on the teachers since the class was split in half.
    I don't know if I have feelings for this girl again, but I know that I would protect her with my life as I would the girl I have feelings for. I have no idea what to think or do. Any suggestions would be welcome.
  10. Grey Snow
    Yes, the time for voting is drawing near, I'm only awaiting a few responses from people to see if their MOCs will enter or not, I believe two, Yoshirock (sorry if the name is wrong) and another, not sure who it is though, or if I have the message back yet.
    Well, back on track, on the first, or later if needed for some entrants, voting will begin in another entry that shall be provided shortly after this one, maybe two or three entries after.
    The voters will go to that one, and put in the name of their favorite MOC. If its edited, I might remove the vote because someone could have made a deal with that person.
    In the case that something goes wrong in the posting process, I'll edit the post myself to fix it so you won't lose your vote.
    Well, there are about five people entering, so at tht time, the five or so will be voted on, and the one with the least votes is eliminated.
    In the case of a draw, I'll PM afew people and have them vote. These people will be random, but may come mainly from the BBC or members I like on this site, like my friends, though I won't turn to them, because you may try to get to them first.
    Once round one is finished, round two starts. The remaining MOCs will be voted on again, but with a twist, when that time comes, you'll see what it is.
    That's all for now, I hope voting will go well when it comes.
  11. Grey Snow
    I want to take up swordsmanship to increase my skill, but I have no idea of what type of sword to use, I like this sword, using the twin swords.
    I also like this normal katana, hm, any suggestions on what type would be better?
  12. Grey Snow
    If you read my last entry then you'd know that I had five or six classes in a row with the girl I wanted to see again. Unfortunatly yesterday in my Biology class that she would have been in, the teacher said she was removed from the seating chart, so she won't be there, I don't expect sympothy, but I continued to pray for months since I'm religious, and now I'm questioning in my prayers, why? Have I not been a worthy enough servent of my master, the Lord?
    Edit: I forgot this earlier. I've been working on Barraki Pre-Pit art, my Carapar is the only good one for what I can do. It had some of my heart in it, my other five are horrible for the sole reason that it lacked my heart. They would have been even worse if I worked on them after I found out. They're only early sketches, but still, even though they're only sketches, they're horrible. I can't move on yet in my life because I still keep praying and hoping.
  13. Grey Snow
    Well this is my first attempt at making a blog.
    School has just started and I'm a freshman this year. My new school is pretty good so far, I haven't been late yet even though they excuse you the first week, but the main reason I made this blog is for this purpose. The person I wrote about in my signiture that I want to see again, that I'll protect with my life, left school after spring break last year and I'm not sure where she moved to. There are ten hours in my school, and she's in my third through eigth hour classes, that's an improvement over the three (or four depending if you cound gym one day and study hall the next at the same period as one or two classes) last year, but the problem is she has yet to be here.
    I've heard some things, that she's supposed to be here by the end of next week, but then I've heard that she wasn't, I'm hoping the prior is correct. She's the main reason I respect and follow the morals of the knight: honor and chivalry so much. I hope that anyone who reads this will hope for the best for me.
  14. Grey Snow
    Yup, I'm going to hire myself out. If you want a MOC created by me:
    For all MOCS:
    MOC: (Toa? Makuta? Titan? Vehicle? Rahi? Etc.)
    For Toa/Makuta/Titan/Similar MOC:
    Color Scheme:
    Kanohi/Helmet: (if applicable)
    Anything Else:
    For Vehicle:
    Vehicle Design: (motorcycle, boat, etc.)
    Rider Size:
    Anything Else:
    For Rahi/Creature:
    Animal Type:
    Color Scheme:
    Anything Else:
    You can submit up to three proposals for me at any given time.
    I will do them in the order that I receive them.
    Post them here, do not PM them to me.
    If I do not have the parts to complete your MOC, I will let you know and ask if any changes can be made to go with that. Otherwise, I will have to decline ones I cannot build.
    I will post in my blog with a link to the topic that your MOC is hosted in upon completion.
    Come back any time, but you must wait a week after I have completed your MOC(s) before you can request again.
    I will finish within three days once I have taken your request, unless something comes up, or you will get rule-free requests-five of them-for one month, should I fail within the time limit.
    Unfortunately, most of my new, best MOCs are still on my camera, and I will not upload them until they are needed. So here's only a few samples, not the best by any means, however, but pretty good.
    Makuta Eish
    Gallery for a contest, Deadshot
    Mistika and Takanuva
  15. Grey Snow
    To anyone who has read/is reading the Bara Magna Chronicles, some new information as of tonight:
    1. 40 chapters is the 2010 storyline. I am on, I believe, the 16th chapter as of today.
    2. The chapters, instead of continuing "Round" is going to change, showing the change in storyline. It becomes "Sermon".
    3. At the least, two short stories will be written and posted as companion storylines to go with the 40 chapters. One is instrumental in bridging the gap between the chapter I wrote yesterday, and the storyline that continues into today's chapter that I'm writing, and beyond to the final chapter. The other is just to bring some characterization that I want to get inside, but hadn't the room to put into actual chapters.
    4. MOCs of most characters were done, and now, the only "unseen" characters will be Certavus and the Lords. Certavus is not the official image in real canon, but when we see the Lords, they will be, most likely. The Sisters of the Skrall will be drawn, not MOCed, most likely.
    That's about it.
  16. Grey Snow
    "Shotaro Hidari", and I get someone else to become "Phillipe", and as such, we both use Kamen Rider W avatars, and a third member to be "Cyclone Joker" or "Kamen Rider W".
    Any Rider fans up for that?
  17. Grey Snow
    Go here.
    I said yes since I myself will use religion as an aspect in one of my epics. Faith or religion can be a powerful thing, a powerful tool, a motivator, anything. And I found the perfect way to bring it into play in an epic.
  18. Grey Snow
    To all of my fans of the epic "Lightstone", I pose this question.
    Should I make a second epic? Sure, the characters are appearing in the Kingdoms of Nightmare Trilogy, but, should I make another Lightstone epic that coincides with KoN?
    For those of you who don't know what Lightstone is, it's an epic involving Matoro after his death. He was revived by unknown means-well, he's not truly living. He's just...there. He can't die. He can be destroyed, but technically he can't "die". Matoro is thrust into leadership of an elite team by the Order of Mata Nui as they enter the Destiny War.
    The Lightstone unit (a name that Matoro decided on) is led by Matoro, with disowned Order members named Introk and Torshia, and two Toa, a Toa of Water named Rhylm and Earth named Orwik.
    For more information on the first ten or so chapters, go here. It's likely not going to be updated since I rarely go to BS01 anymore.
    The team's goal is to protect the Matoran from any threats, native or alien. This has taken them all across the Matoran Universe, battling many forces. From mutated Rahi to dangerous beasts from the Void-a dimension opposite the Matoran Universe in essence, a real of darkness in a way. They fight and win on behalf of the Matoran Universe.
    They have been joined by others, including the Memory Changer from the Void, named Shkorl, and Hahli Mahri, with the rest of the Toa Mahri during the final two chapters of Part 2 (chapters 11-20). Also, with the beastly Klofn, the manipulating Wesker and others, including two of their ultimate enemies, the Phantorians.
    Lightstone is "Outside the Order, above the Toa. Arming the Matoran race against the future. Now is when everything changes, and Lightstone is ready."
    Members have had terrible lives in the past, mainly slaughter of someone or some people near to them.
    All five members have died at least once. Matoro, of course has died. The other four members died against their first major enemy's life stealing ability, but were revived later on, upon its death, rending Matoro into a coma.
    The only other death in the team had been Orwik. He was killed by a scientist, but revived for a brief minute to give the team a goodbye. He didn't die again, he stayed in a living death state.
    Lightstone has worked alongside the Resistance in a post apocalyptic future ruled by the Toa Nuva in the Kingdoms of Nightmare Trilogy's first epic.
    Now, I need to know what to do with them. Should they just continue on as more minor characters, or, should they be in the spotlight once more, in their own new epic?
  19. Grey Snow
    The finale aired tonight. And I must say, it was amazing.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Henry was the killer-Wakefield's son. My theory was right that means, although the kills weren't a result of blacking out, like he said he did when JD died, but he did it on purpose. He told Trish, before he kills her, that he killed her father and JD because they could ruin the wedding, or something along those lines. This later proves to be seemingly false, since he was just using Trish as a pawn in his game to get Abbey to the island.
    He loved Abbey-how he loved her wasn't explained. If he wanted to marry her or something, or if it was simply a sibling love, wasn't explained. I'm leaning towards the former, however disturbing that was.
    As he looks to be about to kill Abbey after he killed Wakefield and faked the deaths of he, Abbey and Jimmy (Jimmy was to sign a confession as Wakefield's accomplice, since Shea and Madison survived and would claim there was an accomplice to let him out of jail).
    Jimmy attacked him, and they fell off a cliff or bluff or something. Abbey ran down, and rammed Wakefield's knife-which Henry threw down a little earlier-into Henry. He dies as he says he loves her.
    Jimmy and Abbey are on the coastguard boat together, leaving the island together.
    It cuts to the camera from the yacht, showing the main cast talking about the wedding, giving their regards and stuff. It ends with Henry talking to it, about the wedding, on the island already. He smiled to Trish-as he was giving the message to her-and it freezes, zooming in on his face.
    Cut to credits.
    So, the list of survivors:
    Deaths of the episodes:
    Danny: Wakefield fights him as he breaks out of the prison (Henry slipped him the key). They fight, Danny smashes a phone into his face to knock him back and buy Madison and Shea time to escape (since the women can't shoot for some reason). He grabs Danny's head, and slams it into a spike on the desk to kill him.
    Trish: Henry runs out to search for Wakefield after someone crashes into their housing's door. He grabs the gun, runs out, and tells her to lock it. She does, and soon, Wakefield kicks it down and runs after her. She slips out the bedroom window of the little house they're in and runs into Henry (minus his gun). He has his knife (a small one, not the boarding knife Wakefield uses) and stabs her in the side after confessing to her.
    Sully: He and Henry go to where the coast guard helicopter will land, and Henry confesses to him. Sully thinks it a joke, until he sees the knife. He shoots, but Henry removed the bullets at the shack. He says Wakefield's behind Sully. He says he's not stupid, but Wakefield tells him he really is there. He was about to swing the gun at Henry, then turns around, then he's stabbed by Henry.
    Wakefield: Henry betrays him after he shoots at Jimmy in the burning church (Jimmy rammed a flare at Wakefield, burning him (you could see the burn on his chest) and then throws it. He runs and is shot at by Henry, left for about ten minutes, then it reveals him alive, imprisoned by Henry. As they catch up to Abbey, Wakefield behind her, her stabs at her, and goes past her, stabbing Wakefield to kill him.
    Henry: As he walks to Jimmy and Abbey on the rocky beach, she grabs the boarding knife and runs him through.
    Can't wait for DVDs.
  20. Grey Snow
    My newest (well, if you don't count the Zero Chronicles which I started after this one...) epic is here.
    The Bara Magna Chronicles
    It tells my version of the 2009 storyline, the first 35 chapters being about mainly the winter sets, and the next 35 or so being summer storyline. (with changes all around to make it original)
    Hopefully anyone looking for a good Bara Magna storyline will give it a chance. I put a lot of work into making this storyline flow, making the characters my own, writing their hardships, victories, personalities, and everything else (especially the introduction of new Glatorian into all four main tribes) about them.
    Hopefully you'll enjoy it and fuel it onto a 2010 storyline as well (assuming we stay on Bara Magna and I get new inspiration, unless I go with my other plans for the storyline...). Or if we do Bara Magna stuff for the C.I.R.C.L.E anytime soon, then I can get my ideas out.
    I'm really hoping the changes I made to the story will be enjoyed, and the character stats, scoring and statistics will be well worthwhile.
    Well, that's it for me. Enjoy with Round 1 tomorrow.
  21. Grey Snow
    The epic is finally finished. Well, it had been, but I mean, it's fully posted now.
    Starting in a few days, my new epic. The Bara Magna Chronicles will start being posted.
    Hopefully any readers will get enjoyment from it-I know I am writing it.
  22. Grey Snow
    As an idea while speaking with Toa Syaoran, with the new Shunraiki part 2 out, I decided to change my display name to another Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles based name.
    Toa Fay.
    Taken from the character Fay D. Flourite, my personal favorite character in the series, especially after Acid Rain Tokyo/Tokyo Revelations.
    Don't know when I'll be back to normal or anything, but I'm keeping this name for at least 30 days.
    To anyone who hasn't seen Tsubasa or read it, it's an amazing series definitely worth a watch or read.
    That is all.
    Also, I finished Kingdoms of Nightmare: Empires of the Shadow Nuva. I finished the first epic of the trilogy. So...yeah, it's done.
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